Flynn || 001 || well hello there, somarium

Apr 05, 2011 14:09

Who: foundaprincess and everybody!
Where: The Water Park, would you believe!
Style: Whichever!
Status: Open like the wound on his left hand!

[There is a man floating in the water park's lazy river. He appears to be unconscious.

Poke him with a floater?]

aerith gainsborough, leo, yuffie kisaragi, atoli, amaterasu, !location: somni, yukari takeba, alphonse elric, yosuke hanamura, hungary (elizaveta héderváry), steve, flynn rider, alice liddell (original)

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idkmybffsakaki April 6 2011, 02:03:54 UTC
[Atoli was just minding her own business when...]

--! [She gasped, spotting the male floating in the water.]

Oh my goodness! Hello? Hellooo? [She rushed to the edge of the water, her staff appearing in her good left hand. Holding it out as far as she could, she poked him, deeply concerned. Was he alright?! Had he drowned?! Was...was he dead?!?]


foundaprincess April 6 2011, 16:11:01 UTC
[No he is not dead, Atoli, but the moment you poke him, he groans as if he's got a fatal wound. Escaping that mine had been rough business and you just poked a particularly delicate spot on his shoulder.]

Uuugh- oh- OW! H-hey, watch... it... Nnngh... [he would have rolled over on his side, but this isn't exactly dry land.

So. Check it out, he just kinda sinks fully into the water. He may or may not resurface himself, but it might be hard to tell if he's conscious enough to do it. Save him?]


idkmybffsakaki April 6 2011, 18:40:56 UTC
Ah--! [Okay, now she's frowning. He's alive, but--- ohmygosh he's sinking! She wasn't too crazy about jumping in the water, but that was the only way she could see to get him out. So she quickly made her staff disappear and began to wade out to him. It was easy enough to get to Flynn, but then her next problem arised.] am I going to get him out? [Her mumbling came with a flicker to her right hand. Her paralyzed right hand. To this, she sighed, and doing the best she could one handed, she tried to pull him to the surface of the water. Getting him to land? That wasn't easy. The best she could figure was pushing him through the water. And finally, finally she somehow managed to get him on the ground surrounding the lazy river. Need I say she's exhausted by this? She didn't have a lot of strength to begin with.]

S-Sir? Hello? Are...are you alright?


foundaprincess April 6 2011, 19:12:26 UTC
[he comes to, blinking and squinting, and is surprised to find a strange person next to him]

Huh? Who're you? [wince] ...ugh, and why does it feel like I've been put on a torture rack?


idkmybffsakaki April 6 2011, 19:24:12 UTC
U-Um, were drowning. [She's frowning, and..she doesn't want to tell him he might feel like that because she kind of had a lot of trouble getting him out. So she's just going to leave it at that..]


foundaprincess April 6 2011, 19:47:47 UTC

[He looks down to find that he is, indeed, somewhat wet and that there seems to be some kind of river nearby.]

Oh. Uh, thank you then. [he might have picked up on something strange about you, so have some curiousity] Did you pull me out all by yourself?


idkmybffsakaki April 6 2011, 20:05:16 UTC
[She nods.]

Y-Yes. I..I found you in the water, and...I couldn't just leave you there. [As she usually did, her left hand went to her elbow, gripping her bad arm. She wasn't trying to hide the condition of her hand, but she wasn't trying to make it obvious either.]


foundaprincess April 7 2011, 06:20:46 UTC
[he's a thief, honey, and kinda programmed to detect anything unusual. Of course he notices, so have a frown.]

Hey, what's this... Did you hurt yourself? That's not right... Let's have a look.

[he gestures to the arm in question. If it's sprained, the least he could do was work a massage around it till it got better, right?]


idkmybffsakaki April 7 2011, 23:10:01 UTC
[Well...she's doesn't know that! D;

So to his reaction, she blushes and glances away.] No, I-I..It's not sprained....i-it's paralyzed. [Which really sucked, just saying. She really hoped they could figure something out to fix it.

But then-- she noticed his wound.]

ah-! You're hurt!


foundaprincess April 9 2011, 11:51:59 UTC
[To her reaction, he just chuckles a little.] That's what they all say when- wait, paralyzed?

[and the frown is back!] Never mind my injury, I've had worse - I've had broken even (and man was it not pretty) - but that is not the point. Don't tell me you got that when you pulled me out...?


idkmybffsakaki April 12 2011, 00:31:02 UTC
Oh, n-no! It''s been like this for a while now. It was even like this back home. [Yeah, she doesn't have a clue he's new here.]

Can I see your hand? I..I think I can heal it. [She may not have magic hair, but she was a Harvest Cleric. And her magic did work here. She thought maybe she could help him out.]


foundaprincess April 13 2011, 08:30:14 UTC
Shouldn't we get your hand seen to first? All I need is a bandage and a couple of days. [/shrug. As far as Flynn's concerned, things like injuries are trivial compared to a Damsel in Distress]

Is there a clinic of some sort around here? I'll bring you there. Can't be safe staying out in the open in a place like this.

[he squints at their surroundings suspiciously] What is this place, anyway? Those rivers look man-made.


idkmybffsakaki April 13 2011, 13:29:59 UTC
Don't worry - my friends have being trying to find a way to fix it. [Haseo had even thought he found a way! Gosh, she really hoped it would work...But back to Flynn!] Really, it's no trouble for me to heal it...

[Aaaand have a pause and a confused look, before--] Oh! Are you new here? [It clicked finally.] You're in Somarium now. It's....well, it's a dream world, actually.


foundaprincess April 15 2011, 12:40:37 UTC
A dream world, huh? Maybe we should get your head checked as well.


idkmybffsakaki April 16 2011, 03:27:43 UTC
I know, it sounds weird, doesn't it? I thought the same thing when I first got here. [She smiles a little, not really paying much attention to the head comment. She also summoned her staff again, planning to heal his hand, whether he liked it or not.]

But really, it's true. I'm not really sure how it works, we are.


foundaprincess April 17 2011, 08:34:48 UTC
He is not quite sure what to make of that last comment so he will just try to change the subject]

...that's an odd staff.

[which he does not remember seeing it on you at any point of the conversation. It's like it just... appeared.

Feels a bit antsy now. 8|]


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