
Jul 11, 2010 12:54

Mission threads unlocked! Please thread by groups if possible!

But now, citizens of Death City! You didn't think things would be peaceful in the city while the partners had fun in the mission, did you?

Frog attack!

Death City is now under seige of giant, killer frogs. Don't underestimate them -- they're the size of dogs, have fangs, and have a thing for meat. There are a variety of smaller little buggers, but expect them to have some strange effects, like poison, tear gas smoke coming outta their backs, and some of them explode.

If you have any questions about the frogs, drop this post a line.

The frogs can be hurt by conventional weapons/items/anything you have at hand. They are freakishly strong (like dogs, again), but they can be killed. When you kill them, they go up in a cloud of smoke.

The event will run for an in-game day, alongside the mission event.

The people in the mission can't see the communication posts of the people in Death City, because the communicators on the mission side are jammed.

Links for reference: (in chronological order)
Spirit's first post to call for partners for the missions.
BJ's SOS entry
Death the Kid's follow up post, mission details.
Mission posting, updated with the current mission.
First OOC coordination post.
Spreadsheet for the groups, etc.
Germany's post.
Death by Pastry Partnership log
Training log
Spirit's Briefing post
Second Coordination Post
Mission notes
Frog attack notes
Eruka log


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