The Yeti Attacks

Jan 30, 2011 16:39

Who: Yeti vs. somarium
Where: Fountain at Espoir
Style: First preferred
Status: OPENUnlike before, the Yeti did not even wait for the sun to completely set. In a roar of anger, it burst through the sands for a third time. However, instead of climbing onto the floating mountain as it had done the previous two times, it raced toward the invisible barrier. As ( Read more... )

daisuke jigen, franziska von karma, zelos wilder, max lightwood, yuffie kisaragi, rena ryuugu, vorona, jyuushirou ukitake, leon (squall leonheart), solid snake, amaterasu, isabelle lightwood, stitch, kain highwind, lloyd irving, !location: espoir, liquid snake, zack fair (kh), *noctaere, ishikawa goemon, cho hakkai, rika furude, harry potter, england (arthur kirkland), shinjiro aragaki, axel, nakago, kirby, allen walker

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Comments 233

Action || Feel free to join in! redcladidealist January 31 2011, 00:58:19 UTC
[Huge yeti ripping its way through Somarium, right through the district Lloyd and Zelos lived in.

Oh. Hell. No.

Horrified at the destruction, Lloyd's feet pound on the street as he gives chase.]

Zelos! We have to stop that thing!


[ACTIOOON~] demonspear January 31 2011, 01:04:07 UTC
[Totally not happy with wearing one of Lloyd's shirts right now. B| You need a better fashion sense, bud. This whole week was just horrible.]

Ugh. Why me? [Drawing his sword now.]


[ACTION] redcladidealist January 31 2011, 01:15:30 UTC
[Hey, would you rather freeze, Zelos? Be grateful. B| ]

[Lloyd shakes his head.] There's no time for that. Come on! [His swords are out now, too, and he puts on a burst of speed. Are they getting near the center of Espoir?] Damn it! It's going to hurt innocent people!


Re: [ACTION] demonspear January 31 2011, 01:33:11 UTC
Just start attacking it! It might distract it!

[Totally gonna start casting Eruption~]


action; open; createsoblivion January 31 2011, 01:04:14 UTC
The fountain...?

[Words to herself-- she'd bolted out the door as soon as she'd heard the terrible cries of the beast again, more than a little surprised to find it charging it's way through the city. And to where her home now was.]

[There was no time to go and find her friends- though both Terra, Ventus and Noel would get all receive brief shout across the Dreamberries. The moment she'd pocketed the device again, her Keyblade was drawn to her side; Brightcrest.]

[And she'd charge, putting good use to her abilities of high-jump and then some, if only to reach a higher vantage of attack against the abominable Yeti.]

[[ooc; damage is a-okay from the Yeti. He's huge. Anything you like is okay save for death. :'D -- Also anyone is free to tag~]


action; open; bloomtrigger January 31 2011, 01:17:58 UTC
[Catching sight of one of her partners as Noel nimbly dodged the swing of the yeti's arm with a high backflip, she called out to her.]

Aqua! I'll back you up while you attack!

[As soon as the young officer lands on her feet, Bolverk begins to glow and morph from a pair of revolvers into a large gatling gun.]


[She presses down on the trigger and fires a torrent of concentrated armagus pellets at the creature's legs.]


Re: action; open; createsoblivion January 31 2011, 01:24:09 UTC
[Barely a glance was given as the blonde girl's voice rang out, nearly drowned by the creature's enraged growls and bellows. It wasn't until the sound of gunfire rang out that Aqua landed back upon the ground again, a few feet behind her new back up.]

Good-- I'll need it!

[The words were brief- she already held her Keyblade before her, pointing to the sky. It began to glow as well, lighting up to a brilliant white heat before suddenly extending half a dozen feet in length. The blade itself seeming as if made of light itself. -- One good kick off and she was in the air again, body twisting to bring momentum into her downward strike of long-blade to Yeti shoulder.]


noctaere January 31 2011, 02:14:08 UTC
[those pellets hurt, and the yeti didn't like them too much. with an angry yell, it turned toward Noel, but it also noticed something coming down toward him.

the one with the guns was still a little ways, so instead it takes a swipe at Aqua in an attempt to fling her away.]


Open to new party members amorallygrey January 31 2011, 01:18:23 UTC
[This is what Nagi's been waiting impatiently for -- a chance to fight and prove to himself that between fighting at the Coliseum and his own raw power, he's still capable of handling a fight. The Yeti's too big to reasonably move, so as he draws closer, he lets his energy flow free, first forming his own barrier and then shattering whatever it touches and pulling it into a cloud of shrapnel around him. As soon as he gets close enough to see its face, he launches the bits of broken glass, bricks, branches, and metal right at its eyes.]


noctaere January 31 2011, 03:05:37 UTC
[it manages to shield its face with its huge clawed hand, but some of the attack breaks through and cuts its face. with a roar, it lashes out, trying to smack Nagi.]


amorallygrey January 31 2011, 03:10:36 UTC
[His shield is strong enough to absorb most blows, but Nagi still runs backwards, sliding heavy things near him for a shield before he shoves one -- a broken appliance of some sort -- at its wrist. Doing that will unfortunately take enough effort to weaken the shield for several seconds since he's out of practice.]


noctaere January 31 2011, 03:15:45 UTC
[the yeti just swipes the appliance away before taking another swing at Nagi and his shield.]


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noctaere January 31 2011, 03:06:51 UTC
[one would think a headshot would have done it, but the yeti's thick fur, muscle, and skull weren't just for show.

the bullet hit, but it only served to direct its attention to Meryl, instantly charging at her.]


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noctaere January 31 2011, 05:00:50 UTC
[the slash felt more like a small cut, but it angered the yet nonetheless. the downside of being so big is that when small, dinky things run past, it takes longer to maneuver. but as it spots Meryl running past, it stops and tries to grab her.]


bakaicenine January 31 2011, 01:45:00 UTC
[Huh... so that's what everyone's been freaking out about. Well, might as well play along.]

Freeze sign.... PERFECT FREEZE!

[Frozen needles instantly shot out and froze in place. After about a second, they split and scattered, only to stop again. After a good 10 seconds, there were shards of ice all around the area. It may be too small for the yeti to feel it, but there's no way for it to move without at least brushing the shards.]


noctaere January 31 2011, 03:08:34 UTC
[the ice shards were definitely a nuisances, but the yeti was a creature of ice, too. but the yeti will be waving its arms in anger, trying to rid the place of the annoying things.]


bakaicenine January 31 2011, 03:26:42 UTC
[Cirno knew that they would sting, at most, but the move still put her and her allies at an advantage. She spaced the shards farther apart then usual, giving everyone space to move around the beast a bit more easily then the beast itself.]

[As the shards were flung back at her, she dodged them and attempted to freeze up new ones. However, she felt herself growing a bit hotter... how long would she be able to keep this up?]


noctaere January 31 2011, 04:59:40 UTC
[this was too annoying!

so the yeti took in a deep breath and let out a strange, loud howl. it was some kind of sound attack, and as it slowly turned its head, the sound waves shattered the ice shards.]


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