Sep 07, 2010 22:30

Who: Franziska and YOU!
Where: A random cafe in the Government District
Style: First
Status: Open Open Open ( Read more... )

franziska von karma, lelouch vi britannia, naomi hunter, miles edgeworth, !location: somni, javert, nakago, danny fenton

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scientize September 8 2010, 16:07:14 UTC
[Franziska von Karma wasn't the woman he should have been concerned about.

With an expected stealth no doubt acquired from the Inspector's various tips and advice on the subject, Naomi Hunter slips silently into the empty seat across from Javert, her body language and expression strangely casual considering she is interrupting the man's meal without an invitation. With a practiced smile, the woman's small hands fold on the table surface between them, one leg crossing over the other. Yep, she isn't planning on moving from this spot for quite some time. Get comfortable, Inspector. You are now being forced to socialize with the doctor.

It's been less than twenty-four hours since she's last seen the man, but the charming look she gives him seems to tell otherwise. Is she actually happy to see him? Or is this part of the act? Well, one thing should be obvious: Naomi's thoroughly amused with the situation, like usual.]

Good afternoon, Inspector.

[Her dark eyes flicker down to the newspaper and the lunch set out in front of him. If he's ( ... )


scientize September 11 2010, 16:04:15 UTC
[With all the assistance the woman has provided the force with lately, the police should just officially employ her and be done with it. At least that way she would be responsible for her own actions and Javert could stop feeling guilty about the incident with that reckless idiot Diva. There really was no one to blame but the female vampire herself for the destruction she had caused.

Naomi takes his kind appreciation with a small nod of her head before returning to her coffee.] Thank you.

[Her eyebow arches at the affectionate nickname Javert has given to Malik. Lovely. No wonder the assassins disliked him so much.] Yes, that's correct. The one who lost his arm. I've been doing most of his exams and check-ups in my lab, though we've also met at the hospital for further testing on his injury. I didn't follow him home, if that's what you're getting at. I don't have the slightest clue where he stays. He'll let me treat him, but he's made it very clear that he doesn't trust me.


chose_death September 11 2010, 16:05:47 UTC
[Javert has affectionate nicknames for the whole lot of them. The Invalid. The White-Shrouded Man. The Italian. Monsieur Prince. To the Inspector, they are a potentially volatile and very dangerous gang of crafty cutthroats. He knows their names good and well, but people don't always recognize others by names. Physical characteristics, when used smartly, can elicit better recollections than names alone. Javert casts a begrudgingly thoughtful gaze down at his near-empty cup of soup.]

Of course. The invalid is a rather sour fellow, suspicious disposition. That results in light treading. It fits. Hawk-watching it is, then!

[Suddenly, Javert glances up to Naomi's nearly untouched egg salad sandwich. He frowns, asking abruptly,]

Will you eat that?


scientize September 11 2010, 16:11:01 UTC
[Though Malik, Altair, and Ezio appear to be cut from the same cloth, Naomi would glare defensively and fiercely protest against Dastan being dragged along into that group. He is not an assassin, despite his close ties to the other men, and she fully doubts that he'd even be capable of such actions. Leading men into battle is completely different in her mind than deliberately seeking out a particular man to slaughter. That is why it's so easy for her to forget the actions of her family during the wars they were involved in for so long, but she can't ever bring herself to fully forgive Snake.

Despite the ease she's felt for most of this chat, the doctor's expression and tone turn slightly more serious, but only for a brief moment.] Just be careful.

[After her conversations with all three assassins, she is more concerned for Javert's well-being than ever. He may be one of the luckiest men she's ever met, but she also knows how much trouble he so carelessly makes for himself. Getting on the wrong side of one of these men could be his ( ... )


chose_death September 11 2010, 16:12:51 UTC
[Javert scoffs off Naomi's urge of caution.] Don't think I don't understand their villainy. Flashy acrobatics won't always win them the game.

