Washed Away [OPEN]

Oct 08, 2010 03:09

Characters: Anybody washed into the desert by the flood, a shitload of Kishin Eggs.
Location: The desert and ruins surrounding Death City.
Rating: R, in anticipation of swearing in terror.
Time: Sept 14 and onwards, for the duration of the monsoon.
Format: Action or Prose
Description: Whether by accident or in the interest of having fun, more than a few ( Read more... )

shishito madoka, shirley fenette, dante sparda, fa mulan, jenrya lee, date masamune, colette brunel, jeanne d'arc, justin law, pepper potts, fuuka yamagishi, suzaku kururugi, nataku, phoenix wright, azusa yumi, sasuke uchiha, naruto uzumaki, naoto shirogane, rise kujikawa, miles edgeworth, euphemia li britannia

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[Date, Dante, Nataku, Justin] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 7 2010, 16:58:22 UTC
Having blasted out of Death City in style, Justin was now to be found laying in the middle of a large puddle. A chain extended from his arm and he was seemingly attached to an inoperative motorcycle, from which tenuously hung the form of a blue samurai. Amazingly, it had somehow been left standing at the end of its wild ride.

Off to his right, not far away, lay the limp body of a white-haired boy. He didn't seem to be moving. Beyond him was another one with white hair, though this one was older and wearing red. He didn't look particularly fazed by what had just occurred.

Once he took the time to better gauge his surroundings Justin was, however, far more concerned. They had been dumped in the middle of some ruins a fair distance from Death City's north gates, and the ruins were dangerous. Granted, here at least they weren't at risk of falling into the quicksand resulting from the flood, but the chances were alarmingly high of being attacked by resident Kishin Eggs.

Calling out calmly, choosing not to alarm the others unnecessarily, Justin asked quite seriously, "Is everybody alive?"


[Strange Foursome] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 7 2010, 17:15:50 UTC
It was hard to properly digest what had happened after the collision course - everything had happened far too quickly for Date to even understand have had gone on to land him in this sort of situation. What he could recall was nothing but Nataku appearing from behind him somehow after that other guy appeared, and then there was Date shouting and the other guy yelling and before anything else could even register they had all crashed and now he didn't even know just where the hell he was.

Groaning, Date attempted to straighten himself up from the aftermath of their collision and the subsequent washout - only to have his limbs fail on him in that moment as the samurai fell from the standing motorbike and collapsed onto the ground, his head hitting the earth first to a pained yelp from the Meister himself.


[JUST A BIT] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 7 2010, 18:17:41 UTC
His hold around Date had been weak before, and just before the collision, he had lifted his hand to direct the man's attention to the one that they would collide with. It was little surprise that he had rolled a little away from the three, and still exhausted (but thankfully not unconscious, yet) from his previous transformation. Even more so from having been dragged out to desert by the flood. No, he would be making no move to stand or get up as it seemed like the effort would be wasted.

His head gave a slight jerking motion when he heard the question on his status of living, but had yet to lift his head up. "I am still alive, but I require assistance as I lack the ability to get up on my own at the moment." Tired comment, but he did find the energy to turn so that he could see everyone with relative ease. "Date Masamune, head of Oshu, are you dead?"


[STOP DOING THESE THINGS WHEN I'M ASLEEP GUYS] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 7 2010, 22:53:42 UTC
Dante had tried to jump just before the collision, but hadn't realised just how fast he was moving so while he managed to avoid serious injuries, he had still been washed away with them. He didn't even know where this was.

He was flopped out soaking wet on the ground and man, he didn't feel like getting up anytime soon. He still managed to call out though. "Alive. Round 2 can wait for a little bit." That had been one heck of a ride. "Damn, that was intense."


[WE WANTED TO SURPRISE YOU /lies] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 8 2010, 08:28:57 UTC
They all seemed to be alive and conscious at least; well, except for that one guy who landed head-first just now - he remained at question. Justin didn't speak for a time after that, instead doing something extremely unusual: he carefully removed his blasting earphones, lowered his head, and closed his eyes for a long moment in concentration. It gave the others time to properly rouse, at least, but they didn't have much time to work with beyond that. He carefully replaced them, then turned towards the others.

"If you are able, could you please stand next to the white-haired boy on the ground and look as threatening as possible?" Though unexplained, the request was utterly serious. They had enemies extremely close that were likely alerted by their abrupt and blatantly obvious arrival, and more were moving in from further away as they were attracted by their peers. Given the poor visibility, they were in a rather inconvenient position.


[OUR TIMEZONES /SOB] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 8 2010, 08:40:35 UTC
"Yeah, I'm fine," came the somewhat muted response to Nataku's question after about moment or two. Okay, that hadn't been cool in the slightest. Date cursed in Japanese as he pushed himself back up again, sitting up onto the wet sand and took a moment to shake off the sand that was stuck to his hair. After this, the samurai swore he was going to actually learn how to ride those goddamned motorbikes properly - last thing he ever needed was to go through another crash collision like this. He could already hear Koujurou's voice berating him from the back of head even though his retainer wasn't even here at all.

