G is for Gifts. [OPEN]

Oct 23, 2011 14:46

Characters: Takasugi, all the people he's giving gifts to, and whoever wants in!
Location: All over the place. Feel free to choose where Takasugi meets you - I'll have him drop in on you. :3
Rating: G for now!
Time: December 24, during the day down to early evening or so
Description: He doesn't celebrate Christmas, but he knows it's important for ( Read more... )

takasugi shinsuke, selendis, katsura kotarou, tsukuyo, sakamoto tatsuma, kawakami bansai

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[Around afternoon| At his place] novelvision October 23 2011, 08:17:31 UTC
Katsura wasn't busy for once, and being not busy usually meant being outside. That wasn't the case today however as the man decided that if he was going to brood he could at least do it inside where he wouldn't freeze.

Even as it was, staying inside was part of the promise he had made to Takasugi to not overwork himself for a day. But already he was having trouble adhering to it, preoccupied with thoughts of what he'd do once the day was over while he ate a cup of noodles.


alastinglight October 23 2011, 12:50:10 UTC
Takasugi happened to be coming around at that moment. He figured that he ought to drop in and loaf around a bit, just to make sure Katsura really wasn't working and maybe to keep the man company.

(He needed the company too, but nobody had to know that.)

The boy knocked on the door as soon as he got there.



novelvision October 23 2011, 16:41:21 UTC
Katsura was up the moment he heard Takasugi's voice, trying hard not to think about how he had been hoping for some company since he was completely alone and he had run out of the money he allocated for his dramas.

"Oh, Takasugi!" He said as he opened the door. "Come on in. I'll make us some tea."


alastinglight October 24 2011, 14:23:55 UTC

Takasugi balanced what he had been carrying in order to open the door with his free hand, and then he nudged it shut once he was inside. He immediately sought Katsura out, and smiled the moment he saw the other.



[ early evening, on the streets ] shinigamitayuu October 23 2011, 15:58:15 UTC
I guess Christmas will always be a big deal anywhere in the universe Tsukuyo thought as she walked towards the DOGS office with a small paper bag in hand. She figured she'd give the smaller gifts now and follow with the bigger ones afterwards. (She did not want to risk carrying 2 cake boxes while walking on snow-covered streets)

And she still didn't like the snow all that much, but it wasn't going to stop her from performing her duties. It made her stop by the mall first to buy a long, black trenchcoat though, and she had to admit that she was liking it very much. (Though it did very little to warm her, at least it kept the snow off her skin and kimono)

Tsukuyo smiled when she saw Takasugi with a markedly larger bag than hers just ahead. Turning the coat's collar up, she walked briskly towards where he was.

"Do you also moonlight as Father Christmas when the holidays arrive?"


/o/ alastinglight October 24 2011, 14:22:43 UTC
That made Takasugi smile.

"I don't," he returned, "but I think I know somebody who wants to."

Not that he's going to spoil who it is, but well.

"Good thing we ran into each other, though. I have something for you."


shinigamitayuu October 27 2011, 14:12:50 UTC
He wouldn't have to, she probably had a pretty good idea as to who it was, or were, remembering the ridiculously-disguised duo who stalked Takasugi and Aqua at the festival some weeks prior.

"Oh. It is fortunate, then. I have something for you as well" she said, drawing out a flat box from the bag, wrapped in black, orange, and gold washi paper.


alastinglight October 27 2011, 22:58:57 UTC
Have a surprised look, Tskuyo, as the boy eyed the box.

"Oh... you didn't have to."

He was all for this gift giving thing, but had kind of forgotten about getting anything in return!


Outside Danse Macabre | Evening frissonic October 24 2011, 13:26:54 UTC
Before work, the musician had slipping into Takasugi's apartment, a simple task, to leave the only gift he'd gotten anyone in Death City before heading to work. He had been fortunate that the teen had not been home; had that been the case, he simply would have done the task at a later time.

Now, Bansai was standing outside the club establishment, taking a smoke break after finishing his first set of the night. The air was cold, though the tobacco helped to warm him as he leans against the wall of the building. It was still hard to believe that there was snow on the ground, when it had not been all that chilly during his arrival in this world.


alastinglight October 24 2011, 14:36:59 UTC
Takasugi, on the other hand, had found the shamisen in between one of his runs. It had creeped him out, of course, and he had been on the brink of firing off a very angry message to Bansai for it when he remembered how their last conversation had gone. Among other things.

