Challenge #233 - Lonely Nights

Sep 16, 2006 20:03

Title: Lonely Nights
Author: Evie
Feedback: Makes Angel live longer.  *nodnodnod*
Pairing: Benny/April, mentioned April/Roger
Word Count: who the hell knows?
Rating: PG-13
Summary: April gets lonely when Roger's not home.
Notes: ...BLAME AUBREY.  April is Benny's sister.  And... yes, you read that right.  *shudders*
Spoilers: ... April... is... a junkie?
Warnings:  Incest.  Oh dear god, incest.  *shudders and wails* Aubrey, you bitch, how did I let you talk me into this?
Disclaimer:  I don't own RENT.  As such, I think Jon's gonna come back from the grave to punish me for this...

It was nearly 3 am when Benny felt his bed sink under the weight of someone climbing in with him.  He blinked sleepily and turned his head to glance over his shoulder.  He sighed as he made out the smaller, dark-skinned girl curled up against his back.  "April, what are you doing?" he asked in a mumble.

"Roger's not here tonight." she said, sounding slightly pouty, slightly mischievous, and slightly... Benny sighed - she must've shot up earlier.  She wasn't really high, he could tell by her voice, but she hadn't really come down entirely, either.

"So you're... climbing into my bed in the middle of the night?"

"I was lonely.  Couldn't sleep."  Benny sighed and rolled over onto his back, letting his little sister curl up on his shoulder, his arm around her.  She made a little noise of contentment and was quiet for a moment.  Benny was beginning to think she'd fallen asleep when she shifted a little.  "Why don't you have a girlfriend, Benny?"

"I don't know." Benny shrugged a little, wanting to avoid the question.  "I just... why are you asking me this now?"  April smiled a little, a slightly Mona Lisa smile that Benny could hardly see in the dark.  He got the feeling that she knew exactly why he didn't, and that made him uncomfortable, especially when she was giving him that smile.  "Go to sleep April."

"I don't want to." she murmured, rolling on to her stomach to look at him, still pressed against his side.  "I'd rather stay up with you."  Benny swallowed hard, trying to ignore the hint of something he'd heard in her voice.

"Well.  It's late and I have work tomorrow, so no." he said, laying back and closing his eyes.  He felt her shift her weight onto his chest, and opened his eyes to see her staring directly into them.

"Please?  We haven't stayed up together in ages." She sounded almost pleading, almost lost, her eyes holding a desperation and uncertainness that had never been there before Roger and the drugs, and Benny hesitated to answer, because he hated seeing her like this.  He wanted to make everything alright again.  Before he could say anything, she seemed to take his silence for some sort of affirmation, because she leaned in, capturing his lips with hers, and he wondered how long it had been since he had felt this, tasted this.  He pulled back a little.

"April, no, we can't--"

"Why not?" she challenged, sliding her hand down, and Benny's breath caught.  "You're my brother.  I love you."

"But--" Benny started to protest, but she had claimed his lips again, her hand working through his boxers, and he couldn't fight it anymore, because it was so familiar, and he'd never stopped her before.  Never stopped himself before.  So the room was filled with gasps and very very muffled groans, and Benny was absently glad that Collins was MIA this week.

When their hearts had slowed from the wild pounding they'd reached, Benny sighed and pressed a kiss to April's forehead.  "You shouldn't do this every time you get lonely.  What if someone finds out?"

April smiled at him, giving him a lingering kiss.  "So they find out." she said confidently.  "We move.  So what?"  Benny pondered that a moment, then shook his head and wrapped his arms tighter around her too-thin frame.

"Let's not let them find out." he murmured in her ear.  She smiled and snuggled against his chest.

"Whatever you say, brother dearest."
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