Washed Away [OPEN]

Oct 08, 2010 03:09

Characters: Anybody washed into the desert by the flood, a shitload of Kishin Eggs.
Location: The desert and ruins surrounding Death City.
Rating: R, in anticipation of swearing in terror.
Time: Sept 14 and onwards, for the duration of the monsoon.
Format: Action or Prose
Description: Whether by accident or in the interest of having fun, more than a few ( Read more... )

shishito madoka, shirley fenette, dante sparda, fa mulan, jenrya lee, date masamune, colette brunel, jeanne d'arc, justin law, pepper potts, fuuka yamagishi, suzaku kururugi, nataku, phoenix wright, azusa yumi, sasuke uchiha, naruto uzumaki, naoto shirogane, rise kujikawa, miles edgeworth, euphemia li britannia

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[Date, Dante, Nataku, Justin] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 7 2010, 16:58:22 UTC
Having blasted out of Death City in style, Justin was now to be found laying in the middle of a large puddle. A chain extended from his arm and he was seemingly attached to an inoperative motorcycle, from which tenuously hung the form of a blue samurai. Amazingly, it had somehow been left standing at the end of its wild ride.

Off to his right, not far away, lay the limp body of a white-haired boy. He didn't seem to be moving. Beyond him was another one with white hair, though this one was older and wearing red. He didn't look particularly fazed by what had just occurred.

Once he took the time to better gauge his surroundings Justin was, however, far more concerned. They had been dumped in the middle of some ruins a fair distance from Death City's north gates, and the ruins were dangerous. Granted, here at least they weren't at risk of falling into the quicksand resulting from the flood, but the chances were alarmingly high of being attacked by resident Kishin Eggs ( ... )


[TIME FOR RESCUING DANTE'S IGNORANT ASS] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 10 2010, 18:24:27 UTC
Even if Justin had sensed the other Kishin Egg coming from behind, he couldn't turn his focus away from the second one coming toward him; he was no good to the group if he was dead, which he would be if he revealed his back to the oncoming enemy. He was visibly concerned though as all he could hear was the sounds of arguing, the brief thud of something hard hitting flesh, and infernal shrieking ( ... )


[TIME FOR REAL ASSKICKING TIME I HOPE] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 11 2010, 04:18:57 UTC
"We can't take it on without you turning into your Weapon form, idiot!" Date shouted back, and he would have wanted to said something else (and maybe just snap at Nataku with his very unhelpful commentary) if it wasn't for the fact that the kishin was now lunging towards them now after having recovered back from that punch. Everything was happening too fast - the samurai didn't have that much time to react and he was almost expecting the fangs and blades to sink into him when Justin came and saved their asses - for now, that was ( ... )


[TIME FOR DANTE TO FINALLY BECOME USEFUL] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 11 2010, 04:33:14 UTC
Dante was surprised when his blow seemed to have no effect on the kishin and instead seemed enrage it even further. Thankfully Justin jumped in to protect their sorry asses and bought them time. Then Date dragged him off and started yelling at him. He got that he was supposed to do something, but how the hell was he supposed to do anything her? Of course he didn't want to die, but there wasn't anything he could do.

Instead he yelled back. "What the fuck are you expecting me to do here? What is this about--"

He wasn't sure what happened next, one moment he was arguing with Date, the next he found he had no mouth to yell with. Dante felt the distinct impression of being a sword or more specifically his sword Rebellion. Where Dante once stood was now a claymore. He technically couldn't see since he had no eyes, but he somehow he knew where everything was as if was looking at them himself, no better than that since this view was now the full 360 degrees. He knew Date stood in front of him, Justin was grappling with a kishin off to the ( ... )


[TIME FOR SOME CHEERING FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 11 2010, 13:37:50 UTC
The Kishin egg continued snapping and spitting at Justin as it continued to try to twist free, trying to find any way to dig its claws deep into the Deathscythe. Now focusing all of its anger that originally had been directed toward Dante onto him. It seemed like the screaming which it continued to do, possibly as a means to confuse or deafen the Technician it was grappling with, helped to spur on the other three that were quickly rushing in from the front. Turning their attention upon the other three rather than going to help the other Kishin egg. Simply too focused on their own hunger and the wish for less of a fight than anything else ( ... )


