Noel | REBEL 1

Jun 06, 2010 00:00

WHO: Noel Vermillion and people.
WHERE: Espoir because I'm uncreative.
STATUS: Open like fire.

There is a young girl wearing a blue poncho and beret walking around the streets. She's obviously new, as she's frantically looking around with eyes on the verge of tears. While the fact that she was lost in an unfamiliar place was distressing in ( Read more... )

tidus, noel vermillion, ace, !location: espoir, tim wayne

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knightofchanges June 6 2010, 20:18:09 UTC
[was just being lost wandering around as usual when he hears someone panicking. well as a knight, he couldn't just let that by right? ...well maybe since he's technically doesn't have to do that anymore, but he doesn't actually mind.

so here, have a cheerful knight come to your aid]

Is something the matter, miss?


bloomtrigger June 6 2010, 20:35:10 UTC
[Noel blinks, turns to the person calling out to her... and nearly faints at the sight of a bright red coat. OH GOD IT'S---Wait, no. Upon looking up to make eye contact with this person, she realized that this was not, in fact, Ragna the Bloodedge. She relaxes a bit, and is glad that she didn't panic and pull out her revolvers.]

O-Oh, I... suddenly found myself here, and I haven't seen this place before... so I'm kind of lost.

[It was embarrassing to admit, but she had to tell the truth if she wanted to make progress. Little did she know that this guy won't help her, even if he wanted to or not.]


knightofchanges June 6 2010, 22:15:22 UTC
Aaah, so you're a newcomer? I guess this place really does work like clockwork. [small chuckle before he gives her a friendly smile]

Well I can at least tell you where you are. You're in Somarium, a dream world so I've been told. Unfortunately you won't be able to leave here out of your own will, though.


bloomtrigger June 6 2010, 22:31:49 UTC
[This guy seemed nice enough. She was about to return the smile, but is caught by surprise at the second statement.]

W-Wait! A... dream world...? S-So I'm actually asleep? [Well, that kind of made sense. She was taking a nap in the ship's cargo hold.] It feels so real though...


knightofchanges June 7 2010, 03:20:35 UTC
I can't really say if we're asleep or not, but we might be!

No one knows how this place works, really, but it would be better to treat it like any other "real" world.


bloomtrigger June 7 2010, 05:16:50 UTC
B-B-But, if it's real... I'll be late and get demoted!

[Panicking Noel is panicking.]

There... really isn't any way I can get out of here by myself? Really...?


knightofchanges June 7 2010, 05:30:46 UTC
[amused chuckle] I don't think you have to worry about that. Time works differently here, apparently.

Not that any of us know of. However, some people manage to return randomly, so maybe you'll get lucky.


bloomtrigger June 7 2010, 05:47:40 UTC
O-Oh, I see... That's a relief.

[Well, that made sense if this place was a dream. Noel is quite gullible, so she's not really going to question it any further.]

Then again... I don't know what to do now... Th-This is all so sudden, after all. If it's alright, maybe you can, umm... p-offer some advice? Y-Y-You don't have to, though! I don't want to trouble you any further!

[She is quite uneasy with asking something like that. It wasn't everyday that someone was nice or remotely helpful to her.]


knightofchanges June 7 2010, 05:58:09 UTC
[this girl will never cease to amuse him apparently. getting all flustered over nothing.

but he'll help her out]

Haha, it's no problem at all! I guess I should introduce myself first.

I'm Ace. Is there anything in particular you want advice for?


bloomtrigger June 7 2010, 06:29:18 UTC
[He's so nice! Noel trusts him already. She smiles, quite grateful.]

Oh, thank you so much! I'm... Noel Vermillion. Pleased to meet you, Ace.

[Phew, for a moment there, she was going to include her rank and everything. She's glad she caught herself before she could saying something embarrassing.]

Well, for one thing... What's there to do? Do I just... act like I live here or something? I-I'm always working, so this a bit hard to adjust to...

[And being stuck in a dream world apparently isn't hard to adjust to. Derp.]


knightofchanges June 8 2010, 04:07:07 UTC
The pleasure's all mine, Miss Vermillion.

[muses over her question]

Hmm....well, there's nothing stopping you from working here. Things have changed a lot since I've been here, but it looks like you can work anywhere around here. I know some others have opened some businesses and get along well.

Otherwise, just living and pretending like it's an extended vacation works. [thumbs up :D]


bloomtrigger June 8 2010, 23:09:18 UTC
O-Oh, no... Just calling me 'Noel' is fine... I-I-If that's fine with you, that is! I won't force you to do anything!

[She does seem to be pleasantly surprised about these circumstances.]

Really? Wow... I can see why this is called a 'dream world'. Though I'm not sure I can find a job that'll suit me if I need to, since I all I really know how to do is fight and write po---I, um... I mean... reports.

[Geez, even she's noticing she's beginning to be a bit too relaxed here. She's blabbing to a complete stranger, and almost revealed one of her precious secrets. There's no way she's going to embarrass herself... not even in a so-called 'dream world'.]


knightofchanges June 9 2010, 02:39:43 UTC
Then Noel it is. [charming smile is unintentionally charming]

You know how to fight? [did notice the little slip at the end, though he won't say anything about it. ...for now] What for?


bloomtrigger June 9 2010, 03:05:40 UTC
Um, yes... I'm an officer of the Novus Orbis Librarium's Praetorian Guard. B-Basically, we carry out missions that require our skills, along with upholding the peace and helping civilians.

[And occasionally, some dirty work like massacres and assassinations, but luckily there weren't any need for those when Noel enlisted.]

I-I like to avoid fighting whenever possible, though...


knightofchanges June 9 2010, 03:22:31 UTC
An officer? [muses] Well we do have a law enforcement here. I don't know how much they actually do, but it could be a start.

Not a lot of fighting really happens around here. Well, not usually anyway.


bloomtrigger June 9 2010, 04:27:01 UTC
I-I see! It's good that there isn't much conflict here.

[Noel smiles, quite grateful for the information.]

I'll keep all that in mind though! Thank you so, so much! If there's any way I can repay you, please let me know.


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