It seems I can't go any revision/exam period without being hit full force by vidding inspiration. I have magnificently subconscious skills in procrastination, you see.
This vid excites me more than it probably should. It will break my heart if Kripke doesn't make Sam evil for at least half a season. Really I want to write an Epic on the subject, and this perhaps could be seen as a bit of a prelude to that fic, if I can get my brain/work schedule/social habits to cooperate with me. I live in hope.
So, without further ado, I present to you Evil Sam.
Title: God's Gonna Cut You Down
Characters: Dean, Evil Sam, ensemble.
Summary: When Sam turns bad and Dean doesn't stop him. Supernatural AU. Contains clips up until Playthings.
Feedback loved. Tell me how much you all want Evil Sam for real. *G*