
Nov 17, 2010 21:01

Who: Toothless and Everyone Ever.
Where: Wherever you wanna come across him.
Style: First, Third, I'll match whatever you wanna reply with. (:
Status: Open~

A downed dragon without his human is a sad thing indeed. )

toothless, merlin, angela, amaterasu, kamui, akane awakusu, shizuo heiwajima, izaya orihara, kyon, england (arthur kirkland), cid highwind, !location: espoir, princess peach, alice liddell (original)

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Comments 148

seishiromustdie November 18 2010, 02:22:25 UTC
[Kamui is also in the field, but he isn't waiting. He just finished ripping a few scarecrows apart for getting in his way. He was passing through, because it was the best way to avoid people. But the scarecrows thought he was trying to steal something or interrupt their work for the harvest.

So Kamui is walking through the field, when he notices something big and black. His eyes focuses on this and he realizes it's some kind of creature. The vampire is a bit wary of the creature, so he keeps his distance, but if the creature decided to stay, he would differently be spoke. Kamui wasn't sure if it would understand him, but it better to warn, then to assume.] ...Someone is bound to see you if you stay here.


hasnoteefs November 18 2010, 02:28:30 UTC
[Toothless was oddly lucky in that regard; the Scarecrows very rarely ever bothered him. That could have something to do with the fact that he's larger than three of them and can spit fire, and the things aren't entirely stupid, or it might just be inherent good luck. One could never be certain.]

[Regardless, the dragon turns his attention to the wild-haired vampire when he speaks, and trills softly at him, angling his body in a way that made him appear much smaller than he actually was. A lot of the humans here were afraid of him, which was hardly a shock to the Night Fury, but he found that if he looked small and behaved docile they took better to him. He crooned, quietly. Have you seen my awkward little Viking? I've lost him.]


seishiromustdie November 18 2010, 03:09:50 UTC
[Kamui just watches the dragon as he tries to make himself appear smaller. That just makes the vampire raise an eyebrow, why was he doing that?] I'm not afraid of you.

[But it was intimidating to face a dragon. A vampire was no match for it. If it did become aggressive, Kamui knew better than to go against a fire-breather.

[OOC: Is it okay if Kamui speaks to Toothless telepathically?]


hasnoteefs November 18 2010, 03:15:09 UTC
[ooc;; fine by me! Another TRCKamui I play with has done that. ♥]

[He appreciated the strange human before him's assurance that he wasn't afraid-- it was always easier to deal with them when they weren't afraid. He made a guttural sort of sound, crooning and asking again if Kamui had seen his human friend. Most times they couldn't understand him, but he could try. And try he did.]


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hasnoteefs November 18 2010, 03:12:24 UTC
Toothless hadn't noticed the approaching man at first-- he was staring diligently at the city in the distance, his left forepaw idly scuffing the ground beneath it in an almost awkward gesture. As England put away his list, the crinkling sound of paper caught the dragon's attention and he turned about the same moment the man tipped his hat.

The gesture was somewhat lost on the Night Fury, but he crooned almost sadly anyhow. Hello there, I do not so well, since I appear to have lost my human. Have you seen him?


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hasnoteefs November 18 2010, 04:13:15 UTC
This was by far the farthest Toothless had gotten in actually conversing with a human, apart from that strange Merlin boy. His ears perked slightly, both because Arthur seemed to be doing a better job of understanding him than most, and because he had temporarily forgotten that he could speak to Merlin. Perhaps through some combined effort of this man and Merlin, he could find Hiccup.

He bobbed his head in a nod, crooning again when England asked if he had lost someone. Yes, yes he had. A little human boy-- skinny, red-haired, green-eyed, covered in freckles. Wears green, and a big fuzzy vest and boots, and just tell me you've seen him, I couldn't find him.


witchmaker November 18 2010, 03:03:33 UTC
The naysayers could naysay all they wanted, Angela was going to find her friends. They were here and she was going to find them.

