drabble request post: CLOSED

Jun 01, 2011 21:38

urgh my muse is being a bitch and i need something to help me keep up the creativity going so i can finish my help_japan fic (xsunghyox i will finish that minyul au soon!!) so here's a random request post probably no one's going to care about :D

uhh, just comment with the fandom, pairing, prompt and anything else you think is important and i'll try to whip ( Read more... )

fic; drabble

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don't you remember (wooyoung/taeyeon, 184w) soulfreeze June 2 2011, 14:41:18 UTC
it's stupid really, the way she always orders his favourite coffee every morning for herself.

taeyeon remembers the black beanie pulled over his ears, the ridiculously infectious grin he gave her over the cup and the way he would trace the inside of her wrist, pinching lightly whenever she giggled.

wooyoung, she thinks, has a way of reminding her of his presence without even being there.

it's been months since they've seen each other, japan and schedules and practices and everything in between, but the one thing that scares taeyeon the most is not remembering.

so she'll buy his coffee, some confectionary, whipped-cream monster that he loves only because it makes him think that there are clouds in his coffee, drinks it and tells herself she's never going to forget, not when she has this.

(maybe she's just over-thinking it - after all, it's just coffee.)

but maybe not, not when wooyoung turns up at the airport in the same black beanie and wearing the same irresistible grin.

"wanna go grab some coffee?"

taeyeon snorts, lacing her fingers with his.

"god no."



Re: don't you remember (wooyoung/taeyeon, 184w) shinystory June 3 2011, 00:18:21 UTC
Thank you! Thank you so much for this.

I was actually a little confused who I wanted to ship with Woo-young in the beginning, but your stories--always, always beautifully written finally tipped in Tae-yeon's major favor. :)

Thank you for writing this sweet confection (which was redundant and probably not grammatically correct, but what the hey.)


Re: don't you remember (wooyoung/taeyeon, 184w) soulfreeze June 3 2011, 12:22:48 UTC
hehe i guess my wootae hasn't been very nice to tae these days! :D but i'm glad you liked this piece.


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