Boo, you whore! | Open (Now)

Aug 10, 2010 18:49

Characters: neverbeenworse, suchselfishness, dyingames, any and all hero-types (or not so hero-types) who want to save Princess Enma from his attackers-- or rather, his pursuer.
Location: In the general area of Casualty Communal
Rating: F for Fail (PG-13 because Rhode has a mouth on her. :|)
Time: August 29, Midday/Early Afternoonish
Description: Rhode and Josh decide to try their ( Read more... )

sandrilene fa toren, rhode kamelot, kanji tatsumi, mikura kazu, kozato enma, yoshiya "joshua" kiryu

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neverbeenworse August 11 2010, 01:06:05 UTC
In the hours after bringing a stray cat back to his room in the Communal, Kozato Enma had come face to face with the reality of pet keeping. A cat, being a living, breathing organism, would need food, for one, and probably a bowl, a collar, and a whole milieu of other things that most pets generally needed for their continued survival and well-being.

He looked to Señor Don Gato, who had made itself at home on the desk chair, and frowned. The cat, Enma decided as he scratched it behind the ear, was lucky he liked it.

And Señor Don Gato was the reason Enma determined to make another trip into the outside world and unwittingly strolled towards a certain alleyway in search of the purported pet store.


dyingames August 11 2010, 01:12:05 UTC
And Joshua spotted him, expression switching to his trademark smirk.



suchselfishness August 11 2010, 01:36:21 UTC
Rhode's head snapped around at the gleeful tone in Joshua's voice, a mischievous smile appearing to match his.

"Perfect timing~"

She dropped her makeshift fan, cantering out toward her target.


neverbeenworse August 11 2010, 01:51:39 UTC
Enma caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye; one that was first recognized as a movement, then as a person, then (God forbid) as a familiar someone that he had hoped he would be able to steer clear of for a good, long while.

Just look down, he told himself. Drop your gaze to the ground and keep walking. Maybe, Enma thought to himself, if he pretended not to notice them, if he sped up his walking speed just a bit, he would be able to escape any sort of incident. Just keep walking.


suchselfishness August 11 2010, 03:43:33 UTC
Oh, he wasn't going to be avoiding her that easily. Rhode glided over to grab a firm hold on his hood, smile in place as she did a dainty little turn, starting to tow him back toward Joshua and their little alley.


neverbeenworse August 11 2010, 03:58:04 UTC
There was a distinct problem with staring at the floor, and that problem was that you couldn't really see anything else going on around you, making avoiding certain little girls a difficult, if not nigh impossible.

He tensed when Rhode grabbed hold of his hood and let out a small gasp. Avoiding eye contact was, apparently, not the solution in this situation. In a vain attempt to escape he turned on his heel, tried to drag himself in the other direction, but instead found himself tripping over his own feet and landing face first in the ground.


dyingames August 11 2010, 04:06:01 UTC
Joshua helpfully poked his head out of the alley and watched as Enma's momentum dragged Rhode backwards and down with him.


"What exactly are you trying to do, Rhode?"


suchselfishness August 11 2010, 04:10:49 UTC
Rhode wasn't letting go of his shirt at any cost, even lying on top of her victim and staring at the sky. She hadn't really been expecting him to fall the opposite direction she was pulling him; really, how unlikely was that kind of thing?

"I was trying to pull him over there! Stop being useless and come help me!"


neverbeenworse August 11 2010, 04:21:56 UTC
Flat on the ground again. It had been a few days since he had found himself in this position, and he definitely hadn't missed it terribly. Not like now was the time to think about how often he wound up eating pavement -- trying to struggle away from Rhode and escape off to somewhere was a far better plan at the moment.


dyingames August 11 2010, 04:25:29 UTC
Joshua pretended to consider this for a full minute or so, before grinning and shaking his head.

"You seem to be doing just fine, to be honest. I'll stay here."


suchselfishness August 11 2010, 04:30:04 UTC
"Excuse me?!"

It would have been difficult to find a more indignant tone than Rhode's at that moment; She jerked at Enma's hood roughly as she sat up, teeth bared in an aggressively annoyed expression.

"This was your idea in the first place. Get over here, or I'll make sure you're not going anywhere!"


neverbeenworse August 11 2010, 04:36:00 UTC
A short, choking noise escaped Enma's throat as he felt himself jerked up along with Rhode. His escape plan (or half formed blind bid for freedom, as it were) had been cut off immaturely, and the best he could do instead of running was tug at the neckline of his hoodie to restore some semblance of airflow.


dyingames August 11 2010, 04:42:12 UTC
"Mhm~ And how exactly would you do that without losing him? No, I'll stay right here in this alley while you beat the kid in public, that won't attract any attention at all."


suchselfishness August 11 2010, 04:50:52 UTC
That was it. Rhode was on her feet, forgetting to let go of Enma until she had already taken a step. She stormed over to Joshua, not entirely sure what she planned to when she got there--

No, actually. She knew exactly what she was going to do the instant she was within reach: She put her fist right into his smug face.


dyingames August 11 2010, 05:11:37 UTC
Joshua hadn't thought she might actually do it. Not really. Nobody ever did and the ones who actually tried were thwarted easily enough by his own knowledge of the way their minds worked.

Nothing surprised Joshua. Nothing was supposed to.

He doesn't even brace himself for the impact.

That, of course, makes it worse when his head snaps back and he stumbles awkwardly backwards, a look of total shock flitting across his face when his hand goes up to gingerly poke at the spot of impact.


suchselfishness August 11 2010, 05:17:59 UTC
She was tempted to get him again in the stomach, just for good measure, but she resisted the urge. Instead, she turned on her heel, starting to storm back toward Enma to finish this failed chat with a threat and a shove.

An unfortunate garbage can stood in her way, however, and she aimed an enthusiastic kick at it in another burst of rage. It was a bit lighter than she'd predicted, however, and flew out into the street instead of to the side.


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