Watchmen Kink Meme 3. Weeeeeeee.

Sep 09, 2009 09:39

Rules of the meme:

1. Anonymously post a pairing and prompt you would like to see written. Since this is a kink meme, there is supposted to be a kink involved, but normal well-written prompts should work just as well.

2. Anonymous will respond to your post and write it for you! Art and such is also acceptable/awesome. Multiple people may respond to ( Read more... )

kink meme, watchmen

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Sweet Child of Mine 1a/? anonymous October 18 2009, 03:25:43 UTC
The syringe is almost empty by the time Daniel crosses the room to kick Moloch away from his partner. Despite the beating Nite Owl is giving him, Moloch cackles and grins

“Too late, Owlie!” His voice is almost hysterical. “Good luck working with your partner now!”

The remark refocuses Daniel’s attention and he sees that his partner, stripped to the waist but for a wife-beater and handcuffed to the wall, is shuddering and heaving. Dan drops Moloch to free his partner, a careless move that gives the villain the chance to escape. Dan is sure Rorschach will berate him for it later, but for the moment he’s more worried about his partner’s welfare.

“Rorschach?” Dan uses a tool to cut the cuffs away and grabs the coat from where Moloch threw it to the floor to wrap it around his partner. “Can you hear me? Are you alright? What did Moloch do?”

Rorschach doesn’t reply with words, only with a series of moans and grunts. The moment his limbs are free, he falls to his knees, pulls the mask above his mouth, and vomits. Another heave, another shudder, and he vomits again, coughing up a thin and sour smelling fluid. A glance tells Dan that the absence of content in his vomit means that he hasn't eaten for a while, a fact he quickly shoves into the back of his mind for later, once he gets his partner to safety.

He tries helping him back to Archie, but Rorschach's legs give before they're even out of the warehouse Moloch was set up in. The vomiting has stopped, though, so Dan takes him into his arms. He doesn't struggled like Dan expected him to and that's a relief; his partner is getting worse by the second and there's no time to waste. Dan holds him tightly, heart accelerating as he runs faster until pain shoots up his side.

Once back in Archie, he slides Rorschach into the seat. He leans over the side and pukes again while Dan roots around for the first aid kit.

"You've gotta talk to me, Rorschach," he says, ripping off the cowl and gloves. "Do you know what was in the syringe?"

"Do... duh... Da.... Dan... Daniel..." His body snaps backwards, arches against the chair.

"Alright, I'll take that as a no," he mutters. "Let me see if it's elevating your temperature. Open up." He sticks the thermometer in and starts sliding off the trench coat so that he can see the injection site. Rorschach still doesn't balk, which Daniel takes as a very bad sign. The site is red and swollen; Dan's fingers brush against it for a second before he turns and grabs the thermometer out of Rorschach's mouth. The red fluid has crawled all the way up past the 100 mark. He curses under his breath and sets the thermometer down momentarily in order to land Archie. Carefully, Dan guides him to the basement, still tripping, and sets him on a bench.

"Rorschach?" Dan takes a breath. "Rorschach, I need to look at you, alright? All of you." Rorschach dry-heaves but doesn't answer. "That means taking off the mask." Rorschach turns towards him, leans forward and falls into Daniel's arms. His hands are groping around, but can't seem to grip. Gently, Daniel pushes him back. "I'm going to push it up. Alright?" A twitch, but nothing verbal. He assumes this means he's been given permission and lifts it up and over.

The man beneath is ginger which doesn't surprise (he's seen his stubble) and freckled, which does (though it made sense, given he's a ginger). But there's no time to consider it. More important at the moment is the fact that his face is flushed and perspiring, his pupils are dilated to pinpricks and he's starting to gasp like a trout on land.

"Buddy?" He whispers. "I think we need to take you to the hospital. They can run tests, find out what he gave..."

"Gnh... nnnk... no, no, no," he mutters and squeezes his eyes shut. "GRAH!" He arches again and Dan can see that his skin seems to be rippling. There are popping, crunching sounds and Dan can think of nothing else to do but start trying to cool him down. He goes to get a wet cloth and presses it against his head when he sees a scar on Rorschach's arm, from a cut he stitched up himself, fade before his eyes. The thin line recedes into the flesh, vanishes like it was never there.


Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? anonymous October 18 2009, 03:28:39 UTC
"What the hell?" Dan looks at his partner. His nose looks slightly different and he lurches forward, face twisting like he's trying to concentrate.

"D... D... Ahhh!"

He jerks away from Dan and balls up, knees to his chest, rocking and twisting, nearly falling off the bench. His shoes fall off and Dan can see they have lifts in them. He tries to touch his partner but he twists away, burying his head in his arms, shaking violently. Another spasm throws his head back and Dan notices missing lines, different contours. His partner is short but now Dan starts to realize that his clothes are beginning to fit poorly and his muscles are becoming less well defined.

It seems utterly impossible, but his partner is getting younger.

"Rorschach!" He grabs his arms, holds him still, not sure what to do or if and when it will stop. "Rorschach, did Moloch say anything? What was that stuff?"

Still for a moment, the man beneath the mask looks at him. Dan doesn't even know how old his partner was, but whatever his age, he is younger now.

"Who are you?" He croaks and his voice cracks. "Who's Rorschach?"

"Shit," Dan hisses.

His partner looks around wildly, panicked. "Where am I? What are you doing?" He looks down to his pinned arms. "Let go of me!" He screams. He kicks Dan with unexpected force, and when Dan manages to pick himself up he's scuttled off to a corner of the basement.

Dan recovers and starts to peel off the costume. He keeps a change of civilian clothes in the Owl's Nest and decides it would be best to get into them before approaching Rorschach again. If his memories are regressing along with his body, confronting him dressed like the world's biggest, dorkiest owl will only panic Rorschach and leave Dan unable to help. He pulls on khakis and a polo before tiptoeing to the corner his partner retreated into, flashlight in hand.

"Are you there?" He murmurs. "It's okay. I'm a friend." There's a shape in the corner that twitches and he sees the familiar purple fabric of his pants shoved off to the side. "What's your name?" He can't call him Rorschach, but he has to call him something. "Are you feeling better?" The shaking seems to have stopped and there are fewer sounds. Dan hopes that means something positive. He lets the pool of light creep closer. "Do you want to come out? Can I see you?"

The shape stands up and the figure creeps forward into the light. Dan nearly drops the light; the boy who shuffles out of the darkness is young, no older than five, maybe younger. He glances at Dan, gripping his briefs to keep them at his waist.

"Where am I?" He looks uncertain and suspicious. "Who are you? Where's my momma?"

"Hell and damnation," Daniel breathes.


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? anonymous October 18 2009, 06:15:43 UTC

I'm SO HAPPY someone's doing this!!! This is AWESOME!!! Favorite line:

"confronting him dressed like the world's biggest dorkiest owl will only panic Rorschach." ILU DAN.


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? OP anonymous October 18 2009, 19:30:22 UTC
I Love You. So Much. ...

I have no words, except perhaps a loud ear-splitting squee, which I shall spare you. But wow, LOVE. Yeah that.

Loved Dan's relief/increasing panic as Rorschach fails to struggle, or resist him.

Loved the little note of him starring as the scar HE once stitched up disappears.

... Love. Have I mentioned that? I really should have.

*looks imploringly* There will be more? *sniff* Won't there?


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? anonymous October 18 2009, 19:56:57 UTC
I too am very glad someone is doing this!


Re: Sweet Child of Mine 1b/? sweetphaex October 20 2009, 03:50:01 UTC

Awwwww *bebe ror*


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