drabble request post: CLOSED

Jun 01, 2011 21:38

urgh my muse is being a bitch and i need something to help me keep up the creativity going so i can finish my help_japan fic (xsunghyox i will finish that minyul au soon!!) so here's a random request post probably no one's going to care about :D

uhh, just comment with the fandom, pairing, prompt and anything else you think is important and i'll try to whip ( Read more... )

fic; drabble

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shirafaye June 2 2011, 04:45:03 UTC
nichkhun/victoria, college!au
nichkhun, student of law (or business) has a huge crush on the girl who works behind the counter of his favorite tiny coffee shop on fridays and tuesdays.

he didn't mean to fall asleep right at closing time.


you're my mvp (nichkhun/victoria, 346w) soulfreeze June 3 2011, 12:17:29 UTC

nichkhun isn't a stalker.

it's not his fault the only days he goes to this cafe is on tuesdays and fridays (his law lectures are three hours long and he needs something to keep him awake for professor kim) and it's definitely not his fault that she seems to work the counter at the times he stops by.

the only vaguely stalkerish thing he does is watch her discreetly from his corner table, averting his eyes to his laptop whenever she looks over at him.

it's pathetic and he knows it, but nichkhun doesn't mean any harm. she's just - really, really pretty.

he also doesn't mean to fall asleep at closing time.

"um - sir?" there is a gentle tap on his shoulder, a lilting, accented voice and something that smells like cinnamon and coffee. "you have to get up now - we're closing."

nichkhun sits up slowly, rubbing at his eyes before his senses come flooding back to him and he realises that the girl - the girl - is staring at him, an amused smile twitching at her lips. he flushes, ears reddening as he surreptitiously checks for drool ( ... )


Re: you're my mvp (nichkhun/victoria, 346w) shirafaye June 3 2011, 21:28:51 UTC


Re: you're my mvp (nichkhun/victoria, 346w) shirafaye June 3 2011, 21:32:26 UTC
ANYWAYS thank you for writing this! It's adorbs and all sorts of cute, and I kind of wish my life was as nice as that. I hope you managed to kick your muse back into working~


Re: you're my mvp (nichkhun/victoria, 346w) marsyaf_love88 August 3 2011, 06:18:46 UTC
the last line really gets me.. wow. vic's certainly the same kinda stalker like khun. me likey. thnx for writing such an amazing story again!~


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