Shit, this isn't the time to start imagining things, the Meister went with a scowl as he shook off the last of the sand in his hair and finally managed to get up onto his feet and glanced around - there was Nataku at the side and Dante at the other, and then there was that strange person who was with them as well who was now looking at them and...

"Hah?" Date went at the strange request, attempting to arch an eyebrow but only wincing instead as he felt the first signs of a headache pounding between his temples - that knock on his head really had not helped matters much. "Why do we have to do that?" And why did he have to listen to the orders of some strange kid anyway?


[AH---!] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 9 2010, 00:49:28 UTC
"Round two?" Nataku was uncertain if the four of them could survive another collision of that order. Furthermore, he did not want to transform without Tassadar present, again. It would teach him not to do such things. Even if he had done so when he appeared in the city, he had attributed the exhaustion from having survived a fall from the Communal.

Another slight movement of his head toward the comment from Date. I see. He is alive. He closed his eyes, before listening to the rather strange request. "Which one would you like us to stand by?" A beat. "However, I cannot complete the task that you ask." It seemed like he should made that relatively clear once more, if only because head injury or otherwise shock of what had happened might have made it less than apparent. Even though he did not respond to pain normally, he still recognized the ability to move.


[WHY DO YOU ALL LIVE IN THE PAST?] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 9 2010, 01:35:11 UTC
Dante forced himself to sit up, and made a half hearted attempt at wiping off some of the wet sand liberally covering his hair. Blood, he was used to, but sand was gritty and got into uncomfortable places. Also sand didn't look as cool as blood. He pulled off his coat and shook it, not that it made much of a difference.

He scowled at them all, finally taking a better look at who was here. So there was the caveman, the idiot and this new guy. This was just great. If they hadn't gotten in his way, he wouldn't be here in the middle of the fucking desert with sand everywhere.

Dante turned to look at Nataku. "What do you mean you can't? It's not like you're crippled! And where the hell are we?"


[TAG ORDER IS NOW JUSTIN -> DATE -> DANTE -> NATAKU FOR FAITO PURPOSES] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 9 2010, 13:33:14 UTC
Too much talking! Justin scooped a hand past his right ear to dislodge the earphone again, his expression breaking to register mild irritation. He worked alone, he didn't do teamwork, and when he decided something, it happened, and with zero fuss. It was bad enough that he had to rely on sound purely because he couldn't keep his eyes on the enemies and talk to the others simultaneously without it. There was no time to sit around and have a friendly, informative chat about the situation. He was trying to help them even! It's not like he was in any risk of dying.

He had opened his mouth to voice a protest when he suddenly detected the sound of movement close behind him, somewhere in the murky darkness of the rain-tossed sand and dust. Acting swiftly, he yanked his right arm across to rip his blade clean from the back of the stationary motorcycle, before arcing the chain above his head to send it whizzing backward and out of sight. A shrill, unearthly cry of pain answered in return, but it had not been a killing stroke; merely a cautionary warning that the approaching creature's prey were not harmless.

The chain retracted and the weapon dematerialized in a quick flash of light, before a new one jutted from his arm, this one larger and broader. He turned his back to the Guests and retreated towards them, watching for oncoming enemies whilst moving close to shield the youngest boy.

"Justin Law, Death Scythe. Weapon," he introduced himself, adding for clarification as it seemed the others with him weren't particularly bright, "Sound off, and prepare yourselves."


[OKAY AND I AM FINALLY DONE WITH ICONS SOB] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 9 2010, 15:11:29 UTC
Date caught the strange sound as well and turned around, eyes widening in surprise when the strange guy in priestly robes suddenly moved (the samurai couldn't help but just wince a little when the blade was ripped out from the utterly destroyed motorbike) and the unearthly cry that came when the blade strangely vanished pretty much answered his questions. He knew that cry well-enough, even if he had only been on one mission and only met a few of them.


And without Genesis with him, this seriously bode bad news.

The Meister glanced back towards the now-introduced Death Scythe (what was it again?), blinking once before he frowned. "That's nice to know and all, but the Weapon I'm working with currently isn't here with me." And he knew Nataku had his own Meister which meant that working with him wasn't a good idea either, which just left with Dante, who he had been eyeing as his eventual Weapon anyway...

Date glanced towards him at that, voice pointed as he went quite bluntly. "Hey, red one. Turn into your Weapon form now, will you?"


[TIME FOR SOME STUPID] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 9 2010, 21:24:17 UTC
What the hell was going on? How did that guy do that with his arms? Dante hastily pulled his coat back on in all it's wet and gritty glory and stood up. That scream reminded him of demons, was that the Kishin thing he'd been hearing about? Fighting those things didn't sound too different to what he'd been doing with demons back in his world.

Even with the potential threat to their lives, Dante still found the time to reply. "Weapon form? What are you on?" The knowledge that he was missing something very important didn't help his temper.

All they had to do was beat up some monsters and Date was blabbering about some other stuff. He could still do this without his weapons.


[TIME FOR SOME MONSTERS] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 9 2010, 23:37:05 UTC
"Nataku. Weapon." Once more, he did not think that he was the one to do such a sound-off with how he was, but he did not argue with orders given to him.

