Character Relations Meme! (stolen from Rivelata)

Jun 21, 2010 18:50

What is "character relations"?Building CR means that you, along with other muns from your game, build In Character relationships with one another. You post up your information, and others respond with what they can help you with, or cater to the needs your character needs or wants! This is a great way to meet and play with people outside of ( Read more... )

stupei needs a life, memes! everywhere!

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cmdrstarscream June 23 2010, 05:17:08 UTC
name → Elwin
lj → bernie_laraemie
peak rping hours → 10pm - 3am EST
best way of contact → AIM • bernielaraemie
preferred method of rping → thread, though mostly just because I've never done a log before.
currently active characters → Tyran Starscream • cmdrstarscream ; Transformers: 2007 Film/RotF
Sentinel Prime • maximumchin ; Transformers: Animated

do want →
Starscream • cmdrstarscream ;

→ (family related)
Starscream can has cruiser full of spacebabies? Starscream, like most of the Decepticons who have already replied here, doesn't really do family. He's a curious sort though, and develops odd sort of attachments, so I'd be hesitant to give it an all-out no.

→ (friendship related)
Using the Decepticon definition of friendship, this probably falls under the above--Starscream is intrigued fairly easily, as when he stopped to listen to Agent Salazar in RoS. Nothing's really out of the question if you pique his curiosity, or feels you offer something beneficial to him (or, perhaps, amusement.) Starscream also finds organics interesting, not that he doesn't see them as insects, but that he's sort of like a hobby entomologist. I wouldn't put it past him to start a, how shall we say, butterfly collection.

→ (romance related)
As much as I'd like to say he's a stalwart and dignified sort...he's about as picky as dog being offered table scraps. Have something he wants, entertain him, amuse him, intrigue him, and he'll put out. Hell, I'm pretty sure he'd put out if anyone smaller found the gall to proposition him at all.

→ (none of the above related)
Starscream is great to have lose in ridiculous situations. He's also fun to have his history dragged up, such as: his having been a far more vain creature (probably having a more peacock than raptor root mode in his younger days to the point of ridiculous), that he was a pencil pusher administrator, a particle physicist manning boring experiments before that, not to mention his many canon failures, and I'm pretty sure a lot of the Decepticons that served him in Megatron's long absence blamed him for the Energon famine. Ironhide, as well as some of the Tyran Decepticons would likely know at least some of his history, and if your character and them had any reason to dish about Starscream, I'm totally fine with having his past dragged up. There's also his space cruiser full of moonbabies with the pointy space pharaoh, which (sniggering aside) it was hardly a boost to his pride to play nursemaid, no matter how important the position.

→ (professionally related)
Starscream is close to setting up his (likely very small to start with) law firm, and will soon be available as legal representation. Any and all characters are more than welcome to ping me if they have any ideas or use for this service. He doesn't have a specialisation yet; that will likely depend on what sort of plots are mostly likely to come up. I'm thinking either criminal defence or divorce litigation...the first being obvious, the second being the possibility with the most hilarity.


maximumchin June 23 2010, 05:21:46 UTC
Sentinel Prime • maximumchin ;

→ (family related)
Sentinel considers those he works closely with secretly to be like family, not that he'd ever tell anyone. He may consider Optimus as something of a brother, though doesn't feel worthy of him. Anyone he serves with, fights alongside, etc. he's likely to consider as family, and while he's not getting into many fights, he's not hard to get close to, so long as you butter him up. He could probably use some sense beaten into him, both from people who care about him, as well as from people who don't.

→ (friendship related)
Sentinel will be friends with anyone that boosts his ego. Or even just those who put up with him. if you want to have at it, feel free. Sentinel is a bitch to his friends though, fair warning. He gets jealous easily, and a jealous Sentinel is a ridiculous and boastful Sentinel, and many lols will be had.

→ (romance related)
Sentinel can see the unicorn, though he pretends not to. That should sum up how sexual secure and available he is. But, well, if you want to try it...power to you. He still has feelings for Elita-1, though doesn't really consider her to be the same person as Blackarachnia. He's also kidding himself, telling himself that anyone who gets close to him like that will just get hurt, but really he just doesn't want to think about why he can still see that unicorn, as it were.

→ (professional related)
Sentinel has been dabbling in acting and modelling pretty frequently now, so feel free to faun over him (ahahaha) or, more likely, make fun of his advertising chin enhancements, any number of cheesy products, and even robot fashions I am sure he was hocking in some publication.

do NOT want → Starscream • cmdrstarscream ;
I don't want him permanently grounded, or to lose his speed or mental accuity (temporarily is fine). Death is fine as long as he comes back; stealing his crap/body parts is fine as long as it doesn't effect the above no-nos. IDK maybe someone could steal some of his missiles or something? I don't want him utterly humilated, but put in his place, demeaned, beaten, that's all fair game. I want him to keep his standing as an able and responsible leader--even if few actually believe or want to believe it.

Sentinel Prime • maximumchin ;
I'm not sure I want to have him go through the ordeal of dying...though it might be fun, as long as he comes back, and as long as his death wasn't caused by torture and grevious injury. If your character is organic, I'd rather not have Sentinel pestered to the point of mental breakdown, though pestering from organics is totally cool.

characters you are considering picking up? → Dr. Rex Lewis/Cobra Commander ; G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra
Yoketron ; Transformers: Animated


caelumtorqueo June 23 2010, 05:26:28 UTC
Yes to Cobra Commander and Yoketron PLEEEZ?

Koptur blames everything on Sentinel (don't ask how) (Why do my characters hate yours so much? ilu <33333 *stab stab :3 ) BUT would be super impressed by his celebrity. Up for some crazy?

And Failwarp totally wants to...ahem...have a word with you, there, Starscream.


maximumchin June 23 2010, 05:44:05 UTC
(<3s and stabbities right back at you ; ) )

ahahahahahahahah everyone blames everything on Sentinel Prime. HATERS TO THE LEFT

Crazy? Thass' my middle name, bb.

Have a word? Only one?


teh_koptur June 23 2010, 05:46:57 UTC
(Stabbitystab...oohh. Sorry. :3 All better. ^___^)

[Copter looks to the left.] uhhh, that's a REALLy long line. Not sure I can wait that long. :C


cmdrstarscream June 23 2010, 05:57:26 UTC


caelumtorqueo June 23 2010, 06:03:23 UTC
The idiot? Is not smart enough to imply anything, Starscream.

Me? I find it beneath my time. (GLARE)

You. Me. Hatesex. Uhhhh, clearing the air.


cmdrstarscream June 23 2010, 06:05:19 UTC

I find nothing at fault with the air quality in here. Merely the company.


caelumtorqueo June 23 2010, 17:42:28 UTC
Yes, mad raegy haetsex--that's how Seekers show they care! <3

[The laugh equivalent of a golf clap] ha. ha. Hahaha.

You always were so...literal, Starscream. For example...kissing Megatron's aft.



cmdrstarscream June 24 2010, 10:02:24 UTC

I hardly need prove anything to you, Skywarp.


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maximumchin June 23 2010, 05:45:37 UTC
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

lol Starscream reallllly needs to post about getting a law office going totally.

Maybe Pepper can be his first butterfly.


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cmdrstarscream June 23 2010, 05:57:02 UTC
Starscream collects them.


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cmdrstarscream June 23 2010, 07:01:46 UTC
but her wings are so pretty and delicate


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