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Comments 532

[SHIBUSEN PERIMETER] soul_mods July 11 2010, 05:02:24 UTC

[INSIDE CASUALTY COMMUNAL] soul_mods July 11 2010, 05:02:39 UTC
13th floor popupshadow July 11 2010, 05:26:33 UTC
Kamui was peacefully eating breakfast when two frogs burst into his apartment windows with rather pointy teeth.

Staring, his first thought was, that can't be right.

When one of them snarled and lunged for him, and he accidentally tipped his cereal bowl (come on) dodging, that's when he realized that no, things really are not okay.

"Shit --!"


jumpingbird July 11 2010, 05:44:50 UTC
Altair had been resting against a living room wall, maybe a bit relaxed for once. Even had a pillow or two next to him.

Now, he was cutting through some kind of-- monstrous thing with a knife that was really far too dull. At least it still worked. The clatter of a bowl didn't escape his (somewhat off-kilter, not very) attention. Caught it, actually; so he snapped the thing sagging on his knife off and moved on to the kitchen.

Excuse him, Kamui, but a quick assessment shows that, no, you aren't suited for this, so please be shoved and remain in the corner. More- what in the world were these things?


popupshadow July 11 2010, 05:51:55 UTC
"Altair," Kamui said, his voice calm now that he's minutely processed what was going on in his apartment. An attack of man-eating vicious frogs. He really shouldn't be surprised with this world anymore. Lord knows what will happen if he was bitten -- actually, let's not think on that.

When the other monstrous thing lunged at him, Kamui picked a chair up and brought it down on the frog's head, where it hopped a little sullenly on the side, snarling. "We need to get out of here. How good are you with swords? Western ones, if that sort of detail is important."


[OUTSIDE CASUALTY COMMUNAL] soul_mods July 11 2010, 05:02:52 UTC
ninetyninesouls July 11 2010, 05:25:56 UTC
[This is Mifune. This is Mifune with his swords spread out and around the Communal entrance. There's nothing he can do about the frogs inside, but he's going to stand here and make sure nothing gets in from the bottom. You'd think it would be easy, but the sheer amount of frogs make it hard to keep track of what he's supposed to be killing.]


needs_no_wand July 11 2010, 06:03:30 UTC
[This is HB. This is HB walking home from her morning errands, always an early riser this one, she'd seen people head off to Shibusen a bit earlier, and now she had a few books as she walked back towards the Communal, intent on preparing some nice tea and eat some biscuits while she read.

Sadly that was not meant to be, as suddenly there were frogs raining on them, and the instinctual reaction - and it pained her heart to do so - was to drop the books and use her umbrella to swat the things away. (She was a witch and British, acquiring an umbrella had been about the first thing she'd done in this godforsaken place.) They were everywhere and---where those swords stuck on the ground?]

What's the meaning of this?!


ninetyninesouls July 11 2010, 06:09:04 UTC
[He's just about finished stabbing another frog through the ground when he hears that, looks up, and-- Oh. Her.]

We're being attacked. [There's just no way to make that sentence any shorter. Swipe at the sword right next to him, it goes flying right into the frog gnawing at her skirt.]


[DEATH CITY HEIGHTS] soul_mods July 11 2010, 05:03:27 UTC
[Building 6, third floor---but moving somewhere else since he's alone in the building, sob.] loves_humanity July 11 2010, 07:06:18 UTC
Izaya had claimed the lukewarm bed as soon as the rightful owners left the premises. Really, few things were as nice as a pre-warmed stolen bed. It had been going so well, too, until he felt something crawling on the pillow, heading for his face. Red eyes opened and found themselves meeting soulless frog eyes of doom. The frog croaked once before Izaya stabbed it mercilessly.

...he had not expected it to blow up.

"...well," Izaya said to himself, blinking as the cloud of feathers from the now clearly deceased pillow settled down again.

His hand was a bit stung, but not too worse for wear. He sat up and saw another frog crawling on the floor. This one he picked up rather carefully, not wanting it to explode. It tried to bite him, rather insistently. Izaya threw it in the air before applying an efficient slice.

"Well.He walked over to the balcony to see... well, frogs raining down the sky. Izaya stared for a long moment before he began to laugh. First a quiet chuckle, but it was soon an excited, near hysterical cackle. It stopped ( ... )


[Building 6, ground floor; lemme know if this works okay? |D;] untilitstops July 12 2010, 05:57:17 UTC
Sano was reasonably certain that nothing he had found on the network before departing from his safe little studio apartment had mentioned a rain of frogs in the forecast. The first silhouette he had taken for a stray dog, before it moved--he couldn't think of many breeds of dogs that hopped, though in fairness, he was straining his resources somewhat to think of any breeds of frogs with such prominent teeth either. His AT, now aggravatingly little more than slightly slippery shoes, gave him just enough of an edge of mobility to sidestep the thing as it leaped for him and kick it decisively into the nearest wall ( ... )


[Works perfectly, don't worry! <3] loves_humanity July 13 2010, 03:06:58 UTC
Izaya slid into the ground floor on the handrail of the stairs, much like a little kid, grinning. He landed with ease, sidestepping the frogs aiming for his head, which were quite busy tailing him. A bit annoying, yes, but still exciting. The situation didn't seem grim enough yet, for him to get truly annoyed. Or worried. He'd noticed, however, after watching the rain from the balcony, that it seemed to be focused on certain places. Places were guests where located. Guests, in turn, that could probably fight the frogs off and keep them at bay ( ... )


[COMMERCIAL AREA] soul_mods July 11 2010, 05:04:01 UTC
[COMMERCIAL AREA] everdistant July 11 2010, 17:55:15 UTC
It was fortuitous that the safety patrol had been organised so promptly... just in time for a crisis of -- quite literally -- Biblical proportions. However, Saber did not think the Second Plague of Egypt looked quite like this ( ... )


Re: [COMMERCIAL AREA] waiting for anyone special? magyar_maiden July 12 2010, 17:22:14 UTC
This was ridiculous! She had been intending to shop for a new dress when suddenly there had been a frog staring at her on the edge of the shelf. She had only stared at it in confusion, but when it had begun to actually eat the shirt she managed a short gasp of surprise.

There were others around as well, but they seemed more interested in the fabric and not the people rushing out of the store. Fortunately, this world could not take her own weapon of choice. Strange as it was, in fact she bought a new one that morning.

Reaching into her bags she pulled out the iron skillet, chasing some of the frogs out into the street- the heavy thunk of froggy flesh meeting solid metal seemed to be the only noise she was focused one. Running also seemed to keep the smoke from surrounding her. Which did make it easier to spot the cloud of smoke ahead of her.

"Excuse me? Is someone there?" She swung her pan backwards, smiling at the satisfying sound of another frog falling to the floor.


[COMMERCIAL AREA] Nope, just throwing her out there everdistant July 13 2010, 17:52:29 UTC
It didn't come as much of a surprise that there were people still about; the 'rain' had hit so suddenly that everyone was still scrambling for cover. On the one hand, it made Saber's work more difficult, having to direct traffic to the nearest shelter even as she took down frog after frog and sidestep the exploding ones. But on the other hand, it was all simply part of the job. And it wasn't as if she hadn't seen worse.

"Yes," she called out through the haze. "Are you in need of assistance to the closest shelter?"


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