Washed Away [OPEN]

Oct 08, 2010 03:09

Characters: Anybody washed into the desert by the flood, a shitload of Kishin Eggs.
Location: The desert and ruins surrounding Death City.
Rating: R, in anticipation of swearing in terror.
Time: Sept 14 and onwards, for the duration of the monsoon.
Format: Action or Prose
Description: Whether by accident or in the interest of having fun, more than a few ( Read more... )

shishito madoka, shirley fenette, dante sparda, fa mulan, jenrya lee, date masamune, colette brunel, jeanne d'arc, justin law, pepper potts, fuuka yamagishi, suzaku kururugi, nataku, phoenix wright, azusa yumi, sasuke uchiha, naruto uzumaki, naoto shirogane, rise kujikawa, miles edgeworth, euphemia li britannia

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Comments 155

[Date, Dante, Nataku, Justin] [CLOSED] guillotineofgod October 7 2010, 16:58:22 UTC
Having blasted out of Death City in style, Justin was now to be found laying in the middle of a large puddle. A chain extended from his arm and he was seemingly attached to an inoperative motorcycle, from which tenuously hung the form of a blue samurai. Amazingly, it had somehow been left standing at the end of its wild ride.

Off to his right, not far away, lay the limp body of a white-haired boy. He didn't seem to be moving. Beyond him was another one with white hair, though this one was older and wearing red. He didn't look particularly fazed by what had just occurred.

Once he took the time to better gauge his surroundings Justin was, however, far more concerned. They had been dumped in the middle of some ruins a fair distance from Death City's north gates, and the ruins were dangerous. Granted, here at least they weren't at risk of falling into the quicksand resulting from the flood, but the chances were alarmingly high of being attacked by resident Kishin Eggs ( ... )


[Strange Foursome] [CLOSED] getyourgunson October 7 2010, 17:15:50 UTC
It was hard to properly digest what had happened after the collision course - everything had happened far too quickly for Date to even understand have had gone on to land him in this sort of situation. What he could recall was nothing but Nataku appearing from behind him somehow after that other guy appeared, and then there was Date shouting and the other guy yelling and before anything else could even register they had all crashed and now he didn't even know just where the hell he was.

Groaning, Date attempted to straighten himself up from the aftermath of their collision and the subsequent washout - only to have his limbs fail on him in that moment as the samurai fell from the standing motorbike and collapsed onto the ground, his head hitting the earth first to a pained yelp from the Meister himself.


[JUST A BIT] [CLOSED] soulparadox October 7 2010, 18:17:41 UTC
His hold around Date had been weak before, and just before the collision, he had lifted his hand to direct the man's attention to the one that they would collide with. It was little surprise that he had rolled a little away from the three, and still exhausted (but thankfully not unconscious, yet) from his previous transformation. Even more so from having been dragged out to desert by the flood. No, he would be making no move to stand or get up as it seemed like the effort would be wasted.

His head gave a slight jerking motion when he heard the question on his status of living, but had yet to lift his head up. "I am still alive, but I require assistance as I lack the ability to get up on my own at the moment." Tired comment, but he did find the energy to turn so that he could see everyone with relative ease. "Date Masamune, head of Oshu, are you dead?"


[STOP DOING THESE THINGS WHEN I'M ASLEEP GUYS] [CLOSED] wittyreplyhere October 7 2010, 22:53:42 UTC
Dante had tried to jump just before the collision, but hadn't realised just how fast he was moving so while he managed to avoid serious injuries, he had still been washed away with them. He didn't even know where this was.

He was flopped out soaking wet on the ground and man, he didn't feel like getting up anytime soon. He still managed to call out though. "Alive. Round 2 can wait for a little bit." That had been one heck of a ride. "Damn, that was intense."


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cosuffering October 7 2010, 19:18:02 UTC
Shishito wanted to show that he wasn't useless, even though the idea of going out in the rain didn't appeal to him very much at all. Neither did taking the dog along, but he thought that Caramel wouldn't stand for being left behind when Colette was in trouble.

