drabble request post: CLOSED

Jun 01, 2011 21:38

urgh my muse is being a bitch and i need something to help me keep up the creativity going so i can finish my help_japan fic (xsunghyox i will finish that minyul au soon!!) so here's a random request post probably no one's going to care about :D

uhh, just comment with the fandom, pairing, prompt and anything else you think is important and i'll try to whip ( Read more... )

fic; drabble

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Comments 32

cry_withoutfear June 1 2011, 16:18:04 UTC
pairing/fandom: jonghyun (shinee)/luna (f(x))
prompt: "breakeven" by the script (a wonderful song~)

thank you. (Y)


still alive but i'm barely breathing (jonghyun/luna, 230w) soulfreeze June 2 2011, 13:55:35 UTC
luna is smarter than this. she is stronger and prettier and worth so much more than what a boy makes her feel.

but sunyoung isn't so sure.

sunyoung is scared and lost and lonely in this world where no one is ever good enough and everyone is after the same thing. sunyoung is just a girl with dreams of loving and being loved, and it feels like it'll never be enough, not if she wants to make it as luna.

maybe that's why she falls for jonghyun. it's part wanting to be who he is, part just wanting him. he is confident and assured and he carries his heart on his sleeve like it'll never fail him. she loves him in the only way she knows how - quietly, ardently, secretly.

sunyoung isn't stupid enough to risk everything she's worked so hard for, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to. but luna tells her - begs her - not to, so she backs away from the gaze jonghyun sears into her back and pretends like she can't feel it ( ... )


Re: still alive but i'm barely breathing (jonghyun/luna, 230w) pauperplanes June 2 2011, 14:00:21 UTC
oh my god this was so beautiful ;_____________;
thank you for this really breathtaking drabble.


Re: still alive but i'm barely breathing (jonghyun/luna, 230w) soulfreeze June 2 2011, 14:20:37 UTC
thank you, i'm glad you liked it considering i spent five minutes on it! :D


bollywoodrecord June 1 2011, 22:13:33 UTC
More Drabble requests! Yaaaay. Haha, I'll go with 2PM/SNSD; Wooyoung/Seohyun; lmao this is random but a costume party au type thingymajig? Yeah. I hope you feel inspired. XD Thaaaaanks.


whoever you are (wooyoung/seohyun, 268w) soulfreeze June 2 2011, 14:14:45 UTC
lol idek

seohyun picks at the flimsy material of her skirt, eyes cast downwards in an attempt to look preoccupied. she touches the intricate ridges of her mask, quietly wondering if anyone could tell she was still seohyun - still shy, nervous seo joohyun, with the pretty voice and the sad little smile.

she thinks it's because everyone can that they're avoiding her, skirting around the edges of the crowd and away from the girl who no one can make a proper conversation with ( ... )


Re: whoever you are (wooyoung/seohyun, 268w) bollywoodrecord June 2 2011, 18:16:58 UTC
I absolutely love you. Like, to limitless beyonds. that doesn't even make sense but whatever it sounds good in my head

This is... This is awesome sauce, right here. You are an amazing writer and

wooyoung doesn't need to know who she is to know that he wants her.

Oh, how I so wish that was true... Thank you so much for writing. :)


Re: whoever you are (wooyoung/seohyun, 268w) soulfreeze June 3 2011, 12:21:25 UTC
i've never written this pairing before so thank you for giving me a challenge! it's so hard to grasp seohyun's character D:

i'm glad you liked this though :)


shinystory June 2 2011, 02:26:43 UTC
Whee! A drabble request.

2PM/Girls' Generation; Woo-young/Tae-yeon; "clouds in my coffee."

Thank you! :)


don't you remember (wooyoung/taeyeon, 184w) soulfreeze June 2 2011, 14:41:18 UTC
it's stupid really, the way she always orders his favourite coffee every morning for herself ( ... )


Re: don't you remember (wooyoung/taeyeon, 184w) shinystory June 3 2011, 00:18:21 UTC
Thank you! Thank you so much for this.

