On going holiday thingy

Jan 01, 2012 12:49

And yes, ongoing. See the thing is there’s a lot of family social stuff this time of year for us and it tends to bleed over a lot more into less a few days of holidays so much as a couple of weeks. And when we get a day spare it becomes more a case of “we’re alone! ALONE!!!!” and not wanting to do anything else. Except the damn neighbour ( Read more... )

holidays, state of me, beloved, family

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Comments 20

devifemme January 1 2012, 14:16:37 UTC
Thanks for getting all of that on paper (er, pixels) -- it's wonderful, albeit I didn't have to experience it myself! We have a friend we once visited on the island of Malta -- her family is quite like yours, and they sucked us into the ongoing unending partying that consttutes their lives. (I'm tempted to say "life," singular, because stuff only happens in groups of more than 15-20 people; fewer than a dozen is unbearably intimate ( ... )


sparkindarkness January 2 2012, 00:32:18 UTC
Aie, having a full entourage following you everywhere! Going to the beach and having an army descend with you. I'd be desperate to have my own alone time as well - and be plotting my own escape from the whole gang!


masterde January 1 2012, 16:28:25 UTC
Steam good, mussels bad.


sparkindarkness January 2 2012, 00:32:30 UTC
Steam very good

Mussels yummy


masterde January 2 2012, 02:14:59 UTC
Want sex! Want sex nao! I'm twitching with withdrawal. Your mussels will do me no good. Steam at least is a diversion.


(The comment has been removed)

sparkindarkness January 2 2012, 00:34:39 UTC
Thankee and you! Make it a good one


qbeeqt January 1 2012, 17:58:55 UTC
I have this mantra repeating in my head - *it's almost over, it's almost over, it's almost over...*



sparkindarkness January 2 2012, 00:34:58 UTC
Oooh yes that matra - nearly there, neaarly, just a little longer



spinsterwithin January 1 2012, 18:55:37 UTC
If it wasn't for the socializing with people and having obligations to be at certain events I would adore the holidays.


sparkindarkness January 2 2012, 00:39:34 UTC
Agreed so much to that


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