last ooc note: PLEASE READ!

Jul 16, 2010 14:32

And that’s the end of that event! You are all free to backlog your threads and other logs, so no rush!

Soul and Maka’s group find Marie and eventually, the signal for retreat is called. There is no sign of BJ. With the witches abandoning the base (for now), other Shibusen technicians are able to move in to free the Norad prisoners there, as well as eliminate all the remaining kishin eggs. The partners are taken back to Death City via the mirror very late on the night of August 22, where they are greeted with the smell of frog fart.

As soon as Crane has been extracted from prison, Eruka and her frogs withdraw from the city, vanishing seemingly in a puff of smoke, leaving only devastation and bad smell in their wake. There’s some property damage, of course, a big mess where fighting took place, and you guys have barely any food for a week. The frogs basically ransacked your single reliable food source, re: the mall, and it will take them that long to restock. Things will be a little thin for a while.

The injured will be taken cared of in Winry Rockbell’s clinic right next to the Communal. Fortunately, it has enough space for a good number of people, eh? The Shibusen clinic and the city hospital are packed full with the injured residents (you know, the people who aren’t super strong like you guys are), so things are going to be a bit cramped.

Lastly, Conrad died in the attack by Eruka and Crane is missing from his cell. The floor has a very large hole in the middle, where something has obviously dug through. Any attempts to follow the tunnel will find it leading outside the city, where the trail disappears as soon as the tunnel hits sand. Various reports from Shibusen officials will be raised later on in the day, as they regroup and assess the damages done to their ranks. A clinic log will be opened up later for visits to patients.

Reward! All partners who attended the mission will get FIVE (5) Kishin Eggs for their weapons to eat, and 3000 death dollars per pair to spend. The five kishin eggs are not on top of the kishin eggs you got on the field -- basically, all kishin eggs are collected after the mission (yes, even if they’ve been in your gut) to redistribute to everyone, including the medics and support units.

If you have questions, please ask here.
Comments, violent reactions, etc are also welcome!

Links for reference: (in chronological order)

Spirit's first post to call for partners for the missions.
BJ's SOS entry
Death the Kid's follow up post, mission details.
Mission posting, updated with the current mission.
First OOC coordination post.
Spreadsheet for the groups, etc.
Germany's post.
Death by Pastry Partnership log
Training log
Spirit's Briefing post
Second Coordination Post
Mission notes
Frog attack notes
Death the Kid's announcement
Eruka log

!gameplot masterlist (summaries only), !event

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