News from my little corner of the world...

Jun 15, 2009 01:25

Hello my darlings! Sorry I've been incommunicando for such a long time (this is an expression I've used way too often lately, and for it I apologise), but work & RL are still invading all my waking hours, and when I have some free time I'm often too lazy to post. *sighs ( Read more... )

fanfiction, the master, john simm, friends, london

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fawsley June 15 2009, 11:57:29 UTC
I'm most certainly still on for meeting up, as long as you're prepared for me to be knackered after a week of Slash Cottage! *bounces*


space_oddity_75 June 15 2009, 12:32:40 UTC
We'll be knackered as well, since we're going to the British Museum on Friday, shopping & sightseeing on Saturday and to the Con on Sunday! Monday morning we'll most probably look like three amoebas... ^^;


fawsley June 15 2009, 12:38:01 UTC
Well if we just manage the Courtauld that will be fine. It has fountains in the courtyard that we can always freshen up in if need be - just right for a tired amoeba or three!


space_oddity_75 June 15 2009, 12:43:00 UTC
Then, the Courtauld it is! I've never been there and I'm really curious about it, especially for its collection of impressionist and post-impressionist masterpieces. :)


fawsley June 15 2009, 12:54:48 UTC
The Courtauld is actually only part of the whole Somerset House complex which includes this - - which might also do us good at some stage! *g*


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