Oh. Nataku did his best to lift his head up just a little so that he could see what was happening, before becoming tired and resting it once more in the mud. Turning his head on the side so that he would not suffocate, he did turn it in the direction of where the screams were coming from. That noise. The energy and strength to actually get up had still not returned to him, but at the very least he would at least know what was coming.

The screaming had continued as he caught sight of one of the Kishin eggs running toward them. Vaguely humanoid, but far larger and fingers extended into claws. He looked beyond it to see that another was running toward them as well. The one that seemed to be injured by Justin Law initially, but still dragging -- rushing -- toward the group all the same. "These things do not seem to have much sense of preservation, or they had been starved for too long."

A dull, tired commentary from Nataku as he watched the first one leap toward them.


[TIME FOR SOME SLICE'N'DICERY] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 10 2010, 01:07:32 UTC
One of them had paid attention at least; too bad it was the one who wasn't in a position to contribute to the survival effort. As it were, with Nataku down and both the blue and red ones not being entirely quick to organize themselves, chances of the others living were steadily dropping. Justin was beginning to wonder if they simply didn't realize the danger they were in, or exactly how many enemies there were coming for them.

"Red one, if you are a Weapon, I would suggest that you change shape for combat immediately," the Death Scythe called out hastily, all pretense of calm now dropped. He saw the two Kishin Eggs charging towards them; they weren't a problem, but the others that would soon follow would be. If they couldn't take control of the situation or at least buy some time, they'd be surrounded and he would not be able to protect everybody at once.

Stepping forward and taking a deep stance, Justin's arms briefly crossed until the blade on his right arm began to shine radiantly-

✟"Cruciform Sword-Hand!"✟

The guillotine blade pulsed with silver energy and sliced outward, moving faster than the eye could follow to carve two broad slashes in a blazing cross, leaving luminous after-images hanging in their wake. The Kishin Egg was vaporized in mid-air, leaving nothing but a floating red soul. The other, injured creature halted momentarily in its tracks as it was given pause by the overwhelming power behind the attack.

Even as Justin completed the move, though, more of them were bursting out of the darkness, and he realized only at the last second that a smaller, much faster one had circled them in the darkness and was now rushing in from behind to attack the stationary noncombatants.


[TIME FOR ASSKICKING ONCE DANTE STOPS BEING AN IDIOT] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 10 2010, 03:54:53 UTC
It was hard to tell if Nataku was just being sarcastic or totally unaffected by what was happening around them - Date did really hope it was neither, really, because with things as they were the situation really didn't look that good right now at the moment. At least the Death Scythe was holding down the fort, though Date wasn't that all sure how long this could hold; especially when he was sure more would come soon.

He frowned back in return to Dante's response, hardly at all amused with what he heard as he added on to Justin's words. "You're a Weapon, right? That means you've got a form to turn into for a Meister to use." A Meister being him, of course, since apparently he was the only one who was a Meister amongst them all. Almost hilarious, if it wasn't for the current situation--

A cry from behind suddenly sounded, and the samurai whirled around to see a kishin - having avoided the brunt of Justin's attack - lunging towards them now with the intent to kill. Date growled as he darted forward, grabbing Dante by his wrist as the Meister barked out at him. "Turn into your Weapon form if you want to live, goddamnit!" There was no more time for all this chit-chat.


[TIME FOR... NOT TIME FOR ASSKICKING YET] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 10 2010, 04:29:35 UTC
The guy lying down was being really weird. It looked like he was going to be completely useless and it looked like he really was crippled right now. They were going to have to watch out for him.

Justin had some really cool moves. Dante watched with some appreciation of his fighting skills. That is before Date grabbed his wrist. Dante did not appreciate this manhandling. Not one bit. "I can't transform any more! Completely human now!" He didn't know how much Vergil had told Date, but he assumed it had something to do with their Devil Triggers. There wasn't anything else he could transform into, although calling it his Weapon form was rather strange.

And then the kishin attacked. Date was still holding his wrists so he couldn't jump out of the way, not to mention Nataku was lying behind them. They had to take it head on. Dante punched it with his free hand and managed to push it back a little. "Let go so we can get this started already!"


[TIME FOR DEADPAN COMMENTARY] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 10 2010, 17:21:04 UTC
"Incorrect assumption of what Date Masamune, head of the Oshu, is saying." Nataku thought to add his own assistance as he could not do anything at the moment. His arm rose so that he could try to push himself up, before dropping it back down. Wasted effort.

He could at the very least crane his neck up to see what was going on which seemed to be a lot of yelling -- and sudden flashes of light. A brief moment of wondering how long it would be before he could do the same sort of attacks as Justin came and left. Something that would be filed away as it seemed like he should care just a little more about the Kishin egg that had gotten dangerously close to them.

While it was pushed back just a little from the punch received, it only seemed to make the creature that much angrier. Another scream either to further vocalize its rage or call even more Kishin eggs to the location -- like they were not already aware. Only a brief moment later before it rushed forward to try to tear into Dante with both fangs and claws.


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