Sep 07, 2010 22:30

Who: Franziska and YOU!
Where: A random cafe in the Government District
Style: First
Status: Open Open Open ( Read more... )

franziska von karma, lelouch vi britannia, naomi hunter, miles edgeworth, !location: somni, javert, nakago, danny fenton

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scientize September 8 2010, 16:07:14 UTC
[Franziska von Karma wasn't the woman he should have been concerned about.

With an expected stealth no doubt acquired from the Inspector's various tips and advice on the subject, Naomi Hunter slips silently into the empty seat across from Javert, her body language and expression strangely casual considering she is interrupting the man's meal without an invitation. With a practiced smile, the woman's small hands fold on the table surface between them, one leg crossing over the other. Yep, she isn't planning on moving from this spot for quite some time. Get comfortable, Inspector. You are now being forced to socialize with the doctor.

It's been less than twenty-four hours since she's last seen the man, but the charming look she gives him seems to tell otherwise. Is she actually happy to see him? Or is this part of the act? Well, one thing should be obvious: Naomi's thoroughly amused with the situation, like usual.]

Good afternoon, Inspector.

[Her dark eyes flicker down to the newspaper and the lunch set out in front of him. If he's ( ... )


chose_death September 11 2010, 16:36:00 UTC
[Javert arches a brow and slowly grimaces. He knows why so little has occurred to her in the past month: with the recent disaster, there was simply no time for her to make trouble for herself when she was too busy looking after the injured. He carefully chooses his words before responding.]

I will consider pulling his post if you last another few weeks. There are certainly other bakeries he may frequent instead.


scientize September 11 2010, 16:38:10 UTC
[Consider? She doubts it.] I'll keep on my best behavior for you, then.

[She leans back into her seat again, pushing her empty mug towards the edge of the table, a silent cue for the waitress to pick it up.] Well, you look finished so I think it's about time I took off. Wouldn't want to keep you any longer than necessary. There's far too many criminals lurking around that you need to handcuff.


chose_death September 11 2010, 16:41:03 UTC
[Javert gives a nearly imperceptible tilt of his head, his posture still straight, his arms still folded primly across his chest. The waitress returns to collect the polished-off dishes and drop off the check. The Inspector doesn't yet make a move for it.]

Off with you, then. [A typically curt farewell from Javert.] And don't forget to send for me if Laredo is out of line.


scientize September 11 2010, 16:42:21 UTC
[The woman stands steadily once the waitress disappears again, dropping off a bill big enough to cover her single cup of coffee and a small tip. Javert's the one who ate most of the sandwich. He can pay for that himself.]

You'll be the first to know. Stay out of trouble, Inspector. [And with a quick wave of her fingers, she turns and leaves immediately, not giving the man a second look.]


chose_death September 11 2010, 17:02:14 UTC
[Javert waits for her to clear the next corner before he reaches for the bill, scowling deeply at being left with a larger-than-average check. Ordering her that sandwich had been all in good fun, but paying for the damn thing afterward probably didn't make it the wisest decision. He digs in his pocket for the appropriate amount of points to fill the check, plus whatever meager tip he could spare (what a strange land, urging you to add extra to your bill just for the wait staff!).]

Next time, [he swears through his teeth,] the vixen will buy her own untouched meal.

[And he knows with absolute certainty and a hint of resignation that there will be a next time. Silly double-standards, forcing all manner of meals on him and having none of it for herself. He would see to it that this will change, in one way or another ( ... )


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