With shaking hands and even worse nerves, he managed to get her on a leash. After that, he grabbed blankets and towels. Then, scooping the dog up, he held in a breath and went out the door, hoping he wouldn't drown or something.

Pepper likely made it there before Shishito finally got outside. He spotted the red car but hesitated. It was an older car (considering he was from 2029 of course) and the steering wheel was on the wrong side. More than that, he didn't know Pepper herself was the car. But he had to remind himself that Pepper was going to help. She probably wasn't a bad person. And it was thanks to her he was matched up with Colette in the first place. So, with all the bravery he could manage, he approached.


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cosuffering October 7 2010, 20:21:30 UTC
Whatever he was thinking about at the time quickly vanished as soon as he heard Pepper's voice. So people could even turn into cars here. Shishito flinched some and quickly went to the right side to literally dump everything in his arms into the seat. "S-stay there..." he told Caramel with no confidence whatsoever at all.

He froze when he realized she wanted him to sit behind the wheel. He didn't even need to be drenched in any rain to look kind of pitiful at that moment. "B-but I can't--!" Shishito started to panic but really didn't like being wet, so he slid obediently into the seat. Pepper didn't expect him to drive or anything did she? He twisted his hands together worriedly. He somehow felt saying he didn't know how to drive because he was a prisoner since very young would be a bad idea. She had to get here by herself somehow anyway....right...?


crackingcases October 8 2010, 00:52:34 UTC
Naoto stared across the table, wondering once again at the unusual circumstances that brought her here. She was just finishing up breakfast with Rise, someone she considered both friend and ally in battle - a girl she had met no less than four times now, though each circumstance had been different, and not all had been in Inaba. Every time had been new and exciting, of that their was no question, but each had also been familiar and comforting - that was just the sort of effect Rise Kujikawa had on people ( ... )


forthecamera October 8 2010, 19:15:38 UTC
Rise actually jumped a bit at that sudden sound of thunder and rain, and she followed the direction of Naoto's gaze towards the window. Wow, it was, but it had seemed so sudden. Rise didn't mind rain, but she had never been one for storms. Perhaps it was just because of how dangerous they could be, or how gloomy they made everything seem, it certainly didn't help that in the past rain had always been a sign of danger for the Investigation Team.

Nor that here, in Death City, unexpected weather was rarely ever just that.

A sense of unease washed over her, and suddenly it felt that it wasn't only because of the rain itself. Something had happened, and she felt her thoughts unexpectedly turned towards her partner. He might be out there, she knew he was doing work for the restaurant today.

"Naoto, could you excuse me for a second?" She wanted to call Matt, but she wouldn't forget her manners in front of her friend.


crackingcases October 9 2010, 15:36:23 UTC
Naoto nodded, pushing her seat back as she stood. "I'll keep an eye on the storm." The detective said politely, leaving the table for Rise's privacy. She picked up the bill on the way as well, walking up to the counter to pay for both of them. Considering Rise's sudden worry, it was the least she could do. Naoto had a sneaking suspicion they might be in a bit of a hurry after her friend got a hold of her boyfriend. She didn't want them to have to take the time to stop and take care of the bill.

After that task was complete, Naoto wandered over to the windows by the door, watching the burgeoning storm with mounting anxiety. It looked bad outside, quite bad, and there was no sign of the pouring rain quieting down. Naoto barely resisted the urge to call her own partner - she decided that he was most likely occupied getting the Agency locked down and didn't need her concerned phone calls as of yet. Maybe once Naoto found out the state of the Northern Lights...

She looked over towards Rise, a questioning expression on her face.


forthecamera October 20 2010, 23:40:08 UTC
Rise was grateful that Naoto seemed to understanding without her having to elaborate. She watched her rise, but once she was gone she quickly pulled out her SC, the feeling of dread beginning to rise in her.

She connected directly to Matt's SC.

"Hey Matty, are you there?" She waited, and waited, and waited some more, sometimes speaking up again but no answer. Which was very unlike Matthew. A good five minutes had passed when Naoto returned and Rise's face was etched in worry. She answered Naoto's expression with just a shake of her head, then turned off and pocketed the SC.

"He's not answering. He must be outside or--or something."


