Who Watches the Watchmaker?

Nov 28, 2006 01:12

"Now that's everything. No weapons. No friends. No hope. Take all that away, and what's left ( Read more... )

prison break, tv, pimpings, buffy the vampire slayer, the office, avatar, studio 60 on the sunset strip, entourage, heroes

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Comments 66

jadelynx November 28 2006, 13:03:38 UTC
The Haitian Sensation can apparently dampen people's powers, maybe?

You didn't catch that from the fact that Matt was suddenly unable to hear people when the Haitian showed up at the bar way back?

Mr. Bennet didn't know Claire was special all her life, it seems. Or...maybe he did.

I think it was acting, to a degree. I mean, because of the fact that obviously her powers just really started to exhibit themselves, he probably didn't know what, but I'm sure he's been keeping tabs on her from day one to see what would happen. Papa Suresh may have just confirmed what Daddy already knew.

the OWI


And Matt can't read. Which is why he can't pass his detective exams. Yawn?

You left out the part where apparently this is why his powers started to manifest. The stress of being "nothing more" than a traffic cop for 11 years, coupled with the fact that while he knows he's not stupid, he can't express that to other people because of a mix of stupid pride and the knowledge that most of his cop buddies really would be idiots about it.

... )


spectralbovine November 28 2006, 15:56:50 UTC
You didn't catch that from the fact that Matt was suddenly unable to hear people when the Haitian showed up at the bar way back?
I thought it was just that he couldn't read his mi...dammit.

You left out the part where apparently this is why his powers started to manifest. The stress of being "nothing more" than a traffic cop for 11 years, coupled with the fact that while he knows he's not stupid, he can't express that to other people because of a mix of stupid pride and the knowledge that most of his cop buddies really would be idiots about it.
Hm. Good point.

But I have to say that I was completely and totally creeped out the moment he said that Brian Davis was broken.
But "IT'S AN EVOLUTIONARY IMPERATIVE!!!" was kind of cheesy, though. Hee. Though, so very comic-book-y.

It's not easy to wander around eating people's brains, okay? Sheesh.
I'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS WITH NO- er, what? Who? What's going on?

I think the only reason the show felt slow was because there was very little action. I don't think it was a "cracks" thing ( ... )


etherealclarity November 28 2006, 13:45:15 UTC
Overall, I thought the episode was a little slow, and I was a little worried that the cracks were finally starting to show
Hm. I really enjoyed the episode last night. I didn't find it particularly slow at all. I thought it was really cool seeing all the backstory.

Why do the Sureshes all suck?
I'm not really sure I see it. I don't think Sylar actually had a power to begin with... or if he did, it wasn't manifesting at all. The watch thing could just be obsessive skill. When he randomly showed up with a power later, probably Papa Suresh was so excited that his theories were right that he didn't stop to think through HOW Sylar might have suddenly gotten the power. After all, most people's first reactions aren't to assume serial brain-eating or whatever Sylar does.

Mr. Bennet didn't know Claire was special all her life, it seems. Or...maybe he did.
I think he did. It seemed like an act to me.

I keep wanting to call Sylar 'Adam' because that's the character he plays in the third season of 24. =P

Nathan is totally responsible for ( ... )


spectralbovine November 28 2006, 15:59:26 UTC
I'm pretty sure he didn't do it on PURPOSE.
Oh, so am I. It was a total subconscious thing, which makes it worse for Nathan. Because if he ever does remember, he'll realize that his first instinct in that situation was to save himself with no thought to his wife.


etherealclarity November 28 2006, 16:25:09 UTC
I think that makes things even more interesting. Or potentially interesting, if they actually address that in future episodes.


(The comment has been removed)

spectralbovine November 28 2006, 16:05:46 UTC
Wait... you only love that moment because you thought it was his first time? I mean, I thought it was too, but then again I can see how that assumption could be wrong.
I love the way Nathan can only respond, "I don't know. I don't know." And, yeah, I think that still works if he flew before. It's just jarring to rethink.

Also, I freakin' knew that Nathan isn't a natural asshole. It's how he deals with his emo shit. He really is just as emo as his brother, honestly. It's cute.
Heh. But you're right in that, if Nathan does remember flying, it makes his "No powers! Powers bad!!!" stance make more sense.

