Alec | Ten

Oct 05, 2010 14:07

Who: Alec n' ANYONE
Where: The Library in Somni
Style: Either
Status: OPEN

[Alec had gone to the library to brush up on his demonology. Of course, the only books he could find on the subject were big, dusty, and full of useless information that he either a) all ready knew or b) felt were completely bogus. And so, he had quickly grown agitated ( Read more... )

!location: library, !location: somni, draco malfoy, edward elric, sebastian michaelis, alec lightwood

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Comments 89

thebutler_epic October 5 2010, 20:53:22 UTC
Oh, dear. [Sebastian chuckled, glancing rudely over Alec's shoulder at the book he doesn't appear to be reading] Is it such a tedious read?


bottleblueyes October 6 2010, 02:50:34 UTC
[While Alec is not easy to sneak up on, it is easy to freak him out by merely invading his personal space. And so, when he turns and sees this stranger standing over him, he jumps a little and pushes away from the table and towards the wall, looking up at the man, scowling.]

Did you need something?


thebutler_epic October 6 2010, 10:30:22 UTC
I can help myself, thank you.

Is there something you required?


bottleblueyes October 10 2010, 17:10:28 UTC
No. I didn't ask you to come over here, mundane.

[He's giving you this look like you're crazy.]


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bottleblueyes October 6 2010, 02:54:56 UTC
[Alec had kind of been zoning out for some time now, so at the sound of the voice, he starts and looks up. He supposed he should have been used to meeting random strangers, but as he was not much of a social creature, he didn't think it was something he would ever get used to.]

Uh, no. It's just about demons. [He shrugs.]


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bottleblueyes October 10 2010, 17:12:11 UTC
[How to explain this to a mundane...]

Because I kill demons. That's why.

[He thinks this is the simplest, most straight-forward answer he can give to a mundane.]


[Action] chokowaffle October 6 2010, 01:16:58 UTC
[Belgium was looking for cooking books when she over heard the loud tapping. She poked her head out of the isle and saw the boy.]

Are you okay? You seem annoyed.


Re: [Action] bottleblueyes October 6 2010, 02:57:09 UTC
[At first, he didn't register that the voice was directed at him, but when he didn't hear a reply, he looked up, staring at an unfamiliar face. Unconsciously, his pencil tapping stops. He didn't realize he was doing this to begin with.]

Uh, no. I'm fine. Did you need something?


[Action] chokowaffle October 6 2010, 02:59:08 UTC
Uhm... No, sorry. I was just wondering if you needed any help or something. Forgive my intrusion.

[She looked back to the books for a moment. She didn't like being a pest so she was trying not to be. The encounter with Austria made her realize her actions may come off as a little annoying.]


[action] sorry if he seems off-putting, he's more awkward in social situations than anything else bottleblueyes October 6 2010, 03:07:04 UTC
[Damn it. He could hear Izzy scolding him now about working on his "people-skills". Even if the girl was a mundane - and to him everyone seemed like a mundane unless they weren't - he felt a little guilty about making her feel guilty. (Although if anyone were to ever ask this, he'd deny it to the grave.)]

Uh, don't apologize. I just didn't get why you were talking to me. [He tries to say this as politely as he can, although it still comes out a little more blunt than he initially wanted.]


mudbloodhater October 6 2010, 02:17:01 UTC
[Draco had gone to the library for the sole reason of finding more books to curb his boredom. And possibly a book or two - if possible - on enchanting things. That tapping, however? Incredibly annoying.

[So. From the next aisle:] Would you stop that? It's a bloody library!


bottleblueyes October 6 2010, 02:52:49 UTC
[He stops, but not because you asked. That voice sounds oddly familiar...]

[somewhat loud, at least loud enough that Draco would probably hear] That better not be who I think it is.


mudbloodhater October 6 2010, 02:55:36 UTC
[...well, if he had known it was Alec, it might not have said anything. As is, he just goes for his wand, rolling his eyes while Alec can't see it.]

I believe a library is free enough territory. Everyone needs to read, you know. Unless you've made it some...git-only territory.


/loves? bottleblueyes October 6 2010, 02:59:40 UTC
[What the hell is a git? He'll just be assuming the worst on that one, thanks. Not really helping him feel any better about speaking to you.]

[And this would be the pencil snapping, as just hearing that voice reminds him of... unpleasant things.]

Fuck off, Draco. Don't you have other people to go bother?


nothiskidthanks October 6 2010, 02:42:08 UTC
[ D headed to the library because... well, he didn't really have much else to do with his time. The dhampir was heading through the halls, before he stopped upon hearing the tapping of the pencil.

He had forsaken his usual hunter attire for trousers and a loose button up--but that didn't mean he left his cottage without his tattered, multi-colored travelers cape and wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun off of him. The hunter looked towards the tapping, seeing a young man tapping his pencil furiously. ]

[ he didn't move, just stood and stared over at him, wondering what he was reading. ]


bottleblueyes October 6 2010, 03:02:51 UTC
[Alec continued to unconsciously tap his pencil, although as he flipped a page, he thought he felt someone watching him. He hated that feeling, like something crawling over his skin. Even when Magnus stared at him for awhile, he started to feel fidgety.

[Sure enough, when he looked up from his book, there was another stranger staring over at him. Just blatantly staring. Alec realized he really hated it when mundanes stared at him.]

Can I help you?


nothiskidthanks October 7 2010, 02:58:20 UTC
[ D's expression didn't change as Alec turned to him. ]

...Just wondering what you are so intently studying to be making so much noise.


bottleblueyes October 10 2010, 17:19:47 UTC
[Noise? As he doesn't realize he's been tapping his pencil, he's not exactly sure what you're talking about here. So, he'll just ignore that last part of your sentence. And could you please stop looking at him like that? His fingers are tensing and relaxing against his pencil.]

Uh, it's about demons.


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