I was actually a little confused who I wanted to ship with Woo-young in the beginning, but your stories--always, always beautifully written finally tipped in Tae-yeon's major favor. :)

Thank you for writing this sweet confection (which was redundant and probably not grammatically correct, but what the hey.)


Re: don't you remember (wooyoung/taeyeon, 184w) soulfreeze June 3 2011, 12:22:48 UTC
hehe i guess my wootae hasn't been very nice to tae these days! :D but i'm glad you liked this piece.


shirafaye June 2 2011, 04:45:03 UTC
nichkhun/victoria, college!au
nichkhun, student of law (or business) has a huge crush on the girl who works behind the counter of his favorite tiny coffee shop on fridays and tuesdays.

he didn't mean to fall asleep right at closing time.


you're my mvp (nichkhun/victoria, 346w) soulfreeze June 3 2011, 12:17:29 UTC

nichkhun isn't a stalker.

it's not his fault the only days he goes to this cafe is on tuesdays and fridays (his law lectures are three hours long and he needs something to keep him awake for professor kim) and it's definitely not his fault that she seems to work the counter at the times he stops by.

the only vaguely stalkerish thing he does is watch her discreetly from his corner table, averting his eyes to his laptop whenever she looks over at him.

it's pathetic and he knows it, but nichkhun doesn't mean any harm. she's just - really, really pretty.

he also doesn't mean to fall asleep at closing time.

"um - sir?" there is a gentle tap on his shoulder, a lilting, accented voice and something that smells like cinnamon and coffee. "you have to get up now - we're closing."

nichkhun sits up slowly, rubbing at his eyes before his senses come flooding back to him and he realises that the girl - the girl - is staring at him, an amused smile twitching at her lips. he flushes, ears reddening as he surreptitiously checks for drool ( ... )


Re: you're my mvp (nichkhun/victoria, 346w) shirafaye June 3 2011, 21:28:51 UTC


Re: you're my mvp (nichkhun/victoria, 346w) shirafaye June 3 2011, 21:32:26 UTC
ANYWAYS thank you for writing this! It's adorbs and all sorts of cute, and I kind of wish my life was as nice as that. I hope you managed to kick your muse back into working~


ext_639916 June 2 2011, 17:31:58 UTC

1. khuntoria - in which victoria is being difficult (time of the month, maybe?) but khun still thinks the world of her.

2. jung il woo/kim so eun - in which kim bum is absolutely jealous.

(just thought i'd give #2 a shot :) #1 otherwise please thank you!)


let's keep things professional (kim bum/kim so eun + jung il woo, 454w) soulfreeze June 3 2011, 12:57:10 UTC
yay for rpf, meaning no characterisation whatsoever 8D
"you," bum is hissing now, and il woo finds it hilarious. "are a dead man."

il woo bursts out laughing, earning glares from the crew and his make-up noona reprimands him for moving too much.

"and you," he mumbles back, because his noona is applying foundation around his chin. "are being completely irrational."

he can practically hear bum roll his eyes over the line.

"i swear to god, if you even think about groping her ass because i was in character!" il woo scoffs at the high-pitched and completely inaccurate imitation of his voice. "i will beat you into a pulp and convince minho that it was you who stole his cigarettes."

"but that was you!" il woo crows indignantly, but they both know that minho doesn't believe anything il woo says anymore after the cake incident which must never be spoken of ( ... )


Re: let's keep things professional (kim bum/kim so eun + jung il woo, 454w) ext_639916 June 3 2011, 18:03:42 UTC
haha! thanks for tackling #2! interesting how you wrote Ilwoo as a slightly badass kinda character; in my mind, he's the polite, goody-two-shoes, level-headed older friend to Bummie, who's.. more excitable and easily riled... and SO whipped for eunnie (that, you got right!).

good to see you writing again!


Re: let's keep things professional (kim bum/kim so eun + jung il woo, 454w) marsyaf_love88 August 3 2011, 06:15:01 UTC
just beautiful. i really love kimbum/soeun/ilwoo & how i wish there's new drama combining these three beautiful people. ;)


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