Boo, you whore! | Open (Now)

Aug 10, 2010 18:49

Characters: neverbeenworse, suchselfishness, dyingames, any and all hero-types (or not so hero-types) who want to save Princess Enma from his attackers-- or rather, his pursuer.
Location: In the general area of Casualty Communal
Rating: F for Fail (PG-13 because Rhode has a mouth on her. :|)
Time: August 29, Midday/Early Afternoonish
Description: Rhode and Josh decide to try their ( Read more... )

sandrilene fa toren, rhode kamelot, kanji tatsumi, mikura kazu, kozato enma, yoshiya "joshua" kiryu

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Comments 45

neverbeenworse August 11 2010, 01:06:05 UTC
In the hours after bringing a stray cat back to his room in the Communal, Kozato Enma had come face to face with the reality of pet keeping. A cat, being a living, breathing organism, would need food, for one, and probably a bowl, a collar, and a whole milieu of other things that most pets generally needed for their continued survival and well-being.

He looked to Señor Don Gato, who had made itself at home on the desk chair, and frowned. The cat, Enma decided as he scratched it behind the ear, was lucky he liked it.

And Señor Don Gato was the reason Enma determined to make another trip into the outside world and unwittingly strolled towards a certain alleyway in search of the purported pet store.


dyingames August 11 2010, 01:12:05 UTC
And Joshua spotted him, expression switching to his trademark smirk.



suchselfishness August 11 2010, 01:36:21 UTC
Rhode's head snapped around at the gleeful tone in Joshua's voice, a mischievous smile appearing to match his.

"Perfect timing~"

She dropped her makeshift fan, cantering out toward her target.


neverbeenworse August 11 2010, 01:51:39 UTC
Enma caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye; one that was first recognized as a movement, then as a person, then (God forbid) as a familiar someone that he had hoped he would be able to steer clear of for a good, long while.

Just look down, he told himself. Drop your gaze to the ground and keep walking. Maybe, Enma thought to himself, if he pretended not to notice them, if he sped up his walking speed just a bit, he would be able to escape any sort of incident. Just keep walking.


and now: a fail rescue candleinastorm August 11 2010, 06:21:13 UTC
And Kazu, poor Kazu, saw the rolling trash can and wanted to do the right thing and stop it, because what if it hit an old lady or a little kid or something? It was just a trash can, and Kazu was in a unique position to catch it since he had his A-T on and the same downhill slope that gave the trash can its speed would do the same for Kazu.

It seemed like a solid enough plan, so he took a quick moment to unlock the back wheels of his A-T before pushing off after the can. When he got close enough, he casually reached out a hand to yank it up right--except he wasn't anticipating a human being to be weighing it down, and the momentum pulled him off his feet with a loud girly yelp.


[FOR ANYONE ELSE BOWLED OVER BY THE TRASHCAN] neverbeenworse August 12 2010, 01:47:03 UTC
Enma wasn't sure how much ground he had covered by this point, but the trash can had been moving fast, and through the waves of nausea that washed over his body, he was able to have a moment of clarity, and realized that the best thing to do now was to wedge his elbows against the inside of the trash can and brace himself for the sudden but inevitable stop that he was bound to come to.

Suddenly, amidst the sound of aluminum against pavement, he heard a yelp and a dull thud, and winced to himself inwardly as his stomach did another back-flip inside of him.

Eventually, he would have to apologize to the unwitting victim of the hit and run, he thought as the trash can continue to tumble haplessly down the main street.


does the rescuer need a rescue? magicthreads August 12 2010, 01:57:34 UTC
Sandry had seen the trashcan rolling down the hill, and taken off after it. Unfortunately, she wasn't as fast as the moving metal object, and fell behind shortly. But she wasn't far enough away to miss Kazu getting attacked by it.

"Are you all right?" She ran up to him, looking concerned.


candleinastorm August 12 2010, 02:16:30 UTC
Kazu's first thought, as he pushed himself up off the pavement was I just got defeated by a trashcan. It took a moment for the enormity of that fail to sink in, so he was still somewhat agape when the unfamiliar voice made him jump.

"I just got defeated by a trashcan." Which was a pretty good indication of whether or not he was all right, he thought.


[FOR ANY ONLOOKERS] neverbeenworse August 12 2010, 01:47:30 UTC

[FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO STOP THIS THING] neverbeenworse August 12 2010, 01:47:56 UTC
needling August 12 2010, 22:26:38 UTC
Okay, this had gone on far enough. He had seen the network broadcast as well as the rolling trash can and that was enough. Yeah, sure, he wasn't exactly a do-gooder or a hero-type, but he sure as hell didn't want to see some kid get pushed down a hill after having the shit beaten out of him just for being quiet and weird, or whatever he was. He had been a bully once (okay, maybe he still kind of was, but he was trying!) and that shit did not fly with him.

Of course, that just left him with the task of stopping the trash can. Using his body as some kind of human shield seemed like the worst plan of action, and he actually liked not being in a cast. So he'd just have to have something else catch it inside, like the few other trash cans he placed in the middle of the street.

And if failed, he'd just have to catch it.


neverbeenworse August 12 2010, 23:41:25 UTC
There was a crash -- a large crash, one that Enma didn't find himself quite prepared for as he felt the trashcan barrel through several heavier, more sturdy objects. The force of the impact threw the can containing the hapless boy off course, and it rolled sideways, bumped up against a nearby lamp post, and finally came to rest.

Inside the trash can, Enma's head was still spinning as he tried pathetically to scoot himself out of his confines and out onto the street. Outside the trash can was a bright, blurred together mess of color, and he could feel the hot pavement burning against his stomach as he finally freed himself of this mess. Wincing from the heat prickling on his skin, he rolled over onto his back, pulled his hood (which just so happened to smell of old banana peel) over his face, and groaned.


needling August 12 2010, 23:50:33 UTC
When Kanji heard the crash, he visibly winced and ran over. Maybe it would've been better if he tried to catch it (but like hell he was gonna break a rib or two, right?). "Hey, kid," he said when he got close, walking over to where he was laying down. "You okay?" He didn't look okay anyway, so it was a stupid question, but he asked it anyway. It was the thought that counted, right? He crouched down next to him and immediately regretted it when the smell of garbage hit his nose.



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