And It Would Be Enough (Hibiki/Kotone/Silver, five timed flash fics)

Jul 16, 2010 04:06

Title: And It Would Be Enough
Rating: G to PG-13
Word Count: 1328 total
Genre: General, Romance, Angst, Suspense
Series: Pokémon
Characters/Pairings: Hibiki/Kotone/Silver - variations on a theme
Warnings: minor swearing
Summary: Five variations on the Johto OT3, for pokeprompts theme: 5x5A/N: Rough and super unedited because it was meant to be a writing ( Read more... )

pairing: ethan/lyra, pairing: lyra/silver, challenge: pokeprompts, pairing: ethan/silver, fandom: pokemon, ship: ethan/lyra/silver, author: chrysa

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Comments 20

nitesh_update July 16 2010, 18:37:27 UTC
Lovely! Really enjoyed your interpretation of this prompt. I'm still trying to get my mind oriented on the who's who of the pokemon world, being as that I've only really played the games and not read the manga. <3
I also liked how all your stories were coherent with each other. :)
Can't wait to see what more you do in this com!


chrysa July 16 2010, 23:44:24 UTC
I mostly write in game-verse, so I know how you feel. When I read anime-verse or manga-verse, half the time I'm like, >_> I don't know who that is.

Thanks for your review! Glad you enjoyed.


this is nitesh, btw mangobug July 17 2010, 00:08:48 UTC
Thank goodness, I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets confused with all the different universes. :D


kouriko July 16 2010, 19:47:42 UTC
Frou Frou and Damien Rice fffff~ ♥

These were good! I like their characterization here. They're all so sweet, and their sacrifices for each other broke my heart. Penniless Kotone makes me so sad.

Just so you know, two of them are numbered as three. xD


chrysa July 16 2010, 23:48:35 UTC
The funny thing is, that's the only Frou Frou song on my playlist, and Damien Rice is one of the less-listened to singer-songwriters I have songs from. @_@ But I love Imogen Heap and Damien Rice's stuff is really good. *g*

I kind of went "oshi--" when the song for the Hibiki/Kotone piece came on because it's such a... very religious song. So I ran with the first thing that came to me because I only had 10 minutes and that was someone in the anon meme mentioning how the PC's family is probably poor. D8 I'm sorry Kotone.

ffffff I was fixing this while you were commenting, but I didn't catch that. Thanks for pointing it out to me~


akumugan July 17 2010, 05:08:21 UTC
Frou Frou and Chris Cornell!! *q* I love them!

And I really like how you wrote the characters! I think they're my only OT3 in the Pokemon fandom~!! *___*

Oh, and penniless Kotone also broke my heart as well. ;__; But oh Hibiki, you saved the day!

The fourth one was also just d'aw Silver...Oh, Hibiki~!!


chrysa July 17 2010, 05:36:23 UTC
The funny thing about how my playlist went was that the randomizer picked all the artists I listened to semi-frequently, not never or very frequently. (I went down my 1200+ mp3 playlist XD;;)

;__; They're my only OT3 too. I really think they're all so cute together.


akumugan July 17 2010, 06:06:44 UTC
My shuffle picked some good song but some dark songs for something as child-friendly as Pokemon! XD;; Mm, me too. They were songs I listen to well enough but not hardly or too frequently. (I have 1513 songs @__@)

They are! Although I don't mind the separate pairings dividing them either. :3 Cute is cute no matter what!


chrysa July 17 2010, 06:14:12 UTC
Haha, honestly? I like them all as friends together, but I don't ship threesomes...I just personally can't see them working. I like any combination of the three as a pairing, though. XD;; I was trying to actually write a romantic OT3 of the last one but then You Know My Name came on and I was like, "...oic." It came out a little more than friendship but a little less than romantic still? haha.

I briefly considered writing the instrumental ones too, since I have some Yiruma piano music...but then I gave up for the same of my sanity. T_T


lark July 18 2010, 17:29:03 UTC
Your last one was the strongest and most interesting, but they were all really heartwarming and adorable, aaa. Tsun!Silver made me laugh! Silver is such a derp. Kotone/Hibiki was so adorable; I totally think they would have had this extremely supportive relationship. They do an awful lot of yelling in all of these fics! XD #4 broke my heart ;_; Hibiki's such a good person, a;ldskfjaler. I especially liked the last paragraph of #4. As I said before, #5 grabs you from the get-go with all the bustle and rush and desperation; you captured that really well. It stands out as being really different.

Excellent fics! Ilu Chry ♥


chrysa July 18 2010, 20:30:59 UTC
I imagine the three as a very boisterous trio. They did a lot of whispering too! I'm surprised you didn't call me out on that. ^^;;

The last one was something of a fluke, probably. I originally wanted to write something happy and cute for all three of them, but You Know My Name came on and I was like, "Okay. Then there's that." I'm glad you approve!



ibuberu July 19 2010, 08:56:28 UTC
The fifth part was amazing, I loved how you played with Silver's bad roots and used it to show the bond of the trio. I tend to see them as a friendship OT3 too, probably the one I love the most out of all the generations thus far.

I liked how you explored their relationships in pairs too, especially the HibikiKotone one because that was really the sweetest thing ever :D Kotone in the first part seemed to be discouraged too easily, but Silver's save was so amazingly sweet, hee.


chrysa July 21 2010, 07:09:37 UTC
I think they have an amazingly adorable dynamic. *_* I don't have the heart to separate them.

If I'm honest though, Hibiki/Kotone is probably my favourite romantic couple out of the three. I have a thing for childhood friends.

Kotone in the first part seemed to be discouraged too easily

....she does. *frets over it* I think it was partially because I was panicking over finishing it (I accidentally deleted a large chunk of it since I was writing in notepad). The other half is, as a girl, if specifically called a boy who I thought liked me and and he was mean, I'd probably get really discouraged. In general, I believe Kotone is kind of the clingy/hopeful type, but you know, there's only so much even she can push.


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