Spandex Report - 02-22-11

Feb 22, 2011 20:37

The Spandex Report
Having a Serious Case of the Mondays Tuesdays
February 22, 2011

Next Episode Airtimes
- Samurai - Sticks and Stones (Nickelodeon - Feb. 27, 2009 at 12:00pm)
- Samurai - Fish Out of Water (Nickelodeon - Mar. 13, 2009 at 12:00pm)
- Samurai - There Go the Brides (Nickelodeon - Mar. 20, 2009 at 12:00pm)

Sticks and Stones episode synopsis, spoilers, highlight to read -=- When a Nighlok who uses insults as a physical weapon attacks the Rangers, only Emily is unaffected. To help her teammates, she explains how difficult events in life become an opportunity to grow stronger. -=-


- No Pink Spandex Episode 122: Drag Zord - Power Rangers Samurai Episode 2 "Deal with a Nighlok" and New Toys from Toy Fair 2011.
- Ranger Bar Episode 7 - The group joins with Rather Odd Productions to talk about Power Rangers Samurai.

Blogs, RPGs, and Communities

- ranger_recaps posted recaps of Mondo's Last Stand, Bomber in the Summer, The Scent of a Weasel, and The Lore of Auric


- Crush Chapter 12 by onikage_na (MMPR, Jason/Tommy, R)
- Breaking Through Chapter 12 by agarwaenloth (MMPR AU, Jason/Tommy, NC-17)
- Better Things to Do by
thesecondbatgirl (PRS, Kevin/Mia, PG)
- Don't Stop Me Now Chapter 1 by
missmollyetc (MMPR, PG, Warnings for violence)
- Crack by
angel_negra (MMPR/Muppets, PG)
- Lightspeed Emergency? by
angel_negra (LR, PG)
- Shake-Up by
psyco_chick32 (MMPR, PG-13)
- Adjusting to Blue by anolinde (Multi-season, PG)
- Power Shortage by arytra (DT, PG)
- If I Only Had a Brain by arytra (DT, PG)
- I Sacrifice… I gain… I am… I protect… We are… by shadowneko003 (Multi-season, G)
- Darker Shades Chapter 5 by Unromantic Poetess (MMPR, T)
- Shifting Sands by M14 Mouse (LG, Damon/Mike, T)
- Of Magic and Ninjas Chapter 7 by Guardian of Hope (Multi-season, Tommy/Kim)
- Constellations Chapter 49 by Hagar (NS, T)
- Three Drabbles by revieloutionne (Zeo, Adam/Tanya, G, PRS, Mike/Jayden, PG, PRS, Emily/Mike, G)


- Mike Manips by dreamingauthor (PRS)
- 3 Kevin and Mia gifs by prgirlsrock
- Various Samurai graphics by dj_rocca (PRS)
- 56 Samurai icons by dj_rocca (PRS)
- Udonna by Senshix (MF)
- Red Ranger Sketch by bulletproofturtleman (MMPR)
- Its Morphin Time by OracKing (MMPR)
- Sexy Goldar WTF by Ufalien (MMPF, NSFW)
- Power Rangers Wild Force Red by powerranger02 (WF)
- Then and Now by archmagesalmir (MMPR, PRS)


- Music Video: The Show Must Go On by PunctuationPrecise (MMPR)

Notable Discussion

Henshin Justice Unlimited

- Samurai Episode: The Team Unites
- Samurai Episode: Deal With a Nighlok
- Samurai Episode: Day Off
- PR Samurai: Power Rangers Samurai - News/Rumors/Discussion! (BULK RETURNS TO POWER RANGERS)

- General: The History of the Power Rangers - Discussion Thread
- General: All right..what's up with so much of negatively towards Power Rangers Franchise?!
- General: So How Would One Write For Power Rangers
- General: Power Rangers Super Legend Virtual Card Game
- General: Power Rangers (Saban Style)
- General: Now, that Saban has complete control over Power Rangers Franchise...what's next?
- General: Power Rangers (Saban Style) Part 2

Power Rangers United

- Samurai Episode: The Team Unites
- Samurai Episode: Deal With a Nighlok
- Samurai Episode: Day Off
- PR Samurai: Samurai Season

- General: Create A Ranger!
- General: Dark Specter
- General: Power Ranger Parodies


- Samurai Episode: The Team Unites
- Samurai Episode: Deal With a Nighlok
- Samurai Episode: Day Off
- PR Samurai: Where does Spike come from?
- Saban: So whatever happened to those 700 episodes that were supposed to air on Nicktoons?