The field wasn't the first place she looked, but it seemed just as possible as anywhere else, especially if something had happened and they'd all been scattered. She was headed up the hill backwards, taking advantage of the higher viewpoint it gave her. So far there was no sign of her friends, but she kept cautiously optimistic for now.

That is, until she tripped on a rock and landed not far downhill from a large black creature that she couldn't immediately identify. She froze, staring over her shoulder at the beast and hoped she hadn't made it feel threatened enough to attack or anything.


hasnoteefs November 18 2010, 03:47:49 UTC
Toothless had been pawing absentmindedly at the prosthetic tailfin to the left of where his tail tapered off and ended. He had scratched the paint a little, and whined profusely at it and taken to pawing without his claws touching the metal. When Angela tumbled her way down the hill and landed in a heap nearby, he turned his head slowly to look at the strange young human and trilled, softly. It was a greeting, if a rather lackluster one.


witchmaker November 18 2010, 03:56:44 UTC
Well, it wasn't a growl, so that was good. Angela stood up slowly, brushing the dirt off her knees before she crept closer to the creature, still keeping enough distance not to crowd it.

"Sorry, I didn't see you." She watched the dragon for a moment. "Are you hurt?"


hasnoteefs November 18 2010, 04:19:55 UTC
Aware the girl hadn't seen him, Toothless bobbed his head once. Were he in better spirits, it may have been a sarcastic gesture. As she slowly approached, he set his foot down and stilled it atop the prosthetic fin, dropping his gaze to it and then raising his head back to Angela, shaking his head. No, he wasn't hurt. Just misplaced.


dreamhunts November 18 2010, 03:41:07 UTC
[ Izaya was doing some errands in the shopping district. it hadn't been long since he'd awoken from his sleep coma and since then, Namie had disappeared so he'd be doing all the shopping on his own. he noticed that little dragon he had seen with Shizuo a few weeks ago anxiously treading the street. he called out from where he stood on the sidewalk. ]

Hey, it's you. Glad to see you're not tailing that guy anymore.

[ observant enough and you might be able to see the remnants of permanent marker fading on his face. someone had thought it would be fun to play a prank while he was out cold. ]


hasnoteefs November 18 2010, 03:49:53 UTC
[Toothless reeled when he heard the familiar voice. He may not have been fond of Izaya, but a familiar face was better than an unfamiliar face, especially when attempting to ask favors of a human. He skidded to a halt and backpedaled, keeping a small distance between himself and the information gatherer, extending his neck in a curious fashion and crooning. Hey, I lost my Viking, would you know where he might be?]

[Unfortunately for Toothless, he had no idea Izaya had been out for a while, and thus wouldn't know anymore than he did, even if he could understand the dragon's gurgling.]


dreamhunts November 18 2010, 03:55:56 UTC
[ he tilts his head. sorry, he is multilingual but not to dragon speak. ]

What are you up to? Looking for something?


hasnoteefs November 18 2010, 04:24:51 UTC
[Toothless bobs his head emphatically in response. Yes, yes he was looking for something. Someone, specifically-- even if you couldn't understand him, you were on the right track, Izaya. The dragon took a small step forward, crooning again.]


mafiahime November 18 2010, 03:50:56 UTC
[Glancing amongst the collection of fruits and vegetables, the young girl pointed out at the healthiest looking ones she should find.]

Shizuo-nii, here's a big bright apple!

[Though a large movement was caught in the corner of her eye, watching Toothless's form at first in surprise before bewilderment. Was that..? Tugging on the taller blond's sleeve, she pointed in the Dragon's direction.]

Hey, Shizuo-nii, what's that?


hatesviolence November 18 2010, 03:55:28 UTC
[he was about to make some comment of agreement when she tugged on his sleeve]


[and he looks over...]

...Oh. It's that dragon...[never. did. get. a name. he really should fix that.]


hasnoteefs November 18 2010, 04:26:13 UTC
[Toothless looked over first at the sound of the girl's voice, and then visibly perked when he saw Shizuo. Not wanting to spook the meek-looking and relatively small female, Toothless simply raised his head and sort of nodded in Shizuo's direction, chirping.]


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