[Naruto & Sasuke] [CLOSED] blindingrevenge October 8 2010, 01:28:02 UTC
The impact forced the breath from Sasuke's lungs, and he gasped, wet for the downpour of rain and the splash that surged up from beneath him. Somehow, though, the landing wasn't as harsh as he'd expected it would be. One black eye cracked open, just in time to hear Naruto gasp a breath against his ear. It was only then that Sasuke realized just what had happened when he fell. He'd slipped going towards the boy, that surge of water had been too much for his legs to handle. It never would have been a problem in his own world, but here it had been too much. Naruto had jumped after him, caught him in the air ( ... )


ninetailedderp October 8 2010, 17:11:20 UTC
He wasn't thinking.

It was an easy conclusion to draw with Naruto, and more often than not it was spot on. It simply wasn't in his nature to be the type to stop- consider, reconsider, debate and then chose a course of action. He was a tangle of movement at all times, impulsive and intuitive and maybe, he figured- maybe there wasn't anything wrong with that. Because if he hadn't been, then Sasuke probably would have- Well. He wouldn't have had nearly as nice of a landing ( ... )


blindingrevenge October 8 2010, 20:46:18 UTC
Naruto's fingers were still curled into the fabric of his shirt at his waist, vice like in their grip, and though Sasuke could feel the drumming of his own heart in his ears from adrenalin, from the encounter with the ground, he knew it could have been worse. It would have been worse, though maybe not abnormal for him. He'd taken a beating, fallen from great heights before. But Naruto wasn't moving, and for one heart stopping moment Sasuke's mind reeled from the memory of when he thought he'd killed his friend. Before the emotion could rise into something more pervasive, though, Naruto's mouth opened and he sucked in a wet lungful of air ( ... )


ninetailedderp October 9 2010, 07:20:08 UTC
There were words coming out of Sasuke's mouth. He couldn't make them out and while Naruto could discern the blurry shape of his friend's lips, the movement and what was probably a scowl on his features- he just couldn't hear the sound. There was nothing. Nothing against the overwhelming, indescribable scraping pain against his skull. And then the shaking began.

Naruto's vision swam.
Eyes squeezed shut just to keep from rolling back in his head and the angry sky behind Sasuke's equally angry expression, were eclipsed by nothingness. The ground, thats what he could think of. The ground was hard, and cold- like the rain that kept pelting his face, skin too long numb to even register the chill. The worst of it, however, wasn't any of that, wasn't even Sasuke's weight bearing down mercilessly on broken ribs and lungs that shuddered whenever they wouldn't heave.

The worst of it was- Naruto couldn't bring himself to move.


[Shirley, Euphemia, Suzaku] [Closed] hisonlytruth October 8 2010, 03:24:57 UTC
In the moments following Euphemia's video, she had been out the door. Clovis had been one thing; he'd been talking, understanding what she was saying. He seemed like he'd be alright in time, once he was able to come home.

Euphemia hadn't even answered her message. What if she... What if the princess was-? She tries not to think about it, and runs down the steps of her apartment, swinging the door open and rushing out-

Oh. She hadn't realized exactly how bad it was. She had barely taken a few steps out the door before she felt the water hit, throwing her legs out from under her. She screamed, but it was drowned out by the water.

After a few seconds, she'd realized what had happened, and tried to keep her head above water as she tumbled down the city. All that time spent at diving practice definitely came in handy in times like these, and she's even able to pull some of her hair out of her face as she goes down.

After a few minutes, she's out of the city and sitting on the muddy ground. Her clothes and hair and everything is soaked ( ... )


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the best abuse! hisonlytruth October 10 2010, 05:10:19 UTC
After a few moments of sitting on the ground and catching her breath, she stood up, trying not to wobble. She looked around, seeing only silhouettes of people in the distance; oh, but next to her was a gold and pink sword. Weird... After a split second, she remembered about human weapons, and hurriedly walked to it.

Talking to a possibly inanimate object... It seemed a little awkward, but all the same, it was worth the risk in case it really was a person. Bending down, she looked at it, hoping it could hear her if it had a soul.

"Um, hello? Are you alright?"


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