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Comments 271

caprice_of_song January 25 2009, 00:10:51 UTC
Wasn't this supposed to be a dream world? It struck Ion as peculiar that there was no money and no need for basic living necessities like sleep, and yet there were still natural disasters. The sudden weather change had been startling, to say the least, but close proximity to what appeared to be a safe haven was certainly a comfort. The boy headed there, noting he certainly wasn't the only one who'd had that idea.

At least the terrible weather didn't seem to have an effect on this... well, what was apparently a café. Despite the minor chaos it seemed to be in now, it was holding up well and had a pleasant air about it.

Ion carefully smoothed wet bangs from his face, straightened his tabard, and decided to make the best of things--sopping wet or not.


spectaculaire January 25 2009, 07:21:13 UTC
When Tamaki see Ion enter, he quickly went to the boy's aid and offered him some towels.

"Welcome, welcome!" he said cheerfully. "Please, make yourself comfortable and if you need anything let me know."


caprice_of_song January 25 2009, 17:19:17 UTC
"Ah, thank you."

What a veritably perfect host! He somehow managed not to look stressed out even amidst the chaos outside and the barrage of guests he was now taking in. Quite impressive.

"Your unshaken attitude is very comforting at a time like this," Ion said, taking accessories out of his hair and drying it vigorously.


spectaculaire January 25 2009, 20:23:33 UTC
Tamaki gave a little laugh. "Well, it wouldn't do to panic at the moment, though I can assure you I certainly did at first."

He gave Ion a bright smile. "I am Suoh Tamaki, owner of this establishment."


we_r_king January 25 2009, 04:07:33 UTC
The King did not like the ran. Not one bit. He was looking for a place to take shelter, but woe was He, for a lot of the buildings seemed unsafe and crumbly-looking. Had there been an Earthquake?

"We didn't notice," The King said to himself, hugging his body to keep warm.

But as if by a stroke of luck and destiny, he came across a quaint building, with a door just barely high enough for him to duck under. Normally, he would've just not entered at all, but this was a bad situation. The King did not like catching colds!

"Hello-Hello? Is anyone home?" The King knocked on the door, patiently awaiting an answer.


1/4 spectaculaire January 25 2009, 07:16:01 UTC
Tamaki almost missed the knock. He was rather used to people just coming in.

"Yes, please come i--"


2/4 spectaculaire January 25 2009, 07:16:30 UTC
When he opened the door...well.


3/4 spectaculaire January 25 2009, 07:18:55 UTC

overlysymmetric January 25 2009, 05:41:50 UTC
*lands Beelzebub, with a certain amount of relief, and holds the door open for Maka*

This place looks safe enough, wouldn't you say?

*really only stopping here because it looks dry and he is so, so tired of being out in the rain without an umbrella, but- hey! no fires here, at least!*


fearless_tech January 25 2009, 05:45:45 UTC
*steps into the cafe*

Ah, thanks. It doesn't look like it's gotten hit too badly by the storm, at least.


overlysymmetric January 25 2009, 05:47:31 UTC
*follows, closes the door behind them again*

Yes, it appears to be more or less intact... I wonder if the owners are here? A warm drink sounds good about now.


fearless_tech January 25 2009, 05:52:37 UTC
They might be. I doubt we're the only ones here.

*looks around a little and spots a few tables*

Let's sit down and wait.


hypomania January 25 2009, 07:38:05 UTC
Fran breezed in with a passive, aloof smile on her face and a medical bag in one hand. She was wearing her large, billowing cloak, and very much looked none the worse for wear. Apparently, not even a natural disaster could stop Fran Madaraki from doing her job.

"Medical assistance~" she called loudly and cheerfully the moment she came through the door. She waved the kit above her head. "There is a doctor in the house~" When the earthquake and storm had hit, Fran had been awash with excitement. The very prospect of seeing horrible, horrible injuries, ripped-off limbs and brain-oozing skulls and tree branches impaling stomachs had excited her like nothing else had so far in Somarium. Her fingers (and fingers and fingers) were twitching to get some surgery done (and perhaps gather some samples while she was at it for experimenting on). She also wanted to try out several new limb-binding techniques.

"Is there anyone very, very injured?" she called happily.


late tag is late but they need to meet and I don't want to miss this event :| rockstar_fw January 28 2009, 14:27:26 UTC
Shige, who wasn't terribly injured (he thought) but had managed to get a rather nasty gash on the arm that was currently being bandaged up by his jacket, cringed and sunk further into his seat, hoping she wouldn't notice him. He didn't need any help, especially from someone who looked as insane as that.


lololol hypomania January 28 2009, 21:42:54 UTC
Fran was looking around eagerly, before her eyes settled upon a young man slumped down in a chair with a jacket wrapped around his arm. His face was rather pale, she noted. Immediately she headed towards him.

"You look faint~!" she announced happily. "Blood loss?"


rockstar_fw January 28 2009, 23:59:32 UTC
Shige cringed again. Shit.

"I'm fine!" he said defensively.


timetoduelbitch January 26 2009, 00:31:39 UTC
Of course, the pharaoh hadn't really thought to actually listen to Jaina and close his eyes as she teleported off. So when the two of them suddenly reappeared in Tamaki's cafe? Oh yes; dizzy pharaoh was dizzy.


wantedtostudy January 26 2009, 00:49:21 UTC
This place was not made for teleportation, Jaina thought. She couldn't feel the leylines, much less tap into them... it didn't mean she couldn't teleport, of course. It just... required a bit more effort than usual.

Okay, maybe a lot more effort.

While Yuugi was dizzy at the sudden disorientation, Jaina was using her staff to hold herself up. Her head was spinning, and it was hard to catch her breath...

Of course, it would pass. It was just the momentary exertion.


timetoduelbitch January 26 2009, 01:01:30 UTC
Yami Yuugi stumbled over to a table, plopping down in a chair as he fought to get his brain to stop doing cartwheels in his head. Okay, he was never doing that again. Next time? He was just going to walk.


wantedtostudy January 26 2009, 02:07:55 UTC
Jaina followed suit, closing her eyes once she'd sat to try and help the pounding in her brain - of course, his instincts were right, and there were people here. "Well, looks like we've found a safe haven," she said quietly.


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