News from my little corner of the world...

Jun 15, 2009 01:25

Hello my darlings! Sorry I've been incommunicando for such a long time (this is an expression I've used way too often lately, and for it I apologise), but work & RL are still invading all my waking hours, and when I have some free time I'm often too lazy to post. *sighs ( Read more... )

fanfiction, the master, john simm, friends, london

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Comments 30

dakfinv June 14 2009, 23:43:59 UTC
It's so gorgeous. I may fly over to your house and steal it. (I have yet to see pics of culf's Master, so you're inching towards owning my soul with that piece of cardboard right there.)

And thanks for the rec! It wouldn't exist without your lovely prompt. :)


culf June 14 2009, 23:50:53 UTC
Mine is still all shiny and new as I haven't unpacked it yet. It will be unpacked when I have a flat, and then your soul shall finally be mine!


dakfinv June 14 2009, 23:51:59 UTC
But for now I guess it's space_oddity_75's. :)


culf June 14 2009, 23:54:40 UTC
Damn you, space_oddity_75!!!


indehed June 14 2009, 23:49:05 UTC
I'm going to London Film and Comic-Con! The whole Dominic band will be there for some fun and games. And Scott Bakula. of course!


space_oddity_75 June 15 2009, 07:58:31 UTC
Cool! Then maybe we can finally meet. We'll only be at the Con on the Sunday, though. Think you can spare a few minutes for a quick hello and a drink?


indehed June 15 2009, 10:02:59 UTC
sure thing. i'll be hanging around somewhere! I'll be there saturday and sunday but will have to leave at a decent time on sunday to get to the airport...


(The comment has been removed)

space_oddity_75 June 15 2009, 09:44:13 UTC
Heee, I knoooow!!! Can't wait to meet you there.

I'm sure you'll get along very well with florealpolla: she's a comic artist (of Tuscan origin!) and seems to share many of your interests. :)


fiona_mckenzie June 15 2009, 09:27:02 UTC
Re: Con amici così, chi ha bisogno di nemici? :D space_oddity_75 June 15 2009, 09:46:19 UTC
Ih ih ih!!!

/me bastarda dentro/


Re: Con amici così, chi ha bisogno di nemici? :D florealpolla June 15 2009, 12:46:03 UTC
....tanto te la facciamo pagare prima o poi.
Non so come, non so quando.. ma pagheraiiiiii!!
Dopo però che mi avrai tenuto la manina per tutto il tempo della Convention.


Re: Con amici così, chi ha bisogno di nemici? :D space_oddity_75 June 16 2009, 11:56:02 UTC
Niente manina se fai la vendicativa... ;)


fawsley June 15 2009, 11:57:29 UTC
I'm most certainly still on for meeting up, as long as you're prepared for me to be knackered after a week of Slash Cottage! *bounces*


space_oddity_75 June 15 2009, 12:32:40 UTC
We'll be knackered as well, since we're going to the British Museum on Friday, shopping & sightseeing on Saturday and to the Con on Sunday! Monday morning we'll most probably look like three amoebas... ^^;


fawsley June 15 2009, 12:38:01 UTC
Well if we just manage the Courtauld that will be fine. It has fountains in the courtyard that we can always freshen up in if need be - just right for a tired amoeba or three!


space_oddity_75 June 15 2009, 12:43:00 UTC
Then, the Courtauld it is! I've never been there and I'm really curious about it, especially for its collection of impressionist and post-impressionist masterpieces. :)


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