Challenge #233 - Entry - Anniversary

Sep 16, 2006 23:05

Title: Anniversary
Author: defy_gravityxx aka Allyson
Feedback: is golden.
Pairing: Maureen/Joanne
Word Count: 409 (yeah, I know. Short.)
Rating: T for minor language. Kinda.
Genre: General
Summary: Joanne wants to meet Maureen at the Life Café for an anniversary dinner, what if Maureen forgot?
Notes: ....I haven't written anything since challenge 200, so, I might be kinda rusty. Also, this is my first attempt at M/J, so please be nice? I tried. I was bored and decided to write something.
Special Thanks: to anyone who reads this and doesn't try to kill me.
Spoilers: Maureen's a drama queen and Joanne's an control freak.
Warnings: Language.
Disclaimer: I don't own, I rent.

Joanne glanced down at her watch as she shook her foot impatiently. She was sitting at a booth in the back of the Life Café. Today was Maureen and her two-year anniversary. She had told Maureen to meet her here after work for dinner, but of course, Maureen had yet to show up.

“I told her 5:30. It's 6:10. She better haven't forgotten.” Joanne mumbled taking a sip of her water.

Her brown eyes glanced around the somewhat empty restaurant for any sign of Maureen.

Joanne sighed slightly and looked down at the table. 'She always does this.' She glanced down at her watch once again and sighed. Leaving a tip on the table, she got up and left, walking in the direction of her apartment.

Pushing the door open, Joanne's eyes widened as she saw Maureen sitting on the couch watching some movie on Lifetime.

She glared slightly as she walked in front of the television, turning it off, and facing Maureen.

“Pookie? What the hell?” Maureen asked, blinking as she looked at her partner.

“Don't you Pookie me, where the hell were you?”

“What do you mean?”

“What's today's date?” Joanne questioned, hoping to make Maureen realize her mistake.

“November 24th.” Maureen said, slightly confused. Why the hell was Joanne asking her what day it was.

Joanne sighed. This wasn't going to be easy.

“What happened on November 24th?”

Maureen blinked a few times while she was thinking.

“Oh shit.” Maureen mumbled, biting her lip and looking up at Joanne.

“Oh shit is right. Maureen, this is our two year anniversary, how in the name of God could you forget?” Joanne ask, anger slowly rising.

“I am so sorry Pookie. You know me, I don't remember things easily.” Maureen said, pouting her lip slightly.

Joanne tried her hardest to avoid the eyes, but she just couldn't. “I'm sorry, Honey bear. I overreacted.” Joanne apologized glancing down at her shoes.

Maureen smiled slightly and walked over to Joanne, pulling her into her arms and kissing her passionately on the lips. “It's alright Pookie. I should have remembered.”

Joanne smiled and pulled Maureen back in for another kiss.

“Now how about we go celebrate our anniversary like we're supposed to do?” Maureen asked smirking slightly.

Joanne smiled before laughing lightly. “I think that's a perfect idea.”

Hours later, the two were lying in there bed, Maureen in Joanne's arms. “Happy anniversary.” Joanne whispered and the two fell asleep.

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