About Hiro-- I thought maybe he had a limited amount of time he could be in another time before he got yanked back?
Yeah, maybe. That seems like the best guess.

THen again that doesn't explain why he was in Japan...
Point of origin? It's what Hiro considers "home."

I'm not sure that confirmed that Niki has a multiple personality disorder. I'm not convinced. What if it is really and truly Jessica? I think that'd be a lot more ( ... )


etherealclarity November 28 2006, 16:38:08 UTC
I'm not sure that confirmed that Niki has a multiple personality disorder. I'm not convinced. What if it is really and truly Jessica? I think that'd be a lot more interesting.

I've read a few books on multiple personality disorder, and it's following most of the classic signs.

I actually thought that the abuse was going to be sexual, because from what I've read, sexual abuse is more likely to generate MPD. Though given the network it's on I guess it makes sense.


spectralbovine November 28 2006, 16:49:29 UTC
I thought it was going to be sexual too and was going to sort of groan because it's so cliché even if it's accurate. Mostly because I'm tired of Dr. Drew on Loveline attributing every single problem anyone has to sexual abuse.


alannaofdoom November 28 2006, 15:44:54 UTC
Prison Break: OK, I only saw half because I was watching HIMYM (which was awesome, but anyway) but the ending was FANTASTIC. And I didn't get the art-house-movie razor scene either. Especially since I don't think you can cut glass with a razor. But, you know, you could cut your hair with a razor. So... I don't know... maybe she was just freaking out and 'cutting' her reflection in the mirror?

Heroes: Wow, you really didn't pick up the Sylar thing? They totally gave that away in last week's previouslies. Man, Sunil. What's wrong with you?

Previously Guy was gone, though! Huzzah! Although... instead, we got 4 minutes of Cliche Theatre with Mohinder. The rest of the show is usually so good - I don't understand why the writers' thesaural powers fail so spectacularly when it comes to him.

I did like that we got an explanation for Jessica: that she is just a split personality of Niki's borne out of trauma, someone created to take the pain so that Niki would be okay.LOVE IT SO MUCH. Yes, yes, yes! I loved that whole scene - Jessica ( ... )


spectralbovine November 28 2006, 16:11:38 UTC
But, you know, you could cut your hair with a razor.

Previously Guy was gone, though! Huzzah! Although... instead, we got 4 minutes of Cliche Theatre with Mohinder.
So that was new? Because I couldn't forward past it this week, and I was surprised they had Mohinder doing his schtick instead of Lyingass Promo Guy.

LOVE IT SO MUCH. Yes, yes, yes! I loved that whole scene - Jessica saying "I took every punch"
Oh yeah. Great idea there. Probably has a lot of basis in actual split personalities. Or...at least the TV/movie version. Heh.

he was a great straight man in that bit.
He really was! Like I said, I actually thought he hadn't expected it.

Although... did we need to see it twice, Sorkin? 'Cause it was funny, I'll grant you that, but it wasn't that funny.
Yeah, that was odd.

(And apparently only jackass reporters pick up on her dry humor. Heh.)
Hee! I was impressed that the jackass reporter actually asked for the serious answer rather than taking her jokes and making it look like they were serious answers. Which is ( ... )


gymble November 28 2006, 16:09:22 UTC
Overall, I thought the episode was a little slow, and I was a little worried that the cracks were finally starting to show, that the inevitable disappointment in a show that manages not to disappoint was soon to come. But I hope I'm wrong.
As long as I still enjoy watching Heroes, I'm not going to worry about the plot holes. But clearly, they need a whopping dose of continuity fairy potion, because they're just a little loose with facts and dates and the like. I can ignore this as long as they still entertain me.

I really liked the introduction of Sylar, because they showed him with the classic signs of a sociopath - wanting to be special, thinking that other people are insignificant, etc. But he might never have actually killed anyone, with Dr. Suresh. Way to go, Dr. Suresh.


spectralbovine November 28 2006, 16:14:08 UTC
Good job, Dr. Suresh!

I liked the introduction of Sylar, too.


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