Numb3rs drabble (remix): "Upgrade (The Brother Remix)" (Charlie/Liz, past Don/Liz, R)

Dec 31, 2011 02:19

Just under the wire. :-) I've always wanted to write this pairing.

Title: Upgrade (The Brother Remix)
Pairing: Charlie/Liz, past Don/Liz
Rating: hard R
Summary: He's nothing like Don.
Word Count: 100
Warnings: sexual content
Notes: Unbetaed. This is a remix of Upgrade by emmademarais, written for the numb3rs100 Remixathon.
Prompt: #185 "Opposition" at numb3rs100
Disclaimer: I ( Read more... )

charlie/liz, rated r, don/liz, drabbles, het, numb3rs, fanfiction, numb3rs100, n3 fic

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Comments 10

mustangcandi December 31 2011, 17:13:49 UTC
Have I told you lately that I love you? For real.


I've been wanting "that's not how your brother does it" fic with Charlie/Liz vs. Don/Liz for YEARS and you've given it to me. Please excuse me while I flail and then pass out on the floor with delighted content.


sororcula January 5 2012, 04:27:32 UTC
Thanks! Haha. I've been wanting that fic TOO. I don't know that this one really explores that dynamic fully, but at least it is a little glimpse of it.


mustangcandi January 5 2012, 16:21:52 UTC
I'm sure we could explore that dynamic a little more but for 100 words? You managed it splendidly. :)


dizzydrea December 31 2011, 20:09:31 UTC
In a bizarre bit of irony, I also had this fic on my list of possible remixes! I'm glad you took it on, though. You took a different approach than I had planned, and did it so well.

I loved the math references, how Charlie uses math to map out Liz's equation for pleasure. He's so focused on her, and it was delightful to see the differences between the brothers through her eyes.

Lovely! Thanks for sharing!


sororcula January 5 2012, 04:30:58 UTC
Oh, that is funny! I wanted to write one for Emma but I was kind of overwhelmed by the breadth of her catalogue, so she actually pointed me to this one. The finished version isn't exactly what I thought of when I first started plotting, but I think it worked alright. I would love to see what you had planned, though!

Anyway, thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :-)


dizzydrea January 5 2012, 22:23:11 UTC
I got a first draft written, but I wasn't happy with it. Something was missing, and rather than try to beat it to death, I just moved on to The Sin of Omission instead. That one wasn't much easier, but I felt like I was better able to capture the mood and pain involved. At any rate, here's what I wrote:

Upgrade (The Regret Remix)

Don lays awake, thoughts of Liz invading his mind. He knows he shouldn't, not with Robin beside him, but he can't help himself.

Robin's soft and warm, her scent hanging like a halo around her. She has a quiet strength, and her laughter always hangs like music in the air.

Liz is none of those things. She's tough, no nonsense. When they made love, she met his strength with her own.

He appreciates Robin, but sometimes he wishes Liz were still by his side. And while Robin loves him, she'll never be Liz, and that may be his greatest regret.


rubynye December 31 2011, 23:43:20 UTC

That is so the Eppes boys, different as moon and sun, and so Liz's way of seeing.


sororcula January 5 2012, 04:33:32 UTC
Hee. If I had had more room, I think I would have done a compare and contrast--i.e., nothing like his brother, and yet the same--but I was trying to keep it compact.



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sororcula January 5 2012, 04:33:42 UTC
Thank you! :-)


rodlox January 8 2012, 08:14:05 UTC
ah, no wonder Charlie's so popular. :)

very nice.

(that should be the "you just melted my brain" icon)


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