N100 2011 Drabble Remixathon

Jun 13, 2011 13:47

Welcome to the N100 Drabble Remixathon!

We had such a great time remixing fic for the 2009-2010 holidays so we're bringing it back again!

What it is: Numb3rs authors remixing (rewriting) existing Numb3rs drabbles to make new and different versions for readers to enjoy!

When it is: From June through August 31st 2011
A Master List of Remixes will be posted at N100 in September after the Remixathon ends.

How to do it: Opt-in as an author by pasting a form in a comment on this post or look for an author you like here and pick a drabble of theirs to remix, publishing it before 8/31/11.


* Sign ups begin in June and all fic should be published by August 31st

* Only authors who opt-in on this post can be remixed

* When opting in authors can suggest drabbles of theirs to remix and can request safe stories to not be remixed

* Remixers can remix any drabbles of opt-in authors except for safe stories, they are not limited to the suggested drabbles

* Remixes of 300 words or less are welcome to be posted at N100, but can also be posted as a reply to the original author's opt-in comment

* Longer fic may be posted elsewhere if desired or may be left as a reply to the author's opt-in comment (linking to fic posted elsewhere is also acceptable)

* Remixers do not have to sign up at all - just write and publish any remixes during the summer to participate

* Remixers must credit the original author in the headers of any fic they post with links like this: Remix of Original Drabble by author

How to Remix a Drabble

1. Check out the authors who opted in and pick a fic
Find some you like and check their drabbles for ones that make your muse perk up. If you find yourself thinking 'if only this were different…' then you may have a winner! ;-)

2. Don't change the plot
If you do it's not a remix, it's a whole other fic! Also, try not to write a sequel or prequel. The challenge is to re-envision what happened in that story. Changing POV is a time honored way of bringing a fresh perspective to a remix, but it's not mandatory.

3. Spin the story your way
Make it an AU, change the subtext, put all new dialogue in it… Whatever you would have done differently, now you can! If you're a David/Colby lover and spy a great Don/Colby fic that you'd love to see done as David/Colby give it a whirl! Like crossovers? How about Lorne of Stargate with Colby instead? Or place your fave N3 pairing in the Firefly universe. (You just need to have at least one N3 character in your drabble to post it at N100.) Just be sure your planned remix is okay with the author first by checking their opt-in sign up form.

4. Publish your drabble
You can publish remix drabbles of 300 words or less to N100 (We'd love it!). Longer fic should be published elsewhere. If you don't want to go through the effort of making headers, and just want to give the original author a remix as a gift, you can reply to their opt-in comment and post the remix there for them. If you do publish, be sure to credit the original author in your headers with links like this: Remix of Original Drabble by author.

Opt-In Form

Paste the form below into a new comment and put your LJ name in the subject of your comment. Fill out the form making sure to link to wherever you have your drabbles (Master list, tags, memories)

Link to author's drabbles:
Okay to change pairings? (Y/N):
Okay to slash? (Y/N):
Okay to het? (Y/N):
Okay to cest? (Y/N):
Okay to R/NC17? (Y/N):
Okay to crossover? (Y/N):
Any other restrictions?:
Safe stories? (no limit):
Suggested drabbles to remix (6-10):

A sample form, already filled out, is provided in the first comment to show an example of how to fill out the form. (Note: Cest means male sibling incest only. Ask an author specifically for permission for any other incestuous relationship.)

If you have any questions you can ask them in a comment or email Mel, T or Emma directly (melissima71 atsign gmail dot com, t.vo0810 atsign gmail dot com, emmademarais atsign gmail dot com).

Share the fun under the summer sun - remix some Numb3rs and spread the fic around!
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