REC: Original Slash

Jan 05, 2007 19:01

I've been meaning to do this for a while. For those of you who don't know - which is mostly everyone, I think - nothing makes me happier than getting my grabby hands on good original slash. I don't know what it is about it. Sometimes my inclination towards reading it makes me vaguely hopeful of someday being able to actually get over fandom, you know?

Anyway. This is pretty much a long winded way of saying read this: The Problem With Elephants by scoradh.

It's about 20,000 words and is all kinds of awesome. For all you who like that sort of thing, it's about schoolboys. For all of you who don't, I was particularly jaded about that subject until I read this, and then I saw the light, believe me. It's cruel and delicious and witty, and it made my stomach curl in on itself on several occasions. You can measure how good it is by the fact that I am actually jealous of everyone who hasn't read it, because what I wouldn't give to read it again without knowing what to expect.

What else can I say? It's your own fault if you ignore me, here. :D


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