Alec | Ten

Oct 05, 2010 14:07

Who: Alec n' ANYONE
Where: The Library in Somni
Style: Either
Status: OPEN

[Alec had gone to the library to brush up on his demonology. Of course, the only books he could find on the subject were big, dusty, and full of useless information that he either a) all ready knew or b) felt were completely bogus. And so, he had quickly grown agitated ( Read more... )

!location: library, !location: somni, draco malfoy, edward elric, sebastian michaelis, alec lightwood

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[Action] chokowaffle October 6 2010, 01:16:58 UTC
[Belgium was looking for cooking books when she over heard the loud tapping. She poked her head out of the isle and saw the boy.]

Are you okay? You seem annoyed.


Re: [Action] bottleblueyes October 6 2010, 02:57:09 UTC
[At first, he didn't register that the voice was directed at him, but when he didn't hear a reply, he looked up, staring at an unfamiliar face. Unconsciously, his pencil tapping stops. He didn't realize he was doing this to begin with.]

Uh, no. I'm fine. Did you need something?


[Action] chokowaffle October 6 2010, 02:59:08 UTC
Uhm... No, sorry. I was just wondering if you needed any help or something. Forgive my intrusion.

[She looked back to the books for a moment. She didn't like being a pest so she was trying not to be. The encounter with Austria made her realize her actions may come off as a little annoying.]


[action] sorry if he seems off-putting, he's more awkward in social situations than anything else bottleblueyes October 6 2010, 03:07:04 UTC
[Damn it. He could hear Izzy scolding him now about working on his "people-skills". Even if the girl was a mundane - and to him everyone seemed like a mundane unless they weren't - he felt a little guilty about making her feel guilty. (Although if anyone were to ever ask this, he'd deny it to the grave.)]

Uh, don't apologize. I just didn't get why you were talking to me. [He tries to say this as politely as he can, although it still comes out a little more blunt than he initially wanted.]


[action] It's fine. She's just a little touchy after the log she had with Austria and the others chokowaffle October 6 2010, 03:09:44 UTC
It's fine. I guess to meet new people.


[action] no problem; i always feel like i have to apologize on his behalf bottleblueyes October 10 2010, 17:15:43 UTC

I guess that makes sense.

[One might gather from his awkward phrasing that he's not very good with people.]

My, uh, my sister's like that. I mean, she likes to meet new people. Well, Downworlders, not mundanes, but, uh, nevermind.

[He's not sure how to be nice to a mundane who seems shy. Or how to talk "nicely" to one for that matter.]


[action] i do it too lol chokowaffle October 10 2010, 23:42:32 UTC
Well, not everyone is that mundane. Some of us have odd quirks or things about us to keep things interesting. Then again, not everyone sees it that way.

[Totally not bothered by it at all]


[action] bottleblueyes October 12 2010, 01:56:54 UTC
[Well, she's not yelling at him, but she still took it the wrong way. Mundanes... they always do.]

No, I don't mean that you're mundane. I meant that you are A mundane. You're not a Shadowhunter or a Downworlder. You don't seem through glamours and stuff. We call you mundanes.'s not supposed to be an insult or anything.


[action] chokowaffle October 12 2010, 01:58:50 UTC
Oh, sorry. I guess each world is different from the next. What is a Shadowhunter, Downworlder, and glamour?

[She's naturally curious.]


[action] bottleblueyes October 12 2010, 02:14:09 UTC
[God, mundanes. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. You know, usually he'd just blow you off, but since he really hates the damn book he's reading and because he's really bad with girls, particularly shy ones, he kind of thinks maybe the best thing to do is just to answer your questions.]

Shadowhunters are people like me. We fight demons and take care of any incidents that happen Downworld. Mundanes can't see those sorts of things because we all wear glamours. They're like... well, things that make us look normal to you mundanes. Shadowhunters'll usually have a Mark on their skin that allows them to see glamours.

[He holds up the back of his right hand, wear a rune Mark has been etched.]

I'm sure you've heard stories of faeries and warlocks and vampires and werewolves, right? Shadowhunters call them Downworlders.

...uh, does that make sense? [He's not usually very good at explaining things.]


[action] chokowaffle October 12 2010, 02:24:16 UTC
[He might have thought that he didn't explain it well, but she understood what he said perfectly.]

Yeah, I get it... Look, if I'm bugging you, just say so. I can leave you alone.


[action] bottleblueyes October 12 2010, 02:32:30 UTC
[He was a little surprised at this.]

Uh, you're not "bugging" me... I just... well, my sister says I have lousy social skills.

[He wants to defend himself, but he knows it's very much the truth.]


[action] chokowaffle October 12 2010, 02:35:54 UTC
It just feels like I'm annoying you. Sorry.

[She just doesn't want to be a nuisance]


[action] bottleblueyes October 12 2010, 02:42:33 UTC
Um, are you really insecure or something? I just said I have lousy social skills. That doesn't mean you're annoying. It means I suck at talking to people.


[And, yeah, after a moment, he realizes what he's said and can't believe he owned up to that one.]


[action] chokowaffle October 12 2010, 02:52:32 UTC
No, not usually. I can't help it after I moved out. Apparently, I was a pest for someone I know and I just don't want to repeat the process.


[action] bottleblueyes October 13 2010, 02:48:43 UTC

You mean someone here?


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