Character Relations Meme! (stolen from Rivelata)

Jun 21, 2010 18:50

What is "character relations"?Building CR means that you, along with other muns from your game, build In Character relationships with one another. You post up your information, and others respond with what they can help you with, or cater to the needs your character needs or wants! This is a great way to meet and play with people outside of ( Read more... )

stupei needs a life, memes! everywhere!

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Comments 222

ichooseboth June 23 2010, 03:19:06 UTC
Jetfire • okiefordokey ; Jetfire, much like Jetstorm, needs to learn how to exist as his own being (Jetstorm is doing better,) as well as being one half of a pair. He's young, but not THAT young, and growing up and learning the world is not black and white (and the autobots are not always right,) are all major goals for him.

→ (family related) Ironhide, Optimus Magnus sir, Ratchet, and, obviously, Jetstorm, are all important to him, and hanging out with them is always wanted. Training with Ironhide and Optimus are coveted. <3 Other Autobots like Jazz, Blurr, and the newer bots are all Autobots, and therefore awesome to him and need little introduction before CR could be had ( ... )


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ichooseboth June 23 2010, 04:11:30 UTC
I do enjoy playing with Pepper! Optimus could use some lady friends, and the the potential amusement abounds!

Ratchet is a good Ratchet, and broken world views make for fun angst. :D


houndofmegatron June 23 2010, 04:06:41 UTC
I would love to have Jetfire and Blackout interact, especially since they haven't since Jetstorm became the Con's master. Confrontation without Brother around could be particularly delicious, y/n~?

And YES Tem and Onyxia need to interact. Poor naive dragon needs some manipulations. :D


airspacecommand June 23 2010, 03:48:37 UTC
name → Jami
lj → goldenqueen
peak rping hours → Doesn't matter since I'm usually on my phone at work and can tag during my breaks and lunches. But uh, otherwise my schedule shifts around a lot so there really is not set time.
best way of contact → AIM is usually the best: Airspace Command
preferred method of rping → Any is fine by me, I'm open as hell.
currently active characters → Starscream • airspacecommand ; Transformers (Dreamwave)
Chessur • chessurcat ; Alice in Wonderland

do want →
Starscream • airspacecommand ; I'd like Starscream to work to his own schemes but ultimately fail, because his delusions about being the best ever need to blow up in his face. But it'd be fun if it was something he could almost succeed at, yet still not. I'd also like him to develop a bit more than the trolling jerk he tends to be. Some have seen the other side, but it'd be nice if it could slip out more ( ... )


calledthemedic June 23 2010, 04:00:57 UTC
...Can I say Iron Mouse would be amazingly adorable?

And I'm enjoying Trolling the Troll. XD Poor Starscream, if only he were polite to Ratchet first...


airspacecommand June 23 2010, 04:03:42 UTC
Iron Mouse would so hit on every male human. And try to work for the bad guys and fail at it or something. She'd be awesome. Chuu!

Haha and I enjoy your trolling! He has no idea how to be polite. Even if he tried he'd so fail.


sniperdusk June 23 2010, 20:16:22 UTC
So like...Chessur & Xigbar could totally have a coherent (to them) conversation with each other, sometime? That might be unnerving for any witnesses... >XD


knightslegacy June 23 2010, 04:24:27 UTC
name → Lyn
lj → backtothelight
peak rping hours → Hard to say. My sleep schedule is all messed up. But if I'm in chat, I'm open to RP.
best way of contact → aim • Whichever name I'm in chat with. I have a million.
preferred method of rping → Logs - I like third person past tense.
currently active characters → Kitt • knightslegacy ; Knight Rider 2008
Miguel Ortiz • all_three_wskrs ; seaQuest DSV

do want →
Kitt • knightslegacy ;I have a very loose plan for Kitt, but things are always subject to change. I'm hoping, after the human event, to see to it that he gains his Cybertronian "lowtech" body. He's decided on Primaxian and he even already has the schematics drawn up - he's been researching for a long time. The human event will give him the nudge he needs to see to it that he finally gets that done. Beyond that, I don't have any concrete plans besides him remaining factionless ( ... )


knightslegacy June 23 2010, 04:25:07 UTC
Miguel Ortiz • all_three_wskrs ;Miguel actually plans to stay in the Nexus as long as possible, even after dying that one time. He doesn't like dying, and going back would mean he'd die. Beyond that, nothing definite ( ... )


knightslegacy June 23 2010, 04:26:13 UTC
do NOT want → Kitt • knightslegacy ;
Death. He's already messed up enough. Dying would just mess him up further. We can talk about fights and battles and arguments and so forth, but I'm not up for Kitt dying.

