G is for Gifts. [OPEN]

Oct 23, 2011 14:46

Characters: Takasugi, all the people he's giving gifts to, and whoever wants in!
Location: All over the place. Feel free to choose where Takasugi meets you - I'll have him drop in on you. :3
Rating: G for now!
Time: December 24, during the day down to early evening or so
Description: He doesn't celebrate Christmas, but he knows it's important for ( Read more... )

takasugi shinsuke, selendis, katsura kotarou, tsukuyo, sakamoto tatsuma, kawakami bansai

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[Limbo Lodge roof | Any time you please] justiceisdue October 29 2011, 02:25:51 UTC
While Takasugi went out to avoid wallowing, Selendis hadn't really left the roof to do much else besides think. She didn't care for human holidays, let alone the snow that had been steadily piling up for the past two days. She had only gone inside to check on Karkat a few times, always returning to the same spot on the edge of the building. There was no clear path from the roof access to her perch, considering she just dropped in through the balcony. If she didn't move to stretch every few hours, she'd probably be impossible to spot under the snow ( ... )


EXCELLENT and hello I am late to my own log... alastinglight October 30 2011, 15:25:40 UTC
It was hard to miss Selendis, really, even if she was practically one with the skyline of Death City and the snow. Then again, he had been on the lookout for her.

That was probably it. When he set his mind to doing something, few things could deter him.

As such, Takasugi walked close to the building and looked up, craning his neck towards the alien's figure. Then he cupped his hands over his mouth and tried to call out to her.



never as late as me~ justiceisdue November 2 2011, 01:47:13 UTC
Selendis watched him approach the building, not moving even when she recognized him. Most visitors out this way were here for Karkat, as her company tended to come by way of rooftop.

She had no need to yell back - he would hear her voice as clearly as if she were standing right next to him. "En Taro Adun, Takasugi. Do you require something of me?"

He didn't seem to be in any sort of a hurry, so she assumed it wasn't an emergency. She wasn't up for much at the moment, anyways.


XD alastinglight November 2 2011, 05:11:38 UTC
"Yeah! Um, give me a bit..."

He was going to pop into the building and head up to see you now. He does arrive in record time, and to his credit? He's not too winded.



justiceisdue November 2 2011, 05:30:12 UTC
Selendis simply waited for him, unsure of what he wanted. They typically only saw one another during morning training, but she'd been absent for a few days.

She gave him a brief bow in response to his greeting. "What is it that I can do for you, Takasugi?"


alastinglight November 2 2011, 14:20:57 UTC
"I have a Christmas gift for you. Um..."

Takasugi trailed off, digging into his coat for a bit before producing a small, modestly wrapped package and holding it out to her.

"It isn't much, but I hope you like it."


justiceisdue November 2 2011, 14:42:38 UTC
Selendis actually looked startled. She knew by watching the network what Christmas was and all the traditions involved, but she'd had no intention of participating.

"I - thank you, Takasugi." She took the small package as gingerly as possible, easily slicing it open with one claw.

Well, she had no idea what is was that he'd given her.


alastinglight November 4 2011, 17:21:06 UTC
Oh, right... Takasugi blushed at that point, and it certainly wasn't because it was cold.

"It's what people in my country call an onamori - sort of like a ward for protection, and a thing that gives good fortune to the person it belongs to. Yours is for good safety, since you go out on missions and stuff."


justiceisdue November 4 2011, 20:39:15 UTC
She pulled it out of the package as carefully as she'd opened it, looking at the gift more closely. It was unique, though it reminded her of something her people would weave into their robes or tie into their nerve cords for ceremonial purposes.

"It is beautiful," she said. She wasn't certain she deserved such a thing, but his thoughtfulness touched her. "How may I use it?"


alastinglight November 5 2011, 14:32:29 UTC
"However you like, actually. You could hang it up somewhere, or put it among your belongings." he smiled, relieved that she seemed to appreciate his gift at least. "The best thing to do, though, would be to find some way to wear it, so that it's always with you."


justiceisdue November 5 2011, 16:28:56 UTC
Well, she lived up on the roof and rarely kept anything in Karkat's apartment, so she'd have to wear it. Reaching up behind her head, she wrapped the delicate string into her nerve cords, easily securing the charm into place. She couldn't see it now, but assumed it was a stark contrast to how dirty and ratty her clothes had gotten over the months. For likely the first time her life, she actually felt self conscious in front of a human.

"You honor me with your gift," she said, bowing to him. "I am afraid I have nothing to offer you in return but my sincere gratitude."


alastinglight November 6 2011, 05:00:26 UTC
"That's more than enough. I'd feel awkward getting something anyway."

He shuffled his feet a bit.

"Well... that's it, I guess. I should go."

Unless Selendis was looking for company? He didn't mind!


justiceisdue November 6 2011, 05:38:23 UTC
She didn't quite understand why it would be awkward, but was glad it was enough for him. Tassadar was better at figuring out human sentiments than she was anyways.

"I would not want to keep you," she said. "But you are welcome to rest up here for a moment if you wish."

The building didn't have quite as many stairs as Shibusen, but he'd taken them pretty quickly. The view of the city wasn't half bad up here, either.


alastinglight November 6 2011, 14:14:02 UTC
Cold as it was, he did have to agree: the view was great.

"I'll stay for a bit, then."


justiceisdue November 7 2011, 03:22:16 UTC
She was grateful, even if she didn't say as much. While she was happy to pass the time in silence, she figured humans were still more socially demanding than her people.

"Were you in Europe long, or did you remain in the city?"


alastinglight November 7 2011, 05:47:28 UTC
"I was there for a while. My partner and I had to come back early, though."

There's a brief flicker of... something in Takasugi's expression at that. He wasn't pleased at all at having to return too soon.


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