
Apr 12, 2011 19:26

Who: Yamamoto and ANYONE WHO WANTED TO/WANTS TO PLAY BASEBALL &hearts [The list right now is: Dino, Llyod, Kurogane, Fay, Liam, Gokudera, Max, and Lenalee. But ANYONE can feel free and join in the fun and learn to play!]
Where: Park in the first district.
Status: OPEN
Style: Your choice!
Notes: 1. This log is backdated to about three weeks ago, ( Read more... )

shouichi irie, gokudera hayato, max lightwood, takeshi yamamoto, fay d. flourite, dino cavallone, kurogane, lloyd irving

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Comments 103

stickinmypants April 13 2011, 01:47:18 UTC
Gokudera put some careful planning into this event too. He packed only enough cigarettes for himself over the course of an hour, two at most - though he figured he would leave well before the game was over. He wore a t-shirt and a thick hoodie over his jeans so it was more than obvious to anyone, but especially Yamamoto that he was not playing baseball. Like hell would he volunteer to share a field with him, much less cheer the bastard on. Gokudera had only come because his boredom was that extreme and he was looking forward to watching people get hit, fall, or lose and counting on all three if Bucking Horse showed up.

Rolling around a rock beneath his shoe, Gokudera lit his first cigarette, wondering why he hadn't thought to bring along a chair. Probably because that would look pathetic - it would seem like he was actually looking forward to the game. No, standing by scowling over a cigarette gave a more accurate impression of his feeling on the matter.


combiplay April 13 2011, 01:58:24 UTC
Takeshi was a little surprised when the earliest person to the field showed up over the ridge in jeans and a hoodie, displeasure plastered over his expression and expanding by the moment, as if the sunshine was helping it to grow. He hadn't been too sure if Gokudera would show up at all-- much less be the first.

But his reaction to it was the same as ever.

Grin blooming wide over his own mouth, he raised an arm and waved energetically at him. "Hey, Hayato! Over here!"

And if Hayato thought that the jeans, the heavy sweater, and the curdling attitude was going to alert Yamamoto to the fact that he wasn't going to play-- haha, well. Then he'd miscalculated, slightly.

Takeshi was already thinking of what he'd teach him first. Hayato was already pretty good with his throws, after all!


stickinmypants April 13 2011, 02:08:41 UTC
Gokudera was growling around the end of his cigarette, sending Yamamoto a glare that clearly expressed how dare you address me in public, asshole and if I wanted to talk to you, I wouldn't be putting so much energy into ignoring you as well as the usual please die, k thanks thrown in there for good measure.

But Gokudera almost forgot the most important thing, a point he'd made repeatedly the last two months, not that Yamamoto GOT the point EVER - which is exactly why it hadn't lost any of the original anger and indignation.

"WHAT DID I SAY? Stop calling me that, you bastard!"


combiplay April 13 2011, 02:15:11 UTC
Yamamoto ignored any and all subliminal messaging, and instead read the body language. Hayato's body was here, so it meant he was really saying hey, it's great to see you!, and I plan to put all my energy into the game today!, as well as the usual I'm so glad to be with one of my best friends!

Or... something like that, haha!

Putting a hand through his hair and grinning, Takeshi shrugged a bit. "Haha, but you got so mad when I'd forget! I got used to it. What's wrong with calling you Hayato, Hayato?"


mangandsleep April 13 2011, 01:52:00 UTC
Max came running.

Glasses falling off his face, shoes untied, jeans rolled up to keep from tripping on them, Max Lightwood - Junior Shadowhunter, one time Quidditch player, manga-reader extraordinaire, has come to learn how to play this mundane sport called baseball.

"Hi!" he called out, waving just in case his enthusiastic entrance was overlooked.


combiplay April 13 2011, 02:02:48 UTC
A blink.

Well, haha, at least Max sure matched the field! Takeshi was instantly smiling, kind of excited to see a kid on the field, energetic and ready to have some fun! He'd worked with kids before in Junior leagues from time to time, and when they had friendly games with the elementary schools... so this was gonna be great!

"Hey!" Greeted in return, and putting his hand in the air, smiling. "Haha.... you look like you're all ready." ...Maa, maybe he should tie Max's shoes for the kid? He'd get to that in a sec, if Max didn't notice.


mangandsleep April 13 2011, 02:15:28 UTC
"Yes!" Max agreed, so excited. Ready for what? He didn't even know! And he didn't care.

