Second Thread ✂ [Action]

Dec 29, 2010 17:06

[Anyone who's currently at the park in the Metropolis District might notice a girl all dressed up in fashionable winter wear carting around a pig cat plushie in her arms. She had been walking around for quite some time now, looking for a place for her to see if her psych was still working. It was a bonus for her that there won't be any staring if ( Read more... )

master eraqus, silver, shiki misaki, lexaeus, eco, oc: bambi, neku sakuraba, oc: rion lyon, lightning

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Comments 123

mumdies December 29 2010, 12:56:30 UTC
[Bambi wanders around the city on a daily basis, dog curiosity to know about any changes or newcomers, and he stops when he sees the walking plushie. That's definitely new. He stays back and watches for a while, figuring out from the girl's motions that she's controlling it, wonders if she's a Local, but she doesn't seem to be acting right for that. Well, if she doesn't reply to his question then it's no skin off his nose.]

You wish for that?


1/2 spazalot December 29 2010, 13:07:51 UTC
[Whoops. Shiki didn't factor in that there are people who aren't Locals, the ones who were trapped in this place like her. They're the ones who would pay attention to what she was doing.]

Ahhhh! [She turns around, startled; looking for the owner of the voice. Mr. Mew quickly jumped and sat on her shoulder, looking curiously at the stranger that approached them.]


spazalot December 29 2010, 13:11:46 UTC
[Okaaay, deep breaths, Shiki. She puts a hand to her chest, heaving a deep sigh of relief before answering him.]

Ahaha... No, uh, I sorta can do this back home already.


mumdies December 29 2010, 14:28:27 UTC
[Her startled response startles him, and he goes tense, has a little mental battle with himself not to respond like the high-strung chihuahua in his head thinks he should. No bared teeth or nervous barking, instead he just half-mumbles,]

Didn't mean to scare you, sorry.

[He looks between the toy on her shoulder and her.]

You a witch?


artof_war December 29 2010, 17:14:12 UTC
That's an interesting ability you have there.

[Lexaeus had been just using the park as a short-cut to get back home, but he had paused when he had seen the girl and her... doll. He's always interested to learn about new forms of magic... Or other abilities.]


spazalot December 30 2010, 10:14:29 UTC
[Sooob. Really, she wasn't expecting people to know that she could control a stuffed toy with her mind. ;;]

Uhhh, thanks. I guess...?

[Mr. Mew is not even in battle mode yet! 8Da; The plushie jumps and Shiki catches him in her arms. He's staring into your soul at you Lexaeus. :|]

Ah, um, can I help you with something? [Curious headtilt is a go. There wasn't really anything more to see since Shiki called off Mr. Mew from moving around again.]


artof_war December 30 2010, 17:50:21 UTC
If you don't mind explaining what you just did, that would be appreciated.

[It's debatable if he even has a soul, whoooo He just raises an eyebrow at the plushie.]

I don't want to bother you, however.


spazalot December 30 2010, 20:38:37 UTC
It's not a bother! But...

[How to explain? How to explain this without sounding crazy?.]

Uh, well, my pin [Gestures to the one on her coat.] makes him move. Sorta. He can do his own thing.


[action] calere December 29 2010, 19:12:19 UTC
[While Eco has been exploring, it's mostly been limited to the Metropolis District and the Golden District. Hence why he's wandering around today, and today just happens to be the day he sees a doll do a somersault.]

Wow! That's really cool! [Instead of walking on, or bothering, he's going to carefully sit beside Shiki's bag on the bench and smile. The cold's given him an unhealthy flush around his nose, like-- like a certain red-nosed reindeer.] How'd you do it?


[action] spazalot December 30 2010, 15:27:46 UTC
[She makes a squeak of surprise at the new voice. Shiki turns around, finding a boy sitting on the bench near her bag. Lets out a long breath, trying her best to calm herself before speaking to him.]

[He looks friendly though! And giving him a smile back.] Ah, thanks. Um, I'm the one making him move. Hehe...


[action] calere December 30 2010, 20:05:32 UTC
How's that? [He's really, truly interested; leaning in first to peer at her, then turning his attention to the cat plushie.]


[action] spazalot December 31 2010, 00:32:25 UTC
[Blinks. Okaaay, maybe a little too friendly. ;; But that's not so bad. She shakes her head, making Mr. Mew leave the bench and jump to the open palm of her hand. He isn't heavy so Eco doesn't need to worry about that.]

Well, it's my pin. [Gesturing to the Groove Pawn pinned on her coat.] Hard to believe but when I wear this, I can make Mr. Mew move.


whowasphones December 29 2010, 20:08:45 UTC
[Neku was walking through the Metropolis District, en route to Shiki's place when he happened to glance toward the park. He watched for just a moment before making his way over.]

Hey, you've got your pig with you, huh?


spazalot December 30 2010, 10:47:20 UTC

[Geez! Even here?? B| Oh, don't get her wrong. She's glad to see you but really, Neku? Really? You should know this by now.]

Mr. Mew is a cat! A C-A-T! Get it through your head for once!!

[Mr. Mew doesn't seem to mind though. He turns around, giving Neku a friendly wave. 8Da;]


whowasphones January 3 2011, 07:28:06 UTC
[Yeah well, that aside]

But he moves just like back in the UG.

[He takes out his small handful of pins.]

Do you think these pins work here, too?


spazalot January 3 2011, 10:02:14 UTC
[She sighs, pushing that aside for now. Boys.]

Yeah, he does...

[Glancing over the pins the boy had in his hand.]

Well, if I can move Mr. Mew here [She shrugs.] maybe they do. Give them a try?


ihatesteelguard December 30 2010, 04:43:36 UTC
[Not too many weird things have caught Light's attention since she has been here, but this makes her stop in her tracks for a moment. She watches curiously at the entire display.]

Is it mechanical?

[It might be a toy, but she doesn't see you holding anything.]


spazalot December 30 2010, 13:32:00 UTC
[Well, stranger things have happened. And technically, Mr. Mew is a toy. It's just that the Groove Pawn pin was the one responsible for animating his movements.]

He's not~ I'm the one moving him, actually.

[Mr. Mew will be scurrying up on Shiki's arm now and then settling himself on top of her head after a few seconds of climbing, looking curiously at Lightning. O:]


so sorry about the late tag. ._.;; ihatesteelguard January 2 2011, 14:41:07 UTC
[He's...cute. A very brief thought about her sister crept up on her, imagining how she would react if she saw this, but was soon dismissed.

So the girl was moving it?]

How so?


It's okay o/ Backtags are fine with me. d ( ' w ' ) b spazalot January 3 2011, 00:45:56 UTC
[Yeah, Serah would have probably found the plush cat adorable >w>a; Shiki giggles when Mr. Mew made the climb. It tickles! When he's finally on her head, she gives him a pat on his head before replying to Lightning.]

Well, it's my pin. [She gestures to the one she's wearing on her coat.] Whenever I wear it, I can make Mr. Mew move.


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