VID: God's Gonna Cut You Down (SPN, Dean, Evil Sam)

Jan 23, 2007 02:06

It seems I can't go any revision/exam period without being hit full force by vidding inspiration. I have magnificently subconscious skills in procrastination, you see.

This vid excites me more than it probably should. It will break my heart if Kripke doesn't make Sam evil for at least half a season. Really I want to write an Epic on the subject, and ( Read more... )

supernatural, vids

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Comments 81

strippedpink January 23 2007, 02:43:11 UTC
I think it will break MY heart if Sam DOES turn evil. But I'm pretty much a soft touch where he's concerned *cries*

Of course, if evil!Sam led to hotass porn, I could be willing to make a few sacrifices for the greater good...


sometimesophie January 23 2007, 02:49:27 UTC
But, OMG, just think of the DRAMA. And the angst and the pain and. And. Everything.

Also, I think it is possible that the Padalecki will be entirely hotass being evil. And he will LOOM over Dean with his big hands and long legs and be up in his space, all intimidating like.



iwanturhorror January 23 2007, 10:44:25 UTC
"Of course, if evil!Sam led to hotass porn, I could be willing to make a few sacrifices for the greater good..."

oh so could I!!! I wouldn't want Sam to be evil forever but just long enough for a couple of HOT brotherly bondaged episodes!!


JPUP mirandanewt January 23 2007, 03:18:14 UTC
Hi...I am new here.A friend reccd ur journal to me.I saw the vid.BEAUTIFUL.Leads my thoughts to all sorts of naughty stuff,u know,Sam roughing Dean up.Evil grin.
Also read your JPUP fic and fell in luv with it.Very believable.And the lead up to the kiss was like edge of the seat.When can your readers expect the next chapter please?Can't wait,this only after 2 days after reading your fic.
I have friended you.Hope you don't mind.


Re: JPUP sometimesophie January 23 2007, 04:13:33 UTC
See, the funny thing about Sam roughing Dean up, is that actually I reckon Dean roughs Sam up quite a bit more in the series. It would have been so much easier to do an Evil Dean vid. *G*

I want to update JPUP towards the end of the week. I have a couple of days going spare, and this vid no longer sitting at the edge of my brain, so hopefully. It's great to know you like it, and of course I don't mind - the more friends the merrier! :D


decadentdreams January 23 2007, 04:00:24 UTC
Your timing is utterly amazing. I have recently managed to get my sister hooked on SPN and while she was over tonight I wanted to show her some fanvids, so I thought of yours and wondered where to find them (forgetting that I had them saved already) and voila - here you are with a new one. Awesomeness. :) I love this song and have seen it used in an XF vid, but truthfully it works much better for SPN. I liked this one a lot - I think it's your best yet, and shows a good structure and flow of your storyline. I still kinda love/hate you for your last one. It is the reason I'm watching this show, after all. ;P

Evil Sam rules the world. Word. It would seem I'm going to end up a Sam/Jared fangirl...

p.s. - I'll upload for you, if you still need it.


sometimesophie January 23 2007, 04:18:44 UTC
I wished I had an awesome sister with whom to share SPN fannish goodies. Life isn't fair. My sister just mocks me. :/

Thank you so much!! It makes me all kinds of happy to know that you liked it. And see, I kind of cheated, because this song was used in the promo for 'Hunted', but it was listening to it that got me all inspired, so what can you do?

I love Sam/Jared, I really do, but it's Dean/Jensen who has my heart. Ho yes. :D

PS. I love you. I have been tearing my hair out in frustration over here.


decadentdreams January 23 2007, 04:43:04 UTC
Did I say my sister doesn't mock me? lol! But she does at least shut up and watch when I make her.

Uploaded... it still says 'processing' though. For Sendspace do I need to be logged in?

One day someone will explain to me just what is so special about Dean. Everyone on my flist seems to adore him but he's just... not it. Sorry!


sometimesophie January 23 2007, 04:49:11 UTC
Well, hey. I'd settle for that as an alternative. For some unknown reason, my sister wasn't bowled over by the Js. Occasionally, I question whether we are, in fact, related.

Yes, sorry, you do need to have an account with sendspace. If you don't mind doing it, I'll give you those account details as well.

Dean is... Dean, really. I guess that if you don't want in his pants by now, he'll never win you over. *G*


supernatrlfreak January 23 2007, 04:05:53 UTC
*throws in towel* I think I'm in love with just about everything you create.


sometimesophie January 23 2007, 04:24:20 UTC



blondiusmaximus January 23 2007, 04:20:51 UTC
I REALLY WANT EVIL!SAM. Dean's angst will be amazing. Besides. The writers are hinting at big things to come in the show and I'd be slightly disappointed if he didn't go Evil, at least for a little bit. Especially if there were, like, flashes of Good Sammy in-between the Evil. And oh, the meta that would come out of the whole situation! It would be awesome.

Also, Dean!angst is, uhm, awesome.


sometimesophie January 23 2007, 04:27:54 UTC
Oh man, oh man, YES. Because Sammy would be heartbreaking, even whilst he was being totally badass and killing randomers and trying to kill Dean, and internal struggle would just be the icing on the cake.

And, erm, Dean's angst? MIGHT JUST ECLIPSE THE WORLD. *G*

I also really want to see Jared throwing his weight around like I know he is capable of.



blondiusmaximus January 23 2007, 06:00:53 UTC
SRSLY. There could be an actual fight, not just throwing against various walls and/or gun pointing. Or Sam using crazy!evil psychic powers on Dean! And if Dean saved Sam, THE ANGST WOULD ONLY BEGIN FROM THERE. a;sdkf it must be so.


sometimesophie January 23 2007, 13:07:23 UTC
If Sam ever used his powers on Dean, I think I might spontaneously combust. DEAR GOD.


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