This was a new experience and it was going to be AWESOME and maybe, just maybe, it would be one thing he was good at. Man, just the fact that he was allowed to play made it really cool and totally something to look forward to, because Max was tired of being excluded from all the fun Jace and Alec and Isabelle had, training together and fighting together. It was his turn to have some fun, instead of being left behind for his own protection! That was such a lame, overused excuse anyway.

"I'm ready!" Max is jumping up and down in place, because he's not sure what else to do yet, but he has the boundless energy of a nine and half year old who definitely got into the candy stash earlier in the morning because no one could cook at home and the kitchen was turning into weird appliances.


combiplay April 13 2011, 02:25:25 UTC
"Haha, okay! Well, you've got the right enthusiasm and all! Just maybe gotta fix one thing..." Going to kneel down right beside him, he went and pulled the laces on his shoes tighter, than began to tie them for him.

While he tied them, he tried to see what level Max was at. "So, how much do you know about baseball, Max? Any of the rules or anything?"


chiavarone April 13 2011, 01:59:34 UTC
Dino had succeeded with everyone he had personally invited, save one - and he had thought it would take some kind of miracle to convince Kyouya. But there were small victories along the way, like his surprising success with Liam, who had never heard of baseball, nor seemed inclined to play sports of any kind - Dino suspected as much, given the earrings, but he hoped for the best and that sort of conviction in his friends had paid off. Kurogane, Fay, Liam, and Lloyd were all coming. Dino only wished he'd made more friends in the time he'd been in Somarium so that he could have extended the invitation beyond his small circle ( ... )


redcladidealist April 13 2011, 02:04:28 UTC
Lloyd had never heard of the sport, either, before Dino had invited him to join in. Curious, he followed beside his friend, dressed in his typical red jacket and pants, red gloves on his hands.

"So, how do you even play?"


chiavarone April 13 2011, 02:35:15 UTC
"Patience, my friend," Dino replied, smiling over at Lloyd as they crossed the park towards the area Yamamoto had designated as their playing field.

"We'll go over all the guidelines before we start playing, don't worry. Ahahaha, and who knows? You might even have beginner's luck."


redcladidealist April 13 2011, 10:52:51 UTC
"Or I might just have natural talent." Lloyd grinned at Dino. Honestly, he had no idea if he'd be any good at this, but since when did that stop him from making cocky comments?

As they walked through the park, he noted some pieces of cloth lying on the grass and a pile of wet sand on the ground. Huh, that was strange. He glanced at the bag Dino was carrying. "What's all that stuff you're carrying?


fluorite_flux April 13 2011, 17:15:25 UTC
"Heeeh, looks like it's already pretty busy!" said Fay to his companion as they came upon the grassy field. "But, everyone looks like they're having fun! Sir Takeshi really is good at gathering people about himself."


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combiplay April 13 2011, 20:11:35 UTC
Their conversation quickly drew Takeshi's eye, and the younger boy gave them a huge grin. Holding up a baseball he had in hand already, he got right to it with them, giving them a warning of, "Hey, heads up! Catch!"

He tossed the ball towards Fay and Kurogane pretty softly, the ball arching up in a soft lob, rather than being thrown directly at him. Still smiling, he added, "Thanks for coming, you two! Haha, I'm glad you both came out!"


fluorite_flux April 14 2011, 01:45:38 UTC
Fay caught the ball handedly and tossed it up and down as they walked the rest of the way across the field.

"It's not a problem, Sir Takeshi! I just had to see for myself!"


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combiplay April 13 2011, 17:31:25 UTC
Haha, well if Shouichi was worried about looking like a player, he was concerned for no reason. Gokudera had already gone through explaining to Takeshi that wearing a hoodie somehow equated no interest in baseball. On top of that, jeans weren't great for running in...

Haha, not that not looking like a player was really going to save anyone who showed up. If they were here, they were here to play!

Spotting Shouichi, he offered a smile and a wave, noting mentally that he wasn't really gonna be a runner. Maybe catching would be a good position for him! Either way, he greeted, "Hey, Shouichi! You okay?"

[ooc: Okay! Fay's post seems directed at Kuro first, so I'm going to let Kuro reply once before I jump in!]


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combiplay April 16 2011, 19:45:30 UTC
"Haha, no worries! You're not late or anything." He assured, jogging over towards him, smile still on his face. He tossed only a small, quick glance over his shoulder at the makeshift field and then grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, haha! I did. It's not great or anything, but I think it'll be okay for today! So, ah, you know what position you wanna play?"


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