- General: New to Power Rangers
- General: Bulk and Skull or Bulk and Spike?
- General: What season of Power Rangers would have benefited from a movie?
- General: Which ranger(s) would be the coolest to hang out with?
- General: MMPR Movie reboot
- General: Thoughts on the Zordon Era
- General: History of Power Rangers by Linkara (Dont ask when the next review's coming)
- General: Awards for Power Rangers/Super Sentai?
- General: So many zords...
- General: What suits were used for the enemies in Forever Red?
- General: Tommy as Zordon?
- General: Strengths and Weakness of Ranger Incarnations
- General: Turbo: a power ranger movie
- General: Zeo Serials/ Zeo Quest
- General: PR Logo showing up at the end of the opening theme.
- General: Were we being talked down to in the early Power Ranger seasons?
- General: If Zordon created the white Tiger coin...
- General: Question about the Psycho's
- General: EVENT: No Pink Spandex Live - Saturday, April 30th - Guest: David Yost
- General: Anybody else think that...thread titles should be complete sentences?(Time Force)
- General: Is this rumor true or not? (Time Force)
- General: Is RPM the first time in PR history the "comedic side character" becomes a ranger?
- General: Which would have been Better?
- General: Turbo Season Question
- General: PRWF's original White Ranger's voice
- General: Why DID Lerigot free Zordon?
- General: How did Billy make the Zeo Zords
- General: What was the most shocking PR news of 2010?
- General: If you got to pick your own team of Retro Rangers...
- General: PR:SPD other PR series actors
- General: Does Sentai take PR into consideration?
- General: Is the Battlizer destined to return?
- General: What Zords are still intact?
- General: Past Ranger powers


- Samurai Episode: Day Off
- PR Samurai: Power Rangers Samurai Discussion
- PR Samurai: Has Bulk taken a step back???
- PR Samurai: Future Of Samurai
- PR Samurai: Spike: The Paradox Son (PRS 2011)
- PR Samurai: Xandred's Medicine
- Saban: Power Rangers: 2011/2 Movie
- Saban: and 145 Days of MMPR II

- General: Lights of Orion they came from where !!
- General: Next Power Rangers After Samurai
- General: Are "Forever Other Colour" episodes possible?
- General: Why do fans wants to see Zordon again? (Hotly debate)
- General: Was it ever at all possible to restore the Green Ranger powers?
- General: slowing down morph sequences
- General: How far was the Command Center/Power Chamber from Angel Grove?
- General: Is 'Power Rangers' the longest lasting American Sci-fi TV series?
- General: "Power Rangers Is Not For Adults"
- General: How do you think PRT would have been if they didn't change the cast?
- General: Would this have been better for Turbo?
- General: TGWTG - Linkara does Power Rangers
- General: Power Rangers PSA: Teamwork and Mistaken Identity and Fighting (A double feature)
- General: Best Character Development (MMPR - RPM)?
- General: Revenge
- General: Purchasing Civillian Uniforms
- General: Aquitar Footage
- General: Season 2 Post "The Wedding"
- General: MMPR plot hole
- General: First thing every new PR season

Tokusatsu Fusion

- General: Power Rangers Samurai Discussion Thread

Editor's Note

A huge apology to everyone for this issue being two days late, but we had various problems with internet outages and minor fender benders, so none of it was really our fault, to be fair. Please note that any fic, posts, etc released between Sunday and today may possibly be listed above, but chances are it's not; it will all be in this coming Sunday's issue as normal, regardless of whether you see it above.

Did we miss anything? Got news for next Sunday's report? Send it to
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