London meetup, anyone?

Nov 23, 2010 21:48

Hello everybody! Long time no see, eh? *waves*

As most of you already know, I can't seem to be able to stay away from London for too long, so I'm going again this weekend, yay! This time florealpolla, redkoros and I are attending Collectormania, where we're going to meet The Gene Genie, aka the handsome Philip Glenister on Sat. 27th. I really can't wait ( Read more... )

holidays, squee, friends, london, life on mars, philip glenister

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Comments 19

alioli November 23 2010, 21:22:29 UTC
OMG! The Gene Genie! I'm not telling you to take pictures because DUH, but I hope you have a blast! :D

*hugs* :D

P.S. Why is he going to Collectormania? I think I'm a bit out of the loop. :S


space_oddity_75 November 23 2010, 21:33:29 UTC
Hey, hello there! It's ages since we last talked. How are you doing? *waves*

I'll try and take as many pics of Phil as humanly possible, LOL.

Why is he going to Collectormania? I think I'm a bit out of the loop.

Apparently, Phil often attends conventions like Collectormania when he's not shooting a TV series or playing golf (hehe), and there's always many people queuing up to see him and get his autograph. I guess these events are a good source of income for him as well as a chance to meet his fans. Not that I'm complaining, of course! ;)


alioli November 23 2010, 22:12:01 UTC
IKR! It's been a really long time! :(

I'm doing fine, thanks! I don't live in Madrid anymore (moved back to my hometown in the North of Spain), and I'm trying to find some work as a freelance translator. :) I don't know about your flist, but mine seemed to have fleed to other sites and as a result I don't post on my LJ much anymore. I miss the good old days of LJ, but I guess Internet trends are fleeting like that. :/

Still, I log in pretty much daily, and sometimes I manage to catch up with people. :) It's good to hear from you! How are YOU doing? Still travelling all around Europe with your hubby? :)

I hope you have fun in London, even if you don't get to meet the Guv!

Lots of love! xoxo

P.S. Lol, you icon!! ♥


space_oddity_75 November 23 2010, 22:21:36 UTC
Yeah, I'm often travelling around Europe, but LJ is still the best place to be when I'm home! ;)

Where in the North of Spain do you live now? I have a few customers in Bilbao and Vitoria/Gasteiz that I go to visit a couple of times a year. Who knows, maybe we can still meet up someday!



jo_siris November 23 2010, 21:32:59 UTC
You do know phils cancelled?

so many people coming for this too.

did I give you my mobile number in the end, i cant remember


space_oddity_75 November 23 2010, 21:51:58 UTC
ARGH, I didn't know thaaaat!!!! The Collectormania site was down for a few days and I didn't get the chance to check the latest news!

This is such bad luck! Our whole weekend in London was born out of this meeting, and I'm sure Florealpolla will be terribly disappointed when she finds out. :(

I don't think I have your mobile number. Would you mind sending it again? Cheers.


kinseymill November 23 2010, 22:04:15 UTC
Hey, ciao carissima! Beate te che puoi andare a Londra....e fare tante fotine per noi che rimaniamo a casa! :) Divertitevi e good luck with the Guv! ;D


space_oddity_75 November 23 2010, 22:10:50 UTC
Mannaggia, ho appena saputo che il disgraziato ha cancellato!!!! :( Porca paletta, sono arrabbiata nera! Comunque, ho editato il post.

Vabbé, mi consolerò con tanto shopping... in fondo, Londra è sempre Londra!!!


kinseymill November 23 2010, 22:16:07 UTC
Noooo, mi dispiace tantissimo!! :(

Però hai ragione, Londra è di per sè una vera attrazione e sono sicura che troverete modo di divertirvi. :)


space_oddity_75 November 23 2010, 22:24:38 UTC
Certamente farò il possibile per godermi al massimo questo weekend. Avevo TANTO TANTO bisogno di una vacanza, anche breve, per staccare il cervello dopo un anno di lavoro faticosissimo e decisamente stressante, e Londra è il posto ideale. Se poi ci si va con le amiche, questa gitarella diventa anche più bella. ;)


dakfinv November 23 2010, 23:28:37 UTC
No Phil! Argh! Well, culf and I are going to Collectormania on both days, so it would be absolutely silly of us not to meet up at some point this weekend.

Her mobile is the same, if you have it, but I had to get a new SIM card so mine's changed. I can send it to you in the morning (as I'm in bed and can't be bothered to get up and look up my mobile number. :P I really should memorize it soon.)


space_oddity_75 November 24 2010, 07:22:41 UTC
Please, send me both your and Culf's number, if you can. I can't find hers anymore, although I'm pretty sure I saved it in my phone memory.

I think we're still going to Collectormania, after all, since our Early Bird tickets are not being refunded. Will text you when I'm there, so we can meet up somewhere.

See you soon! :)


florealpolla November 24 2010, 08:05:27 UTC
Io l'accidoooo quando lo becco!!! Un altro tirapacchi come Brentino!


space_oddity_75 November 24 2010, 11:20:34 UTC
Oh, ma i TIRAPACCHI piacciono tutti a noi??? Sarà la sfiga galoppante, ma qui non ce ne va bene una... :(


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