The Yeti Attacks

Jan 30, 2011 16:39

Who: Yeti vs. somarium
Where: Fountain at Espoir
Style: First preferred
Status: OPENUnlike before, the Yeti did not even wait for the sun to completely set. In a roar of anger, it burst through the sands for a third time. However, instead of climbing onto the floating mountain as it had done the previous two times, it raced toward the invisible barrier. As ( Read more... )

daisuke jigen, franziska von karma, zelos wilder, max lightwood, yuffie kisaragi, rena ryuugu, vorona, jyuushirou ukitake, leon (squall leonheart), solid snake, amaterasu, isabelle lightwood, stitch, kain highwind, lloyd irving, !location: espoir, liquid snake, zack fair (kh), *noctaere, ishikawa goemon, cho hakkai, rika furude, harry potter, england (arthur kirkland), shinjiro aragaki, axel, nakago, kirby, allen walker

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Action || Feel free to join in! redcladidealist January 31 2011, 00:58:19 UTC
[Huge yeti ripping its way through Somarium, right through the district Lloyd and Zelos lived in.

Oh. Hell. No.

Horrified at the destruction, Lloyd's feet pound on the street as he gives chase.]

Zelos! We have to stop that thing!


[ACTIOOON~] demonspear January 31 2011, 01:04:07 UTC
[Totally not happy with wearing one of Lloyd's shirts right now. B| You need a better fashion sense, bud. This whole week was just horrible.]

Ugh. Why me? [Drawing his sword now.]


[ACTION] redcladidealist January 31 2011, 01:15:30 UTC
[Hey, would you rather freeze, Zelos? Be grateful. B| ]

[Lloyd shakes his head.] There's no time for that. Come on! [His swords are out now, too, and he puts on a burst of speed. Are they getting near the center of Espoir?] Damn it! It's going to hurt innocent people!


Re: [ACTION] demonspear January 31 2011, 01:33:11 UTC
Just start attacking it! It might distract it!

[Totally gonna start casting Eruption~]


Re: [ACTION] redcladidealist January 31 2011, 01:47:23 UTC
[As soon as the mana starts gathering around Zelos, Lloyd pulls out both his swords and swings them, summoning every ounce of energy and concentration he can and pushing it into the strike.] DEMON FANG!

[He's too far away from they yeti for the attack to physically land - but this particular attack isn't meant to be close range. All the energy he poured into it seems to lash out from his swords, barreling toward the monster before them.]

I'll hold it off while you cast!


/eats the [ACTION]. noctaere January 31 2011, 02:09:18 UTC
[by this time, the yeti will have focused on Lloyd, moving toward the pipsqueak to try and possibly crush him with his fist.

distraction plan success!?]


/makes sweet love to the [ACTION]. demonspear January 31 2011, 02:24:02 UTC
[Zelos smirked at the yeti.]

Burn baby! Eruption! [A dome of fire appears as the mana in the dome pushes up in blazes of flame.]


[ACTION: O-oh mai.] redcladidealist January 31 2011, 02:46:52 UTC
Holy-! [There isn't even time to finish that exclamation before the yeti's fist is swinging at his head. Lloyd's eyes widen and he hastily throws his swords up.] Guar- augh! [Too slow! The shell of mana he'd been trying to construct flickers to life for a moment, but not soon enough to do more than blunt the worst of the yeti's attack. The fist clips his shoulder, sending him stumbling back and nearly knocking him off his feet. Damn it! He underestimated this thing!

Then everything around him turns to hell. Grimacing, Lloyd tries to right himself, ignoring the flames. He can't feel them. He wasn't Zelos's target. His shoulder throbs, though, and he throws himself to one side. He doesn't want to stick around in one place if the yeti isn't distracted by this!]


.../will definitely crush the long red haired one. noctaere January 31 2011, 03:04:10 UTC
[the yeti lets out a roar of pain as his fur is burned and singed. quickly it jumps away, landing in a nearby field. its body now burned and steadily looking more grotesque, it lets out a loud yell.

it dug deep into the ground, pulling up earth that instantly froze. have some impromptu ice boulders chucked at you, Zelos.]


/hey! watch the face, will ya? >:( demonspear January 31 2011, 03:20:04 UTC

Whoa! Guardian! [A green force field surrounds him as it blocked the impact. But because it only lasts for so long, he'll have to try to dodge others being thrown at him, some actually hitting him.]

Okay, this thing is pissin' me off. You want some of this, yeti? Come and get it! [Running towards the yeti and ready to attack.]

Lightning blade! [Thrusting his sword as a bolt of lightning strikes his opponent.]


/hey, weren't you the one who wanted to make out? I think the face is involved by default~ redcladidealist January 31 2011, 03:33:13 UTC
[Gritting his teeth against the pain, Lloyd tightens his grip on his swords. As soon as the lightning flashes down, he lunges forward as well. One sword slashes forward, then the other follows. He isn't relying on mana this time, but on timing his attack with Zelos's. Between the two of them, surely the yeti won't be able to dodge-!]


/the face is definitely first to go. noctaere January 31 2011, 05:05:19 UTC
[indeed, the tag team effort catches the yeti. the lightning shocks it for a moment, but the pain from the swords snaps it back to let out a yell.

taking the opportunity that the two swordsmen were right next to it, the yeti makes a giant sweep with its huge hands before trying to smash them with its fists.]


/crashing the thread? lethal_smile January 31 2011, 05:15:24 UTC
[With the yeti sufficiently distracted by the other's attacks, Hakkai sends a chi ball hurling toward the beast's face.]


/yay it's a party~ demonspear January 31 2011, 21:59:13 UTC
[This face, Hakkai. Literally. As he makes a quick dodge, he turns around. That was certainly a surprise.]

What are you doing here?


/AWESOME. ANOTHER VICTIM/TARGET! redcladidealist January 31 2011, 22:22:10 UTC
[He glances at the newcomer, but it's only a quick glance. Hello, more important things - like trying not to get smashed by a giant furry hand! Launching himself into the air, Lloyd leaps over the yeti's hands. As he comes down, he swings at the creature's arms - but his attention is abruptly diverted when he realizes what Zelos just did. His eyes widen.]

Zelos! Don't turn your back!


/got tired of waiting for the yeti lethal_smile February 1 2011, 04:14:43 UTC
I'll have you know that I was in the middle of cooking dinner when this big, hairy beast came crashing through the village. He ruined my Peking Duck.

[As he talks he continues to distract the yeti by sending big balls of chi slamming into it's face. Hakkai's a multi-tasker.]

Besides, what kind of person would I be if I let a monster hurt my boyfriend?

[...and Hakkai knows that Zelos is going to kill him for saying that, but he shouldn't lie about his feelings, right?]


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