Noel | REBEL 1

Jun 06, 2010 00:00

WHO: Noel Vermillion and people.
WHERE: Espoir because I'm uncreative.
STATUS: Open like fire.

There is a young girl wearing a blue poncho and beret walking around the streets. She's obviously new, as she's frantically looking around with eyes on the verge of tears. While the fact that she was lost in an unfamiliar place was distressing in ( Read more... )

tidus, noel vermillion, ace, !location: espoir, tim wayne

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Comments 30

blitzedge June 6 2010, 16:47:32 UTC
[Oh hey, he was just wandering around Espoir. Tidus noticed someone in need. His instincts tell him-

-he has to help them.]

Hey, there! Is something the matter?


bloomtrigger June 6 2010, 20:13:25 UTC

[Noel was surprised to hear someone call out to her, but she quickly recovers. Or at least tries to. It wouldn't do good for an officer like herself to freak out over being addressed by someone.]

Er, yes... I think I'm lost. If possible, I'd like to know where this is, and the shortest way towards Hierarchical City Kagatsuchi.

[Yeah. That sounded cool and formal. Noel gives herself a mental pat on the back.]


blitzedge June 6 2010, 21:26:22 UTC
Hierachicalwhchamacall it? [He crosses his arms and ponders.]

Never heard of it before.

[It probably wasn't a smart idea to say "Oh hey, you're lost but I'm lost too."]


bloomtrigger June 6 2010, 21:34:14 UTC
Oh... Really?

[Kagatsuchi was pretty famous for being a tower and a city. It's making her wonder...]

How... far away... am I...?

[She sniffles. No no no, she can't cry. Though she's successful in not doing so, she can't help but whimper a bit.]

Nooo... How can I get there before tomorrow morning now...?


knightofchanges June 6 2010, 20:18:09 UTC
[was just being lost wandering around as usual when he hears someone panicking. well as a knight, he couldn't just let that by right? ...well maybe since he's technically doesn't have to do that anymore, but he doesn't actually mind.

so here, have a cheerful knight come to your aid]

Is something the matter, miss?


bloomtrigger June 6 2010, 20:35:10 UTC
[Noel blinks, turns to the person calling out to her... and nearly faints at the sight of a bright red coat. OH GOD IT'S---Wait, no. Upon looking up to make eye contact with this person, she realized that this was not, in fact, Ragna the Bloodedge. She relaxes a bit, and is glad that she didn't panic and pull out her revolvers.]

O-Oh, I... suddenly found myself here, and I haven't seen this place before... so I'm kind of lost.

[It was embarrassing to admit, but she had to tell the truth if she wanted to make progress. Little did she know that this guy won't help her, even if he wanted to or not.]


knightofchanges June 6 2010, 22:15:22 UTC
Aaah, so you're a newcomer? I guess this place really does work like clockwork. [small chuckle before he gives her a friendly smile]

Well I can at least tell you where you are. You're in Somarium, a dream world so I've been told. Unfortunately you won't be able to leave here out of your own will, though.


bloomtrigger June 6 2010, 22:31:49 UTC
[This guy seemed nice enough. She was about to return the smile, but is caught by surprise at the second statement.]

W-Wait! A... dream world...? S-So I'm actually asleep? [Well, that kind of made sense. She was taking a nap in the ship's cargo hold.] It feels so real though...


assuming this takes place BEFORE his current canon update... gourmetburgers June 7 2010, 16:42:01 UTC
[Well, look at that. A pretty face, but a worried one. Undoubtedly, that didn't surprise Tim at all. That's a common feature of newcomers to Somarium. No, I meant the worried face. Sorry. But you know what? He's also called a superhero for a reason. It's time to pull this girl out of the abyss before she takes a dip too deep, if he can finally pull himself out as well.]

I'm afraid not much can be done, yet.

[Who's that costumed young man, arms crossed, leaning on the wall behind you as if he were going "COOL STORY, BRO?" And how did he get so close so quietly?]


Okay! bloomtrigger June 7 2010, 22:15:34 UTC

[Noel shrieks in surprise and quickly turns around. She didn't sense this guy's presence at all, and the fact he was suddenly THERE right behind her, well... It was a good thing her heart didn't give out or something. She'd very much like to ask why he was dressed like a superhero, since those kind of people were only on TV and all, but she knows that isn't the highest priority right now.

She tries her best to calm down, though her voice is still a bit shaky.]

U-U-Um... What do you mean by that?


gourmetburgers June 11 2010, 04:55:02 UTC
[For all you know, he is a superhero. Which is true.]

If you expect to leave, I'm sorry to say that an exit just hasn't been discovered yet.


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