[TIME FOR REALLY DIRTY TACTICS] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 11 2010, 14:36:30 UTC
Justin continued to wrestle with the beast until he was sure the Red One was free, after which he abruptly released its left arm and quickly swayed to avoid the slashing claw. The infernal shrieking was irritating though, and the foreign sound disrupted his concentration momentarily, so that when it swiped down it just lightly cut his cheek. In turn, with the Kishin Egg stumbling off-balance from the suddenly generated momentum, he thrust his armblade upward against the opposing downward force to decapitate the inhuman aggressor ( ... )


[TIME FOR TL;DR!] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 11 2010, 14:53:55 UTC
The red glow from Dante's abrupt transformation took Date by surprise as well, and the samurai was just about to let go in surprise when he felt the hard sensation of steel in his palm. Date looked down as the glow flared and shone before fading, and suddenly instead of the Weapon in his human form was the Weapon in his other form - a large sword quite unlike anything he had ever seen before, with a strange crossguard that reminded him vaguely of Oda Nobunaga.

Date broke into a small grin at Nataku's words and despite the situation, looking very much more fired up as he grabbed the Weapon without another wasted second. The resonation was nothing like what he had with Genesis - it was almost unbearable, but just tolerable enough for Date to keep his hold on and not drop the Weapon. Looks like Dante wasn't going to be that all agreeable just yet, but at least now things were getting somewhereBetween Nataku's deadpan commentary and Justin's barking orders, the Meister only kept grinning, feeling much more confident now that he had a ( ... )


[TIME FOR DATE TO USE THE SWORDMASTER STYLE] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 11 2010, 21:36:51 UTC
Dante didn't know jack about this resonation thing so had no idea of Date's discomfort. All he knew was that he had suddenly turned into his freaking sword. Since when could he do that? But the theatrics could wait till later, when he was actually capable of kicking up a fuss. For now he'd go along with this as best as he could anyway. He wasn't aware of it, but that decision had caused their resonation to increase.

He noticed that his form wasn't that of what he remembered Rebellion to be like. In fact this was the form it had before Vergil saw fit to impale him with his own sword. It was right after it had changed form that he had been able to use his Devil Trigger. Considering that he couldn't use it in this form did this mean that someone else could? Dante could ponder this later, for now they had some asskicking to do.

Let's get this party started! Dante didn't know how well Date could wield a claymore, he had only seen him with those practice swords and they had none of the length or weight of Rebellion, he tried to send Date ( ... )


[TIME FOR SOME MORE COMMENTARY] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 13 2010, 02:52:40 UTC
"You three are doing much better than before." Nataku would say that he did not have the best vantage view of the battle as he did hear screaming of the Kishin eggs and the caught the sight of occasional red shade of their glowing, corrupt souls. "It seems like you two are resonating well. Should I congratulate once more ( ... )


[TIME FOR PRAYING FOR OUR LIVES] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 13 2010, 15:39:36 UTC
Despite his eyes being closed, Justin could still hear the approach of the still-mobile Kishin Egg. It could only be hoped that the other two could be able to intercept it in time, otherwise either he or Nataku were in serious trouble. Of course, if he couldn't complete preparations for his attack, they were all going to be dead anyway, so placing his hesitant trust in them seemed the only logical option for the time being. Nataku's supposed 'help' wasn't exactly positively contributing to his concentration either, though.

Nonetheless, he held his left arm straight forward as if grasping something invisible in mid-air and supported it with his right, before enunciating the words of a prayer:

✝Dear God of Death City, watch over everyone's safety...✝The runaway had fumbled slightly in its difficulty with gaining traction for changing direction or otherwise launching an attack at the Death Scythe and noncombatant, but there were precious seconds left before it would be able to right itself and pounce. The enemy that was thrashing was ( ... )


[TIME FOR KB TO REFRESH ON HER DMC3 MEMORY AGAIN] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 13 2010, 16:31:34 UTC
The increase in resonation sent a rush of warmth and energy into Date, and the information that Dante sent to him only made things all the better. The samurai grinned as he tightened the hold he had on the claymore, not at all bothered with the fact that the Kishin had just evaded his attack - now with the new information in his head, he could only all too easily counter the attempted strike towards him and Dante ( ... )


[TIME FOR SOME CHEESINESS AND MORE STUPID] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 14 2010, 06:47:22 UTC
Dante was pleased with how well Date was picking this up. It was bad enough he couldn't really participate in this fight and take those things down himself and it really would have been the last straw if he had been lousy.

