Watchmen Kink Meme 3. Weeeeeeee.

Sep 09, 2009 09:39

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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MotherhenDan! + Kidschach! = NEED anonymous October 10 2009, 04:01:25 UTC
Okay so we've seen MotherhenDan before, and we've seen Kidschach before too, But never like THIS. What I want, nay, NEED to see is:
Rorschach de-aged (young, not quite toddler, but like 7 at the oldest)
and given the develpomental point of his baby brain, regressed to the point where (with the exception of hazy memories and impressions) he was at that physical age. (in his minds subconscious attempt to preserve his own psyche, or whatever)

I want this combo-ed with Shocked&Horrified/Brokenhearted MotherHeningDan!

Tall order? yeah, I know. I'm cruel that way.

But THINK of the potential!!! All those beautiful stories in which Walter had the most horrible childhood EVER. You know there would be flashback dreams.

Just do it. You know you want to.


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 2c/? anonymous October 20 2009, 14:33:41 UTC
AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *dying of suspense*



Re: Sweet Child of Mine 2c/? anonymous October 20 2009, 16:53:32 UTC

(and pro tip, dan: don't say you're a friend of his mother's. that's bad plan...)


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 2c/? anonymous October 20 2009, 21:22:06 UTC
Seeing Dan take care of poor little Walter melts me so much. ;_;


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 2c/? anonymous October 20 2009, 21:23:13 UTC

ahem. This is so adorable and sad and there needs to be major hugs, stat. The burns. D: D: D: Poking at beans. D: D: D:


Sweet Child of Mine 3a/? anonymous October 21 2009, 15:02:57 UTC
Dan’s feet are on the floor in an instant. He doesn’t even notice the cold of the wood as he runs, intent on his goal - a door at the end of the hall. He throws it open, flicks on the lights and flies to the side of the bed pushed up against the wall where a small ginger sobs.

“Walter, Walter, shhhh.” Dan drapes his arms around him. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” The boy rocks a little and Dan holds him more tightly. “What’s the matter? Did you have a bad dream?”

He nods, head bobbing atop a thin neck. “Monster wanted to eat me.”

“Shhhh, shhhhh.” Dan smoothes his hair. “Don’t worry. There are no monsters. And if there were any, I would protect you ( ... )


Sweet Child of Mine 3b/? anonymous October 21 2009, 15:03:28 UTC
Dan grips his spoon but it shakes anyway. It’s clear the boy doesn’t realize everything, not yet anyway, but the meaning between the lines is abundantly transparent. Rorschach’s mother was a prostitute, one who very likely abused him - or sat back while others did. It explains a lot and suddenly Dan feels very dull, as though the evidence had always been there and he’d been too thick to put it all together.

And that meant he’d said… oh god.

He catches himself before he curses aloud. “You know, I’m not exactly a friend of your mother’s.” Walter looks at him as him, puffing on his oats to cool them down. “What I mean is… I didn’t want to scare you. But, uh, your mommy had to go away for a while.” Like forever, he thinks. “So I got picked to watch you.” He blushes, wonders how it must sound to Walter. “I’m a good guy. Really ( ... )


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 3b/? anonymous October 21 2009, 17:56:52 UTC
This continues to break my heart. I love that he dreamed about Rorschach - very eerie and kind of perfect. Dan's reactions to everything are really great. FUN STUFF.


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 3b/? OP anonymous October 21 2009, 17:58:02 UTC
This is everything I hoped for and more!

I just want to hug and cuddle Walter and tell him everything will be okay. Probably almost as much as Dan does. I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to the next part of this (I always do!)

& the SCARS! Poor baby! I'm on the edge of my seat for the drippy man tears. Dan's pain. I love it.

Now Dan's out shopping for itty bitty kid clothes & I'm all nervous for him. Does he know what size to buy? Will he get over zealous in a section he's never been in before & bring back half the store? Will he grab a toy because he remembers how lame getting clothes was as a kid?

OH GOD!!! What excuse will he have for HAVING a semi-clearly abused child in his home?

Cousin? Holding him for a friend who is trying to leave an abusive relationship? I JUST DON'T KNOW!!!!! But I keep stupidly making then in my head, in hopes that if it comes up, he will have a smooth explanation.

Yeah, I'm a moron. I know. But if it helps you have my undying love. *GLOMPS author with pile of love*


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 3b/? anonymous October 21 2009, 20:48:38 UTC
Awww this is just right in every way. Thank you for writing this, anon.


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 3b/? anonymous October 21 2009, 23:33:08 UTC
Anons, help me! Can someone link me to the thread for the first two parts? I can't understand how I missed this.


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 3b/? anonymous October 21 2009, 23:36:09 UTC
Nevermind, I'm ridiculous. :)

Lovely fic, I must say.


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 3b/? anonymous October 22 2009, 01:12:28 UTC
Poor little bubby.... *hug*


Sweet Child of Mine 4a/? anonymous October 24 2009, 20:42:27 UTC
Dan fumbles with the lock and stumbles into the kitchen with at least a dozen bags hanging off of his arms, bringing loads of clothing and a few surprises he hopes will break the ice with them. He starts setting them down and sees Walter still sitting at the table. The oatmeal is gone, along with more than half the contents of his sugar bowl, but the boy hasn’t moved ( ... )


Sweet Child of Mine 4b/? anonymous October 24 2009, 20:43:58 UTC
Dan sighs in relief, wondering how he could slip like that and if things are going a little far a little fast. He looks down at all the clothes, thinking for the first time that maybe he went overboard. He doesn’t know that this is a permanent state of affairs, doesn’t even know what happened. As he starts to clip off tags, he wonders what’s come over him.

But Moloch has been know to vanish for months at a time and Dan groans, trying to figure out how he can hit the streets and track him down while still taking care of Walter and keeping it all under wraps. They might be in this situation a while (maybe forever, a voice in the back of his mind whispers) and he can afford to be prepared.

The clothes get shoved into the washer, as many of them as he can fit at one time, and he leans against the machine, trying to figure out just how much he should explain and what problems that would cause, at the moment or later on.


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 4b/? anonymous October 24 2009, 21:52:26 UTC


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