Watchmen Kink Meme 3. Weeeeeeee.

Sep 09, 2009 09:39

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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MotherhenDan! + Kidschach! = NEED anonymous October 10 2009, 04:01:25 UTC
Okay so we've seen MotherhenDan before, and we've seen Kidschach before too, But never like THIS. What I want, nay, NEED to see is:
Rorschach de-aged (young, not quite toddler, but like 7 at the oldest)
and given the develpomental point of his baby brain, regressed to the point where (with the exception of hazy memories and impressions) he was at that physical age. (in his minds subconscious attempt to preserve his own psyche, or whatever)

I want this combo-ed with Shocked&Horrified/Brokenhearted MotherHeningDan!

Tall order? yeah, I know. I'm cruel that way.

But THINK of the potential!!! All those beautiful stories in which Walter had the most horrible childhood EVER. You know there would be flashback dreams.

Just do it. You know you want to.


Re: MotherhenDan! + Kidschach! = NEED anonymous October 10 2009, 04:12:02 UTC


Re: MotherhenDan! + Kidschach! = NEED anonymous October 10 2009, 09:19:30 UTC
Does anon mind if the author currently doing the kid!Dan prompt takes this one too? Because that anon would like to.


Re: MotherhenDan! + Kidschach! = NEED anonymous October 10 2009, 10:25:11 UTC

I'm not OP, but I know I would fucking LOVE YOU if you do. Seriously. Get on this please. You can't not, now that you showed interest. It's would be like telling an orphan that your going to adopt them, then never show back up.

Think of the orphans, you great writer, you! The cute, ginger, whoreson orphans!


Re: MotherhenDan! + Kidschach! = NEED anonymous October 12 2009, 13:57:35 UTC
OP says:

and earn my love forever!

Seriously though, my love. Forever.

Also, Captcha says :69 liven. So apparently if things start to feel too angsty, you can spice it up with mutual oral sex.
Damn Captcha, you do likes the kiddie smut, doncha?


Preferences? anonymous October 13 2009, 03:57:17 UTC
I've got a couple ideas/directions and wanted to know what the OP might like. Pre or post Roche? Angstier or fluffier? Sudden or gradual transformation? Temporary or permanent?

Just let me know - I aim to please. ;)


Re: Preferences? anonymous October 13 2009, 19:48:41 UTC
I was hoping for more lost/scared/kiddie Rorschach, with occasional moments of lucidity in which he recognizes Daniel, his surroundings etc.

As far as period, whatever you want to go with I'm a whore for Angst as long as Dan can get his c part of the h/c on. Rory NEEDS cuddles damnit!

If there is the slightest chance it could be a temporary thing that lays the groundwork for some tender sweet Dan/Rory lovin' I would give you my soul and firstborn.

I'll be honest here. I want tears. Big, Fat, Drippy, Sniveling, Man-Tears. I want to see Dan's heart ripped out of his chest by INCHES with each and every: cringe/hiding-in-fear/dream-flashback that little Walter exhibits.

If you, oh god of fanfic, are so willing, I would love to see Re-aged Walter with quiet tears of denial as tender touches from Dan bring up conflicting memories of real childhood anguish VS new childhood love and comfort. I have a yen for Dan making sweet, gentle love to Rorschach, cause he just doesn't understand the words.

... Ummmm Yeah. But I'm not demanding.


Sweet Child of Mine 1a/? anonymous October 18 2009, 03:25:43 UTC
The syringe is almost empty by the time Daniel crosses the room to kick Moloch away from his partner. Despite the beating Nite Owl is giving him, Moloch cackles and grins ( ... )


Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? anonymous October 18 2009, 03:28:39 UTC
"What the hell?" Dan looks at his partner. His nose looks slightly different and he lurches forward, face twisting like he's trying to concentrate ( ... )


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? anonymous October 18 2009, 06:15:43 UTC

I'm SO HAPPY someone's doing this!!! This is AWESOME!!! Favorite line:

"confronting him dressed like the world's biggest dorkiest owl will only panic Rorschach." ILU DAN.


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? OP anonymous October 18 2009, 19:30:22 UTC
I Love You. So Much. ...

I have no words, except perhaps a loud ear-splitting squee, which I shall spare you. But wow, LOVE. Yeah that.

Loved Dan's relief/increasing panic as Rorschach fails to struggle, or resist him.

Loved the little note of him starring as the scar HE once stitched up disappears.

... Love. Have I mentioned that? I really should have.

*looks imploringly* There will be more? *sniff* Won't there?


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? anonymous October 18 2009, 19:56:57 UTC
I too am very glad someone is doing this!


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? sweetphaex October 20 2009, 03:50:01 UTC

Awwwww *bebe ror*


Sweet Child of Mine 2a/? anonymous October 20 2009, 11:33:10 UTC
“Come here.” Daniel tries to calm down and motions his partner over. But the boy looks at him warily ( ... )


Sweet Child of Mine 2b/? anonymous October 20 2009, 11:34:45 UTC
He follows quietly and Dan’s sense of unease grows with each silent second. “So, what’s your name?” He turns on the hot water with a splash. “I’m Daniel ( ... )


Sweet Child of Mine 2c/? anonymous October 20 2009, 11:36:14 UTC
“I think the food is almost ready, okay?” He sets Walter down once more and checks on the chicken, before opening up a can of green beans and a can of peaches. He warms the green beans and makes a plate to set in front of Walter. The little redhead stares at this too, picking at the items on the plate with his fingers even though Dan has set out silverware ( ... )


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