[His imminent downfall likely or not, Inspector Javert is always one to tempt fate. Always. The more reckless the action, the higher the likelihood of him pulling through with it. It is as if he has close to zero regard for his own well-being.

--Which isn't exactly so far from the truth, after all. But besides, he does have an ace he can call upon at any time. He is not thoroughly alone in this battle this time.

Javert's frown deepens. He glances up to Naomi, then reaches over the table with one of his long, lanky arms and snatches the plate of egg salad sandwich. Congratulations, Naomi: you've been feeding him so much in the past few weeks that he could do with munching on an extra sandwich. He grunts,]

I will be a very obese police officer before you know it. Hand me Laredo's uniform while we are ahead.

[Commence the munching. Even if his penetrating stare picks up on her vague discomfort ( ... )


scientize September 11 2010, 16:14:31 UTC
[She'd feel much prouder of her great accomplishment at getting the man to eat larger portions if his final statement hadn't brought a questioning frown to her lovely face.] Is that the man who's been sitting in front of my home for the last few months?

[Given his size, he wasn't very difficult to miss.]


chose_death September 11 2010, 16:18:16 UTC
[Javert arches a brow and smirks a secret, mirthless smirk to the sandwich in front of him.]


[And one half of that sandwich is already gone.]


scientize September 11 2010, 16:19:17 UTC
[She rolls her dark eyes back playfully, beaming again. Naomi knows better than to get upset or annoyed with these kind of answers. After all, when has he ever been straightforward with her? This is expected Javert.]

It didn't take long to assume you were involved, but I wish you would have told me. Officer or not, a woman does not want to catch a man spying on her creepily from his car just before dark.


chose_death September 11 2010, 16:21:05 UTC
So you would prefer his womanly counterpart outside your window?

[Javert contemplates the remainder of that egg salad sandwich. To eat or not to eat?]

I instructed him to watch for the dark and terrible kinds. Strangers that don't belong. So long as he isn't gazing into your bedchamber he is within his assigned duties.


scientize September 11 2010, 16:23:01 UTC
[She regards him seriously.] And if he is peeking in where he shouldn't be..?


chose_death September 11 2010, 16:24:37 UTC
[Javert returns her serious gaze with a calm, indifferent stare, but there is a certain sharpness lingering under the surface. He bends forward and resists his chin in the palm of his hand.]

Answer me straight. Is he?


scientize September 11 2010, 16:25:46 UTC
[The seriousness in her gaze melts away quickly, her eyes twinkling in amusement.]

No, I don't think he'd even be able to leave his station if he needed to. I hope he isn't the best you have.


chose_death September 11 2010, 16:28:49 UTC
[Javert rolls his eyes and finally decides to push the remains of the sandwich away. Now he has his Perrier to contend with. He drinks.]

I don't assign my best to sit in a patrol car and devour pastries all day. With one eye on a home. But he is good enough for this task and little else.


scientize September 11 2010, 16:30:33 UTC
[Shifting in her seat, the woman's legs cross as Javert shoves the plate of unwanted sandwich away. Still grinning, she leans forward towards him, her posture very relaxed. It isn't much of a change, but her body language should reveal just how comfortable she is just sitting here chatting normally with the man.]

What prompted you to give him such a boring task? Are you really that concerned that I'll get too deep into trouble?


chose_death September 11 2010, 16:32:05 UTC
You are a magnet for it.

[Javert sets the water bottle down and folds his lanky arms across his chest.]

But don't flatter yourself so much. He was meant to send for me if our pretty arsonist came here for afternoon tea. Among other questionable figures. That was when I stationed him.


scientize September 11 2010, 16:34:00 UTC
I'm a magnet for trouble? [Her smile turns into the smallest of pouts.] How? Name one thing that's happened in the last month to me.

[And just keep trying to justify your decision as much as you want, Javert. Naomi already is flattered. Immensely so.]


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