London meetup, anyone?

Nov 23, 2010 21:48

Hello everybody! Long time no see, eh? *waves*

As most of you already know, I can't seem to be able to stay away from London for too long, so I'm going again this weekend, yay! This time florealpolla, redkoros and I are attending Collectormania, where we're going to meet The Gene Genie, aka the handsome Philip Glenister on Sat. 27th. I really can't wait!!!

Some crazy shopping at Forbidden Planet and a visit to the Gauguin exhibition at the Tate Modern are also on the menu, of course. Anyone fancy joining us or having a little meetup in town while we are there? We're flying in on Friday morning and leaving on Monday morning, so I guess there's gonna be plenty of time to meet up somewhere during the weekend... maybe for a pint in a centrally-located pub on Saturday night? You tell me. Just let me know and I'll send you a private message with my mobile phone number, so that we can arrange something. Cheers.

Wish me luck for my first face-to-face moment with The Gene Genie! ;)



Apparently, Phil has just cancelled his appearance at Collectormania!!! :( :( :(

The news of the cancellation has not appeared on the guests page yet, but has already been announced on the Showmasters forum: "Unfortunately Philip Glenister is no longer able to attend this weekend as he is now scheduled to film Treasure Island."

This is a real pity, because it would have been the first chance for my friend florealpolla to meet him. She's a great fan of his and I'm sure this cancellation is gonna be even more of a disappointment for her than it's been for me. :(

Oh, well. Our weekend still stands. I'll make sure she gets at least some consolation in some good shopping and a few pints of Guinnes, the first of which will be my treat, as today is her birthday (btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY again, CLA!!! ) and the last thing I want is for her to feel sad.


holidays, squee, friends, london, life on mars, philip glenister

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