Breakdown! Dante echoed Date's words. He was especially pleased that Date had kept the line. That line made his move all the more cooler in his opinion.

He didn't realise it, but Dante was indiscriminately pouring all his energy into their resonation. So much that he was threatening to overwhelm Date unless he also increased his own output. This would put them in a risky position as they wouldn't be able to sustain it for very long. They needed to end this quickly. Unfortunately it didn't look like it would with the appearance of the large much larger Kishin.

Looks like they've finally decided to send their best.


[TIME FOR SOME SKEPTISM] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 15 2010, 00:38:31 UTC
Another splattering of blood through the darkness of the storm and glowing orb appeared from the once broken body of the Kishin egg. The other one that was thrashing about had finally ceased to do so, falling limp, and shifting into another red soul floating amongst those others that had been slain. There was silence for a time. No screaming or calling from other Kishin eggs far off.

Nataku had been watching as much as he could from his vantage point and noticed that one of their enemies was missing. His head gave a slight tilt -- messing his hair and face up a little more in the mud. These Kishin eggs were not smart enough to know that it should run to save itself when meeting a stronger enemy. Too obsessed with their hunger for such logic. Where...?The praying of Justin had broken his own concentration just a bit. "Do you believe that we are going to die? Is that why you pray for us?" Nataku could see the shape that was slipping out from the darkness. Still lumbering toward them, still just a little too far off for a direct attack ( ... )


[TIME FOR A HIGHLY IRONIC PRAYER] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 15 2010, 15:32:42 UTC
It was fortunate for Nataku that the prayer required Justin's utmost concentration; it meant he could neither explain what he was doing nor kick him into silence so that he could complete it without distractions such as, you know, blasphemy. This was evidently one of those moments where the Death Scythe benefitted most from being incapable of hearing outside noises. He couldn't adjust his earphones now, though; he had to maintain his pose and resume praying.

✝Dear God of Death, I'm your missionary of peace......✝The phenomenon was invisible to all of those present given the lack of Soul Perception, but Justin's soul wavelength was growing larger with each word uttered. The air surrounding him began to thrum and distort tangibly, kicking up wet sand amidst the sound of a slowly rising shrilling. This did nothing to dissuade the approaching Kishin Eggs, though. The situation was long past the point of intimidation; one way or another, one side was not going to leave this place except as consumed souls ( ... )


[TIME FOR MORE LAME COMBO STRINGS] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 15 2010, 16:09:14 UTC
It was probably a good thing that Date was used enough to resonation by this point in time, or otherwise things with Dante would have quickly gotten hard. As it was now, the samurai only did well to channel his own energy into the resonation as well, doing his best to keep their wavelengths in sync and he was congratulated for his efforts with another rush of energy pouring into him. Looks like this was going to get pretty interesting, indeed ( ... )


[TIME FOR ME TO RACK MY BRAINS FOR IDEAS] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 16 2010, 02:49:00 UTC
He didn't know what the hell Justin was doing, and quite frankly he didn't care or notice what he was doing. There were other things that needed his attention more than some religious nutcase saying his last prayers.

By now Dante's contribution to this whole thing (other than you know, his actual body as a Weapon and his soul energy) was reduced to little more than little interjections every time a combo ended. Hopefully Date didn't mind, unlike Dante who did mind that sort of thing as evidenced with Agni and Rudra.

Date was doing remarkably well in imitating the Weapon's moves. So it was unfortunate that remarkably well was not quite good enough in this battle. The attack was a beat too slow and the Kishin just managed to avoid getting skewered. With a scream of rage it lunged at the duo.


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