Miguel Ortiz • all_three_wskrs ;
He's already died once. He'd prefer not to die again. That's not really something to make a habit of. Just like Kitt, if you want to get in a fight with him, just ask. He's got enough machismo that he likes fighting.

characters you are considering picking up? → Zen-Aku ; Power Rangers Wild Force
Keith Orbit ; Stealth
MacGyver ; MacGyver
Maggie Madsen ; Transformers 2007
...I have a lot of possibilities wandering around in my head.


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cmdrstarscream June 23 2010, 05:17:08 UTC
name → Elwin
lj → bernie_laraemie
peak rping hours → 10pm - 3am EST
best way of contact → AIM • bernielaraemie
preferred method of rping → thread, though mostly just because I've never done a log before.
currently active characters → Tyran Starscream • cmdrstarscream ; Transformers: 2007 Film/RotF
Sentinel Prime • maximumchin ; Transformers: Animated

do want →
Starscream • cmdrstarscream ;

→ (family related)
Starscream can has cruiser full of spacebabies? Starscream, like most of the Decepticons who have already replied here, doesn't really do family. He's a curious sort though, and develops odd sort of attachments, so I'd be hesitant to give it an all-out no ( ... )


maximumchin June 23 2010, 05:21:46 UTC
Sentinel Prime • maximumchin ;→ (family related ( ... )


caelumtorqueo June 23 2010, 05:26:28 UTC
Yes to Cobra Commander and Yoketron PLEEEZ?

Koptur blames everything on Sentinel (don't ask how) (Why do my characters hate yours so much? ilu <33333 *stab stab :3 ) BUT would be super impressed by his celebrity. Up for some crazy?

And Failwarp totally wants to...ahem...have a word with you, there, Starscream.


maximumchin June 23 2010, 05:44:05 UTC
(<3s and stabbities right back at you ; ) )

ahahahahahahahah everyone blames everything on Sentinel Prime. HATERS TO THE LEFT

Crazy? Thass' my middle name, bb.

Have a word? Only one?


kaon_krusher June 23 2010, 18:00:25 UTC
name → Ryn
lj → 13th_Kingdom (uh, I don't really use this for anything anymore…but it exists?)
peak rping hours → totally varies…mostly at night, unless otherwise needed? 9pm-3am CST I guess
best way of contact → message via livejournal -or- AIM = a11hailmegatron
preferred method of rping → I naturally compose in Log format best…so even though the responses are technically longer than voice/video threads, it's more sensible to me. When I am online, I am also usually working on projects - so if you would like faster tagging for a scene than my normal speed, please just request it and I'll come rp exclusively. ^_-
currently active characters → Lugnut • kaon_krusher ; Transformers Animated
Xigbar • sniperdusk ; Kingdom Hearts

do want →
Lugnut • kaon_krusher ; (I am already doing more with him than I ever imagined I could get him involved in. Thank you, guys ( ... )


sniperdusk June 23 2010, 18:07:19 UTC
Xigbar • sniperdusk ; Xigbar is still half-convinced that he's dead.

He was keyed-up pretty badly to the point of evaporating right before showing up in Axiom and also can't Portal out of town. However, he can't figure out why he is in what seems to be in his definition of freekin' Heaven when he knows for sure he does not deserve it.

Just in case, he'll continue to do his normal job of scouting, chatting, researching, manipulating - although since he can't leave nor communicate outside the city, his actual policies will probably become a little lax.

→ (family related)
"Family" to him is anyone who has a similiar goal - but since almost all of the Organization members have already been killed off, and are not present in any case, there's not much here for him…unless he latches on to Namine, or perhaps to someone else that can recognize him and remember him - as faith in his existence solidifies his actual being (so quantum.) Since most (organic) people naturally forget, it's possible that a mech can keep him in their memory. He's going to ( ... )


teh_koptur June 23 2010, 18:48:01 UTC
Blackout would love to goosh over the Awesome that is Decepticon Leadership in General. :D


kaon_krusher June 23 2010, 18:57:51 UTC
Yeah, we will totally start an official fanclub! There are still so many out there as yet untouched by His glory!


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