Flynn || 001 || well hello there, somarium

Apr 05, 2011 14:09

Who: foundaprincess and everybody!
Where: The Water Park, would you believe!
Style: Whichever!
Status: Open like the wound on his left hand!

[There is a man floating in the water park's lazy river. He appears to be unconscious.

Poke him with a floater?]

aerith gainsborough, leo, yuffie kisaragi, atoli, amaterasu, !location: somni, yukari takeba, alphonse elric, yosuke hanamura, hungary (elizaveta héderváry), steve, flynn rider, alice liddell (original)

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Comments 254

madcuriosity April 5 2011, 07:50:02 UTC
Sir? Hello? [She looks around and since she refused to go into the water, she finds a beach ball and throws it.... hitting him in the head.]


foundaprincess April 5 2011, 08:36:04 UTC
[Head? You mean face.]

Ow! Hey! Ack--! [arms flailing, he immediately sinks... only to resurface moments after, spitting out a stream of water] Phooey! Pah! H-huh?

[And now he is standing up and the water barely comes up to his chest.] Wh-what is this?


madcuriosity April 5 2011, 08:40:00 UTC
Ah you're alright! [She claps her hands together and bounces.]


foundaprincess April 5 2011, 16:47:59 UTC
...uh. Hello, strange little girl who I have never seen before. How long have you been standing there?


egyptianupgrade April 5 2011, 14:46:39 UTC
[Holy crap there's a body in the river--



[She automatically searches around and...well. Not much to do but lean over the edge and reach for him. She manages to grab his arm without going in the water, at least. And of course she starts pulling.]


foundaprincess April 5 2011, 16:20:18 UTC
[The pulling's starting to wake him up a bit. He moans like a wounded creature. If fact he is kinda wounded - if you happen to be pulling at his left arm, you might see that he has a nasty looking cut across the palm of his hand.]


egyptianupgrade April 5 2011, 17:36:09 UTC
[When she sees the blood, she gasps, hand going to her chest.

And then she sighs. And a mutter.]

What a pain.

[With another glance to make sure his eyes are still closed--because this can look very dubious if he is not--she lets go of him and reaches for her Evoker. She points the fake gun at her forehead, closing her eyes, and fires.


And a shattering of what could be glass, or the sound of it, at least, and with the appearance of her Persona, she casts a healing spell on the man, hoping that will do well enough to close up that cut and any others she might not be able to see.]


foundaprincess April 5 2011, 18:41:26 UTC
[When she looks at him, she will find that he is very much awake.

And just kinda staring at her, all stunned-like.]


thatpeskyninja April 5 2011, 15:33:22 UTC
[Why is their a body floating in the river? That's not good...


Doesn't look like he has anything of value on him, I mean--that's terrible!

Yuffie pulls her shuriken from her back to reach over to poke the body a few times before hooking the back of his collar to pull him along.]

I didn't think anyone could drown in this much water. I hope he doesn't need CPR....

[Because that's a chance of smooching some dead corpse...ew...]


foundaprincess April 5 2011, 16:40:53 UTC
[but he would make such a dashing dead corpse, Yuffie. Dragging his body puts him against the current of the pool, and the water lashing against him along with the feeling of something pulling against his neck seems to have triggered something in his subconscious.]

Uuh...g-glowing... It was actually glowing... Why was it glowing?... so... weird...

[Hello incoherent babbling. He makes for such a talkative corpse, doesn't he?]


1/2 thatpeskyninja April 5 2011, 17:06:32 UTC
[One to pilfer from~ Gah, it's some kind of zombie! D8

No, wait she guesses he's alive....but what is he talking about? Oh, god is Flynn seeing the light. Don't go into the light Flynn! No matter how much it glows!]


[Once he's close enough she pulls him up out of the water and onto his back. She should wake him up with the utmost care.]


2/2 thatpeskyninja April 5 2011, 17:07:44 UTC
[Well, hello there hand slapping across his face.]

Hey wake up!


floriferous April 5 2011, 21:52:23 UTC
[ Why can't she go anywhere without an unconscious or terribly wounded man showing up?

She's going to be poking you now, Flynn. ] Hello? Helllloooo? You shouldn't be sleeping like that. [ And if he doesn't get up he'll be getting a squeaky pool toy to the head. ]


foundaprincess April 6 2011, 16:04:15 UTC
[IT MUST BE FATE. Flynn stirs a little. Was that a pretty voice he heard just now? He is curious enough to crack an eye -

but he moves a little too much in the water] H-huh... Urk-!! [brb getting swept under the pool's current]


floriferous April 6 2011, 21:22:36 UTC

Oh...not what she had hoped for. But she can't let the poor guy drown, now can she? So after taking her shoes off she hops into the water and grabs his hand before he gets too far under and attempts to yank him up. ]


foundaprincess April 7 2011, 06:12:41 UTC
[when he finally comes to, the first thing he sees is your pretty face struggling to keep him afloat. He blinks somewhat blearily and grins]

...hey there.

[just fyi? he might still be a little out of it]


idkmybffsakaki April 6 2011, 02:03:54 UTC
[Atoli was just minding her own business when...]

--! [She gasped, spotting the male floating in the water.]

Oh my goodness! Hello? Hellooo? [She rushed to the edge of the water, her staff appearing in her good left hand. Holding it out as far as she could, she poked him, deeply concerned. Was he alright?! Had he drowned?! Was...was he dead?!?]


foundaprincess April 6 2011, 16:11:01 UTC
[No he is not dead, Atoli, but the moment you poke him, he groans as if he's got a fatal wound. Escaping that mine had been rough business and you just poked a particularly delicate spot on his shoulder.]

Uuugh- oh- OW! H-hey, watch... it... Nnngh... [he would have rolled over on his side, but this isn't exactly dry land.

So. Check it out, he just kinda sinks fully into the water. He may or may not resurface himself, but it might be hard to tell if he's conscious enough to do it. Save him?]


idkmybffsakaki April 6 2011, 18:40:56 UTC
Ah--! [Okay, now she's frowning. He's alive, but--- ohmygosh he's sinking! She wasn't too crazy about jumping in the water, but that was the only way she could see to get him out. So she quickly made her staff disappear and began to wade out to him. It was easy enough to get to Flynn, but then her next problem arised.] am I going to get him out? [Her mumbling came with a flicker to her right hand. Her paralyzed right hand. To this, she sighed, and doing the best she could one handed, she tried to pull him to the surface of the water. Getting him to land? That wasn't easy. The best she could figure was pushing him through the water. And finally, finally she somehow managed to get him on the ground surrounding the lazy river. Need I say she's exhausted by this? She didn't have a lot of strength to begin with.]

S-Sir? Hello? Are...are you alright?


foundaprincess April 6 2011, 19:12:26 UTC
[he comes to, blinking and squinting, and is surprised to find a strange person next to him]

Huh? Who're you? [wince] ...ugh, and why does it feel like I've been put on a torture rack?


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