More event coordination here!
All right, Spirit just posted the briefing post with the strategy and everything.
If you:
1. Don't understand it,
2. Don't like your grouping,
3. Want to JOIN the groups,
4. Have any other comments,
You can hit this post up, too. And you can use this to coordinate anything else.
The chart's not final! You can still move around, really.
Links for reference: (in chronological order)
Spirit's first post to call for partners for the missions. BJ's SOS entry Death the Kid's follow up post, mission details. Mission posting, updated with the current mission. First OOC coordination post.Spreadsheet for the groups, etc. Germany's post. Death by Pastry Partnership log Training log Spirit's Briefing post Second Coordination Post EVENT LOG Mission notes Frog attack notes FROG ATTACK LOG Eruka logAlso: