Episode 189- Mondo's Last Stand

Feb 16, 2011 20:42

I freaking love this episode, guys. It spawned the only other Rocky pairing I can legitimately ship (that is not Rocky/Adam, that is)!

So we start off with Jason and Adam sparring. It's Very Pretty. Rocky comes up and asks Tommy if he'll train with him, but Tommy is too busy because he trades places with Adam. Bulk and Skull tease him about being replaced and he doesn't really buy it at first. Until he goes to talk to Billy and he runs away to learn a new kata from Jason. Poor Rocky! He really feels like he's being replaced. Bulk and Skull being bullies about it doesn't exactly help, but still. He's getting brushed off a lot here.

Meanwhile, some lady hires the detectives to find the original model for the Burble Baby Food jars. They estimate he would be a teenager and a recent transfer to Angel Grove. They suspect Jason. They are WRONG.

In harassing Jason, Bulk and Skull dislodge his communicator. The others are called to a fight and Jason is left behind. He never checks in, never joins them, never tries to get to the Power Chamber. We don't know what he does. The others, once the fight is over, are left to split up and go find him. Rocky pouts about this, especially because as he's trying to leave the door closes on his face and WILL NOT OPEN FOR HIM. Oh Rocky.

Mondo is searching for the Sword of Damocles right where Rocky is searching for Jason. He comes across Mondo and decides to show the others that he's important too and takes on Mondo all on his own. Oh Rocky, honey, this is not one of your more brilliant plans. He does actually hold his own for awhile at least!

But he's forced to retreat and then Mondo goes to attack the city. Rocky blames himself, as he is wont to do, and we just have to wonder... where the heck were the others during all this? They all show up at the same time with Jason, but really? They couldn't have helped him earlier? Reassured him or something? Meh. And how did Zordon NOT NOTICE his ranger fighting Mondo ALONE?!?!?!?!

Anyway, they have to go fight while Jason goes to the junkyard to find a part that Billy accidentally beamed over with old Zord wreckage. Really? Dumping your Ranger junk at the junkyard is probably not the best idea, guys. Anyway, Jason finds it just as he's attacked by cogs, so Billy beams it out and begins working on it.

There is a very boring fight where the rangers call Zords and fight a giant Mondo with the sword and yada yada yada. They win. Mondo explodes. Machina reassures Sprocket that it's happened to Mondo before and he'll be fine. Elsewhere on the moon, Rita and Zedd show up in an RV to get Rito and Goldar.

Back at the Youth Center, the lady tells Bulk and Skull the calculations were off. The Burble Baby is actually middle aged and has lived in Angel Grove for years. It's Ernie! He is now the proud owner of a lifetime supply of baby food. He decides he should make baby food smoothies. EW.

Rocky apologizes to everybody for being headstrong and Jason reassures him they are friends. How Jason knew Rocky's freak out was over him, we're not sure. There had to have been an off screen "talk". Rocky needs to stop apologizing because it's not his fault and he clearly doesn't believe what he's saying anyway, but everybody takes him at face value and moves on. Way to be bad friends, guys!

2 fish. It could have used more Rocky/Jason, though!

Fic we want: More Rocky/Jason. It needs to exist, yo.
Also, Rocky calling Aisha and being all "AISHA, FIX MY LIFE"

learn to cooperate already, emo ranger, season 4: the adam/tanya show, centered on: rocky, mentor fail, 2 fish

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