Damn it all.

As things were, the boy was now walking towards the Danse Macabre with a wrapped package in his arms. Bansai was outside: good. Sort of.

It saved him time, at least.

"Hey you."


frissonic October 25 2011, 01:44:40 UTC
Bansai glanced up at the sound of his voice; he recognized the vocal quality, though he wasn't sure how pleased he was about his tone.

"You are perturbed with me."

He didn't phrase it as a question. The musician had been expecting that sort of response, but at least there had been no immediate, biting words. He could only assume that his gift had been received, though.

"You will have to forgive me. It is something we enjoyed doing together, and it seemed right for you to have one. I feared that if I were to give it to you personally, you would refuse it."

Time to take a drag off that cigarette while he waited for Shinsuke's reply.


alastinglight October 25 2011, 05:06:55 UTC
"...It's not a problem, I guess. I just don't know how to play."

Was he shuffling his feet? Fidgeting? It's just cold, that's all.


[Limbo Lodge roof | Any time you please] justiceisdue October 29 2011, 02:25:51 UTC
While Takasugi went out to avoid wallowing, Selendis hadn't really left the roof to do much else besides think. She didn't care for human holidays, let alone the snow that had been steadily piling up for the past two days. She had only gone inside to check on Karkat a few times, always returning to the same spot on the edge of the building. There was no clear path from the roof access to her perch, considering she just dropped in through the balcony. If she didn't move to stretch every few hours, she'd probably be impossible to spot under the snow ( ... )


EXCELLENT and hello I am late to my own log... alastinglight October 30 2011, 15:25:40 UTC
It was hard to miss Selendis, really, even if she was practically one with the skyline of Death City and the snow. Then again, he had been on the lookout for her.

That was probably it. When he set his mind to doing something, few things could deter him.

As such, Takasugi walked close to the building and looked up, craning his neck towards the alien's figure. Then he cupped his hands over his mouth and tried to call out to her.



never as late as me~ justiceisdue November 2 2011, 01:47:13 UTC
Selendis watched him approach the building, not moving even when she recognized him. Most visitors out this way were here for Karkat, as her company tended to come by way of rooftop.

She had no need to yell back - he would hear her voice as clearly as if she were standing right next to him. "En Taro Adun, Takasugi. Do you require something of me?"

He didn't seem to be in any sort of a hurry, so she assumed it wasn't an emergency. She wasn't up for much at the moment, anyways.


XD alastinglight November 2 2011, 05:11:38 UTC
"Yeah! Um, give me a bit..."

He was going to pop into the building and head up to see you now. He does arrive in record time, and to his credit? He's not too winded.



[Late morning? | City Streets] silvershamurai October 29 2011, 14:11:22 UTC
Christmas Eve. The season of giving. The season of joy. The season of empty pockets and crying parents and old men with bowel problems dressed as Santa, wishing the kid sitting on their knee would stop fidgeting for one second.

Gintoki pulled his kimono tighter around him, eyebrows knitting together half from annoyance, half from the cold. He couldn't wait until the day was over, and he could retreat back to his apartment with people he could honestly enjoy the company of tolerate. Until then, hanging around the Yorozuya office would have to suffice, assuming he wouldn't slip on the ice and put himself in a coma. But stuff like that only ever happened in anime.

...wait a minute.


alastinglight October 30 2011, 15:31:39 UTC
Oh, this was lucky! He had been wondering how to approach Gintoki at that very moment, and here the man was.

(Excellent timing, muns.)


Takasugi sped up just enough to approach the man, but slowed the moment he was a respectable distance away.


silvershamurai October 31 2011, 13:27:16 UTC
Looking up, Gintoki spotted Takasugi making his way to him and he gives the boy a nod when he's close enough.

"Hey. Running an errand?"


alastinglight November 1 2011, 12:47:08 UTC
"I was looking for you, actually."

A swift smile, a nervous scratch behind his ear and shuffle of his feet.

"Uh. Got a minute?"


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