Numb3rs Fic: Upgrade

Oct 28, 2009 15:16

Written for numb3rs100 Challenge #235 - Swallow

Title: Upgrade
Pairing/Characters: David/Liz
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3
Summary: Liz compares David to Don
Notes/Warnings: Read the disclaimer on my LJ

He's nothing like Don.

Don was beer, pizza, take-out Chinese and adrenaline-fueled fucking filtered through the ethically gray haze of bedding her boss.

David cooks, telling her stories about his mother making the same dish for him back in the Bronx.

David brings her a glass of wine, a vintage Bordeaux that she sips and savors rather than just swallows.

David lays her out on his clean sheets, slowly mapping her naked body with patient fingers and appreciative eyes.

Her breath catches as he slides inside her the first time, stretching her, filling her.

Oh, yeah. He's nothing like Don.


numb3rs100, numb3rs, fic

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